Babylonia, A history of ancient Babylon (Babylonia) including its cities, laws, kings and legacy to civilization.
The International History Project 2004
The Babylonian civilization, which endured from the 18th until the 6th century BC, was, like the Sumerian that preceded it, urban in character, although based on agriculture rather than industry. The country consisted of a dozen or so cities, surrounded by villages and hamlets. At the head of the political structure was the king, a more or less absolute monarch who exercised legislative and judicial as well as executive powers. Under him was a group of appointed governors and administrators. Mayors and councils of city elders were in charge of local administration.
Babylonia (Babylonian Bābili,"gate of God"; Old Persian Babirush),Was the ancient country of Mesopotamia, known originally as Sumer and later as Sumer and Akkad, lying between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, south of modern Baghdād, Iraq.
History of the Babylonians and the region of Babylonia (Babylon)
Chronology And History
An essential condition for adequate knowledge of an ancient people
is the possession of a continuous historical tradition in the form of oral
or written records. This, however, in spite of the mass of contemporaneous
documents of almost every sort, which the spade of the excavator has
unearthed and the skill of the scholar deciphered, is not available for
scientific study of Babylonian or Assyrian antiquity. From the far-off
morning of the beginnings of the two peoples to their fall, no historians
appeared to gather up the memorials of their past, to narrate and preserve
the annals of these empires, to hand down their achievements to later days.
Consequently, where contemporaneous records fail, huge gaps occur in the
course of historical development, to be bridged over only partially by the
combination of a few facts with more or less ingenious inferences or
conjectures. Sometimes what has been preserved from a particular age
reveals clearly enough the artistic or religious elements of its life, but
offers only vague hints of its political activity and progress. The true
perspective of the several periods is sometimes lost, as when really
critical epochs in the history of these peoples are dwarfed and distorted by
a lack of sources of knowledge, while others, less significant, but
plentifully stocked with a variety of available material, bulk large and
assume an altogether unwarranted prominence.
36. What the Babylonians and Assyrians failed to do in supplying a
continuous historical record was not accomplished for them by the later
historians of antiquity. Herodotus, in the first Book of his "Histories,"
devotes twenty-three chapters to Babylonian affairs (Bk. I. 178-200), and
refers to an Assyrian history in which he will write more at length of these
events (I. 184). But the latter, if written, has been utterly lost, and the
chapters just mentioned, while containing information of value, especially
that which he himself collected on the ground, or drew from an earlier
traveller, presumably Hecataeus of Miletus, give distorted and fantastic
legends where sober history might be expected. Ctesias of Cnidos, physician
at the court of Artaxerxes Mnemon (415-398 B.C.), who seems to have had
access to some useful Assyrian material from Persian sources, introduced his
Persian History with an account of Babylonio-Assyrian affairs, in which the
same semi-mythical tales were interspersed with dry lists of kings in so
hopeless a jumble of truth and falsehood as to reconcile us to the
disappointment of having only a few fragments of it.
37. It is, however, a cause of keen regret that the three books of
Babylonian or Chaldean History, by Berosus, have come down from the past
only in scanty excerpts of later historians. Berosus was a Babylonian
priest of the god Bel, and wrote his work for the Macedonian ruler of
Babylonia, Antiochus Soter, about 280 B.C. As the cuneiform writing was
still employed, he must have been able to use the original documents, and
could have supplied just the needed data for our knowledge. Still, the
passages preserved indicate that he had no proper conception of his task,
since he filled a large part of his book with mythical stories of creation
and incredible tales of primitive history, with its prediluvian dynasties of
hundreds of thousands of years. A postdiluvian dynasty of thirty-four
thousand ninety-one years prepares the way for five dynasties, reaching to
Nabonassar, king of Babylon (747 B.C.), from whose time the course of events
seems to have been told in greater detail down to the writer's own days.
