Schaff's Bible Dictionary

Schaff's Bible Dictionary, also known as the "Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge," is a comprehensive reference tool that offers a wealth of information on a wide range of biblical topics. The dictionary was first published in 1882 by Philip Schaff, a Swiss-born theologian and church historian who immigrated to the United States in 1844.

The Schaff's Bible Dictionary is an alphabetical listing of over 7,000 subjects and subtopics, along with the corresponding Bible verses that relate to each topic. The dictionary covers a wide range of subjects, including biblical characters, places, customs, and doctrines. It also includes information on biblical languages, such as Hebrew and Greek, and on the history of the Bible's translation and interpretation.

One of the unique features of Schaff's Bible Dictionary is its ecumenical approach, which means that it covers not only the Protestant perspective but also the Catholic, Orthodox and Jewish perspectives on the Bible. This makes it a valuable resource for scholars, pastors, and anyone interested in understanding the Bible from different perspectives.

Schaff's Bible Dictionary is available in print and online, and is a great resource for anyone who wants to study the Bible in a more in-depth way. It provides a comprehensive index to the Bible, making it an invaluable tool for Bible study and research. The dictionary is a great resource for pastors, teachers, and Bible study leaders, as well as for individuals who want to explore the Bible from different perspectives.

It's worth noting that Schaff's Bible Dictionary is a bit older than some other Bible dictionaries, but it is still widely used and regarded as a valuable resource for historical and theological information.

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