

Europe's Search For Stability

One of the greatest of all revolutions was the 16th-century religious revolt known as the Reformation. This stormy, often brutal, conflict separated the Christians of Western Europe into Protestants and Catholics. So far-reaching were the results of the separation that the Reformation has been called a turning point in history. It ushered in the Modern Age because, once the people's religious unity was destroyed, they began to think in terms of their own regional interests. From the diversity of those interests arose new political, social, and economic problems and beliefs.

Background of the Revolt

At the start of the 16th century Western Europe had only one religion, Roman Catholicism. The Catholic church was rich and powerful and had preserved Europe's classical culture. However, despite General Councils called to impose reforms, disputes and lax practices had grown up within the church.

Churchmen criticized the administration of the church and began to doubt some of its teachings. For example, the church insisted that it alone had the authority to interpret the meaning of the Bible for the people. As early as the 14th century, however, John Wycliffe, an English priest and teacher at Oxford University, declared that people had the right to read the Bible and interpret it for themselves. Despite protests by the church, followers of Wycliffe translated the Bible from Latin into English in 1382 and carried copies throughout the countryside. Wycliffe's ideas spread into Bohemia, where Jan Hus widely preached them in powerful sermons. The work of Wycliffe and Hus greatly influenced a Saxon monk named Martin Luther.

Luther Sparks Revolt in Germany

Luther became the leader of the Reformation in Germany. For some years he had protested that some of the clergy were selling indulgences (temporal pardons of sins) without making clear that people must also be sincerely repentant for those sins. He especially attacked the monk Johann Tetzel for deceiving the people. In 1517 the angry Luther wrote a list of 95 theses against indulgences and nailed them to the door of the church in Wittenberg.

Luther developed new ideas opposed to the church. He rejected the authority of the pope and--like Wycliffe and Hus before him--set up the Bible as the sole source of Christian truth. He denied that priests had any power that laymen did not have. He declared that the vows taken by monks and nuns were not binding and that monasteries should be abolished. He rejected the celibacy of the clergy. Of the seven sacraments Luther kept only two--baptism and the Lord's Supper (Eucharist).

The Reformation Spreads

When Pope Leo X condemned Luther's teachings in a bull, or papal decree, Luther subsequently burned the document and a copy of the church's canon law. Charles V, the Holy Roman emperor, ordered him to recant in 1521. Luther declared he would not do so until he was "convinced by the testimony of the Scriptures."

Other scholars helped to spread the Reformation. Philipp Melanchthon, Luther's colleague at the University of Wittenberg, became the chief theologian of the Reformation in Germany. Johannes Reuchlin of Heidelberg enlarged the field of ideas by fostering the study of Hebrew and Greek. Knowledge of these ancient languages enabled people to read the Bible in its original forms. From Johannes Tauler of Strasbourg had come the mystic idea of "heart religion," which had led to Luther's doctrine of "justification by faith."

Reformers in other lands were also zealous. Erasmus of Rotterdam, the great Dutch forerunner of Luther, spurred the study of the early church through his printed editions of the Greek New Testament and writings of the church fathers. Lefevre d'Etaples of France and Huldrych Zwingli of Switzerland held views similar to Luther's. In England John Colet worked for reform within the church. John Calvin made Geneva the world center of the Presbyterian and Reformed churches

Other Reasons for the Reformation

The Reformation was partly an outgrowth of the Renaissance. The uneasy political situation in Europe also helped to extend the religious revolt because many local rulers wanted their independence from the emperor Charles V. Finally, many tradesmen and peasants were seeking more rights from rulers and landlords and resented the church because they believed that it favored their oppressors. Throughout Western Europe there was unrest.

Luther's challenge of old religious doctrines and traditions became a rallying point for these forces of discontent and provided a motive for breaking established ties. Widely different groups--from princes to peasants--hailed him as their own special leader. Gradually, however, they all saw that he was not working for any special group, and so by 1530 many of his followers had drifted away from him. By that time, however, the Reformation had spread beyond the control even of Luther.

Memorable Events in the Reformation

Although the Reformation swept through all Western Europe, the most dramatic events of this great religious revolt took place in Germany. It was in Wittenberg, Saxony, that Luther posted his list of propositions (95 theses) in 1517 and burned the papal bull in 1520. A year later he was condemned by the Diet of Worms. In 1525 German nobles, encouraged by Luther, put down the Peasants' Revolt.

Another great event in the Reformation occurred in 1529, when the word Protestant was first used formally. In Germany the Diet of Speyer decreed that changes of religion must stop and that the authority of the Catholic church be restored. The Lutheran minority in the Diet signed a protest against that decree, however. From this protest comes the modern term for the religious denominations of Protestantism

The fury and suffering of war added to the turmoil of the Reformation through the end of the Thirty Years' War in 1648. Time and again Charles V fought to uphold the Holy Roman Empire and the Catholic church against the claims of France and the German princes. But he needed their aid as he battled the Muslims who had advanced to the doors of Germany. Then he fought the Schmalkaldic War (1546-47). Although he defeated the Protestants, he could not turn back the movement of the Reformation.

Peace treaties, however, followed the religious wars. The most important of these was the Peace of Augsburg in 1555. By that treaty Charles V was at last forced to grant to the ruler of each German state the right to choose Catholicism or Lutheranism. The state's religion was still imposed by the ruler, but the treaty gave a temporary religious peace to Germany.

The Lutheran faith spread chiefly in northern Germany and in Scandinavia. The Swiss were influenced early by Huldrych Zwingli, but like the French and Dutch they drew their Protestantism from a movement led by John Calvin a generation later. From this grew the zealous work of John Knox, who brought Presbyterianism to Scotland. The English Reformation began in 1533 when Henry VIII broke with the pope, who had refused to annul Henry's marriage to Catherine of Aragon. The introduction of Protestant doctrine in the Church of England, however, did not take place until 1549, during the reign of Edward VI.

The Catholic Counter-Reformation

Catholic church authorities underestimated the extent of the Reformation at first, considering it just another dissension or schism. Soon, however, they saw the movement spreading from one country to another

The church took action. From 1545 to 1563 the Council of Trent issued decrees to correct abuses and to reaffirm ancient doctrines and traditions. The most vigorous program was set up by the Society of Jesus, commonly called the Jesuits. This order was started in 1534 by Ignatius of Loyola, a Spanish nobleman and soldier who had become a monk. The Jesuit order was sanctioned by the pope in 1540.

A succession of able popes during the latter half of the 16th century followed the policy set in the Counter-Reformation. Their conscientious administrations removed much of the incentive to revolt.

By the close of the 16th century the Roman Catholic church had regained the faith of the people in half of the lands it had lost to Protestantism. Europe was then divided between the two forms of Christianity along almost the same lines that exist today.

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