Imperfect and crude as this work must have been, it was by far the most
trustworthy and important compendious account of Babylonio-Assyrian history
furnished by an ancient author, and for that reason would, even to-day, be
highly valued. A still more useful contribution to the chronological
framework of history was made by Ptolemy, a geographer and astronomer of the
time of the Roman Emperor, Antoninus Pius. Ptolemy's "Canon of Kings,"
compiled for astronomical purposes, starts with the same Nabonassar at whose
time Berosus begins to expand his history, and continues with the names and
regnal years of the Babylonian kings to the fall of Babylon. Since Ptolemy
proceeds with the list through the Persian, Macedonian, and Roman regnal
lines in continuous succession, and connects the era of Nabonassar with
those of Philip Arridaeus and Augustus, a synchronism with dates of the
Christian era is established, by which the reign of Nabonassar can be fixed
at 747-733 B.C. and the reigns of his successors similarly stated in terms
of our chronology. By this means, not only is a chronological basis of
special value laid for this later age of Babylonian history, but a starting-
point is given for working backward into the earlier periods, provided that
adequate data can be secured from other sources.
38. Happily for historical science, the original documents of Babylonia
and Assyria are unexpectedly rich in material available for this purpose.
As already stated (sect. 29), the Assyrians were remarkably gifted with the
historic sense, and not only do their royal annals and other similar
documents contain many and exact chronological statements, but there was in
vogue in the royal court a practical system which went far toward
compensating for the lack of an era according to which the dates of events
might be definitely fixed. From the royal officers one was appointed each
year to give his name to the year. He or his official status during that
period was called limu, and events or documents were dated by his name. The
king usually acted as limu for the first full year of his reign. He was
followed in succession by the Turtan, or commander-in-chief, the Grand
Vizier, the Chief Musician, the Chief Eunuch, and the governors of the
several provinces or cities. Lists of these limi were preserved in the
royal archives, forming a fixed standard of the greatest practical value for
the checking off of events or the dating of documents. While this system
was in use in Assyria as early as the fourteenth century, the lists which
have been discovered are of much later date and of varying length, the
longest extending from 893 B.C. to about 650 B.C. Sometimes to the mere
name of the limu was added a brief remark as to some event of his year.
Such a reference to an eclipse of the sun occurring in the limu of Pur-
Sagali in the reign of Ashurdan III., has been calculated to have taken
place on the fifteenth of June, 763 B.C., a fact which at once fixes the
dates for the whole list and enables its data to be compared with those
derived from the synchronisms of the canon of Ptolemy and other sources.
The result confirms the accuracy of the Assyrian document, and affords a
trustworthy chronological basis for fully three centuries of Assyrian
history. For the earlier period before 900 B.C. the ground is more
uncertain, but the genealogical and chronological statements of the royal
inscriptions, coupled with references to contemporaneous Babylonian kings
whose dates are calculable from native sources, supply a foundation which,
if lacking in some parts, is yet capable of supporting the structure of
historical development.
39. The Babylonians, while they possessed nothing like the well wrought
out limu system of Assyria, and dated events by the regnal years of their
kings, had in their kings' lists, compiled by the priests and preserved in
the temples, documents of much value for historical purposes. The "Great
List," which has been preserved, arranges the names in dynasties, and gives
the regnal years of each king. At the end of each dynasty, the number of
the kings and the sum of their regnal years are added. Though badly broken
in parts, this list extends over a millennium, and contains legible names of
at least seventy kings arranged in about nine dynasties. As the last
division contains names of rulers appearing in the Assyrian and Ptolemaic
canon, the starting-point is given for a chronological organization of the
Babylonian kings, which unfortunately can be only approximately achieved,
owing to the gaps in the list. The two other lists now available cover the
first two dynasties only of the great list. Not only do they differ in some
respects from one another, but they do not help in furnishing the missing
names in the great list. These can be tentatively supplied from
inscriptions of kings not mentioned on the lists, and presumably belonging
to periods in which the gaps occur. Using all the means at their disposal,
scholars have generally agreed in placing the beginning of the first dynasty
of Babylon somewhat later than 2500 B.C.
40. For the chronology of Babylonian history before that time, the
sources are exceedingly meagre, and all results, depending as they do upon
calculation and inference from uncertain data, must be regarded as
precarious. Numerous royal inscriptions exist, but connections between the
kings mentioned are not easy to establish, and paleographic evidence, which
must be invoked to determine the relative age of the documents, yields often
ambiguous responses. A fixed point, indeed, in this chaos seems to be
offered in a statement made by Nabuna'id, a king of the New Babylonian
Empire. In searching for the foundations of the sun temple at Sippar, he
came, to use his own words, upon "the foundation-stone of Naram Sin, which
no king before me had found for 3200 years." As the date of the discovery is
fixed at about 550 B.C., Naram Sin, king of Agade, whose name and
inscriptions are known, may be placed at about 3750 B.C., and his father,
Sargon, at about 3800 B.C. While much questioning has naturally been raised
concerning the accuracy and trustworthiness of this date thus obtained, no
valid reasons for discarding it have been presented. It affords a
convenient and useful point from which to reckon backward and forward in the
uncertain periods from the third to the fifth millennium B.C. By all these
aids, to which are added some genealogical statements in the inscriptions,
a series of dynasties has been worked out for this early age, and their
chronological relations to one another tentatively determined.
41. It is possible, therefore, with a reasonable degree of accuracy, to
determine chronologically not only the great turning points in Babylonio-Assyrian history, but even the majority of the dynasties and the reigns of
the several kings. Founded upon this, the historical structure may be
reared, and its various stages and their relations determined. A bird's-eye
view of these will facilitate further progress. First in order of time comes
the Rise and Development of the City-States of Old Babylonia to their
unification in the City-State of Babylon. In the dawn of history different
primitive centres of population in the lower Tigro-Euphrates valley
appeared, attained a vigorous and expanding life, came into contact one with
another, and successively secured a limited supremacy, only to give place to
others. The process was already in full course by 5000 B.C. By the middle
of the third millennium, the city of Babylon pushed forward under a new
dynasty; one of its kings succeeded in driving out the Elamites, who had
invaded and were occupying the southern and central districts; the victory
was followed by the city's supremacy, which was not only more widely
extended, but, by the wisdom of its kings, was more deeply rooted, and was
thus made permanent. With Babylonia united under Babylon, the first epoch
closed about 2000 B.C.
42. The second period covers the Early Conflicts of Babylonia and
Assyria. The peaceful course of united Babylonia was interrupted by the
entrance of the Kassites from the east, who succeeded in seating a dynasty
of Kassite kings upon the throne of Babylonia, and maintaining them there
for nearly six hundred years. But this foreign intrusion and dominance had
roused into independent life a Semitic community which had its centre at
Assur on the central Tigris, and in all probability was an offshoot from
Babylonia. This centre of active political life developed steadily toward
the north and west, but was dominated chiefly by its hostility toward
Babylonia under Kassite rule. Having become the kingdom of Assyria, it
warred with the southern kingdom, the advantage on the whole remaining with
the Assyrian until, toward the close of the epoch, a great ruler appeared in
the north, Tiglathpileser I., under whom Assyria advanced to the first place
in the Tigro-Euphrates valley; while Babylonia, its Kassite rulers yielding
to a native dynasty, fell into political insignificance. The forces that
controlled the age had run their course by 1000 B.C.
43. The third period is characterized by the Ascendancy of Assyria.
The promise of pre-eminence given in Tiglathpileser I. was not fulfilled for
two centuries, owing to the flooding of the upper Mesopotamian plain with
Aramean nomads from the Arabian steppes. At last, as the ninth century
began, Ashurnacirpal led the way in an onward movement of Assyria which
culminated in the extension of the kingdom over the entire region of western
Asia. Shalmaneser II,, Tiglathpileser III., and Sargon, great generals and
administrators, turned a kingdom into an empire. The first wore out the
resistance of the Syrian states, the second added Babylonia to the Assyrian Empire, and the third, as conqueror of the north, ruled from the Persian
gulf to the border of Egypt and the upper sea of Ararat. The rulers that
followed compelled Egypt to bow, and reduced Elam to subjection, but at the
expense of the vital powers of the state. New peoples appeared upon the
eastern border, revolt deprived the empire of its provinces, until, in less
than two decades after the death of the brilliant monarch Ashurbanipal,
Nineveh, Assyria's capital, was destroyed, and the empire disappeared
suddenly and forever. Four centuries were occupied with this splendid
history and its tragical catastrophe. The age closed with the passing of
the seventh century (600 B.C.).
44. Of the partners in the overthrow of Assyria, the rebellious
governor of the province of Babylonia received as his share of the spoil the
Tigro-Euphrates valley and the Mediterranean provinces. He founded here the
New Babylonian Empire. Its brief career of less than a century concluded
the history of these peoples. Under his son, the famous Nebuchadrezzar II.,
the empire was consolidated, its resources enlarged, its power displayed.
His feeble successors, however, were beset with manifold difficulties, chief
of which was the rising energy of the Medes and Persians who had shared in
the booty of Assyria. United under the genius of Cyrus, they pushed
westward and northward, until the hour came for advancing on Babylon. The
hollow shell of the empire was speedily crushed, and the Semitic peoples,
whose rulers had dominated this world of western Asia for more than four
millenniums, yielded the sceptre in 538 B.C. to Cyrus the Persian.
Dawn Of History
45. The earliest indications of human settlement in the Tigro-Euphrates
valley come from the lower alluvial plain (sect. 3) known as Babylonia. It
is not difficult to see how the physical features of this region were
adapted to make it a primitive seat of civilization. A burning sun, falling
upon fertile soil enriched and watered by mighty, inundating streams, -
these are conditions in which man finds ready to his hand everything needed
to sustain and stimulate his elemental wants. Superabounding fruitfulness
of nature, plant, animal, and man, contributes to his comfort and progress.
Coming with flocks and herds from the surrounding deserts, he finds ample
pasturage and inexhaustible water everywhere, an oasis inviting him to a
permanent abiding-place. He cannot but abandon his nomadic life for
settlement. The land, however, does not encourage inglorious ease. Wild
nature must be subdued and waste tracts occupied as populations increase.
The inundations are found to occur at regular intervals and to be of
definite duration. They may be regulated and their fruitful waters directed
upon barren soils, making them fertile. All suggests order and requires
organization on the part of those settled along the river banks. From the
same generous source are supplied mud and bitumen for the erection of
permanent dwellings. The energies of the inhabitants of such a country
would naturally be absorbed in developing its abundant resources. They
would be a peaceful folk, given to agriculture. Trade, also, is facilitated
by the rivers, natural highways through the land, and with trade comes
industry, both stimulated by the generous gifts of nature, among which the
palm-tree is easily supreme. Thus, at a time when regions less suggestive
and responsive to human activity lay unoccupied and barren, this favored
spot was inevitably the scene of organized progressive human activity
already engaged upon the practical problems of social and political life.
It furnishes for the history of mankind the most ancient authentic records
at present known.
46. The position of the Babylonian plain is likewise prophetic of its
history. It is an accessible land (sect. 11). Races and civilizations were
to meet and mingle there. It was to behold innumerable political changes
due to invasion and conquest. In turn, the union of peoples was to produce
a strong and abiding social amalgam, capable of absorbing aliens and
preserving their best. This civilization, because it lay thus open to all,
was to contribute widely to the world's progress. It made commercial
highways out of its rivers. The passes of the eastern and northern
mountains were doorways, not merely for invading tribes, but also for
peaceful armies of merchants marching to and from the ends of the world, and
finding their common centre in its cities.
47. At the period when history begins, all these processes of
development were already well advanced. Not only are the beginnings of
civilization in Babylonia quite hidden from our eyes, but the various stages
in the course of that first civilization, extending over thousands of years,
are equally unknown, except as they may be precariously inferred from that
which the beginnings of historical knowledge reveal. The earliest
inscriptions which have been unearthed disclose social and political life
already in full operation. Not only has mankind passed beyond the period of
savage and even pastoral existence, but agriculture is the chief occupation;
the irrigating canals have begun to distribute the river water to the
interior of the land; the population is gathered into settled communities;
cities are built; states are established, ruled over by kings; the arts of
life are developed; language has already been reduced to written form, and
is employed for literary purposes; religion is an essential element of life,
and has its priests and temples.
48. The seat of the most advanced and presumably the most ancient
historical life appears to have been the southernmost part of the Euphrates
valley. As the river reached the gulf, which then stretched more than a
hundred miles northwest of its present shore line, it spread out over the
surrounding country in a shallow sea. Upon the higher ground to the east
and west of the lowlands made marvellously fertile by this natural
irrigation, the earliest cities were planted. Farthest to the south,
presumably close to the gulf and west of the river mouth, was the ancient
Eridu (now Abu Shahrein or Nowawis), the seat of a temple for the worship of
Ea, the god of the waters. Here, no doubt, was told the story of Oannes,
the being that came up daily from the sea to converse with men, to teach
them letters, arts, and sciences, everything which could tend to soften
manners and humanize mankind, and at night returned to the deep, - a myth of
the sun, perhaps, associated with the recollection of the beginnings of
culture in this coast city which, without tradition of political importance,
was hallowed as a primitive centre of civilization and religion. Some ten
miles to the west lay Ur, "the city" (at present called Mugheir), now a few
miles west of the river in the desert, but once, like Eridu, a commercial
city on the gulf. Here was the temple of Sin, the moon god, the ruins of
which rise seventy feet above the plain. Across the river, thirty miles to
the northeast, stood Larsam (now Senkereh), the biblical Ellasar, where the
sun god Shamash had his temple. Twelve miles away to the northwest was
Uruk, the biblical Erech (now Warka), the seat of the worship of the goddess
Ishtar. Mar (now perhaps Tel Ede), a little known site, lay about the same
distance north. Thirty-five miles east of Mar, on the ancient canal now
known as Shatt-el-Hai, connecting the Tigris with the Euphrates, was
Shirpurla, or Lagash (now Tello), looking out across the eastern plain, the
frontier city of the early period, although fifty miles from the Tigris.
These six cities, lying at the four corners of an irregular square, form the
southernmost body of primitive communities already flourishing at the dawn
of history.
49. Situated almost exactly in the centre of the ancient plain between
the rivers, about fifty miles north of Uruk, was the already famous city of
Nippur (now Niffer). Here the patron deity was En-lil, "chief spirit,"
called also Bel, the "lord," god of the terrestrial world. A long period of
prehistoric political prominence must be assumed to explain the religious
prestige of this city and of its god. Religion is its sole distinction at
the time when records begin. But how great must have been that prominence
to have secured for the city a claim to stand with Eridu as one of the two
earliest centres of religion! En-lil was a father of gods, and his fame
made Nippur the shrine where many kings were proud to offer their gifts.
50. North Babylonia had also its group of primitive cities, chief among
which was Kutha (now Tel Ibrahim), the biblical Cuthah, more than fifty
miles northwest of Nippur in the centre of the upper plain. Its god,
Nergal, was lord of the world of the dead. Still further north, not far
from the eastern bank of the Euphrates, was Sippar (now Abu Habba), where
the sun god, Shamash, had his temple, and in its vicinity, probably, was
Agade, once the famous capital of the land of Akkad. More uncertain are the
sites of those northern cities which played an important part in the
political activity of the earlier days, but soon disappeared, Kulunu (the
biblical Calneh), Gishban (?), and Kish. It is a question whether Babylon
and its sister city Borsippa should be included in this enumeration. If
they were in existence, they were insignificant communities at this time,
and their gods, Marduk and Nabu, do not stand high in the ranks of the
earliest deities. The greatness of the two cities was to come, and to
compensate by its splendor for the lateness of their beginnings.
51. Who were the people by whose energy this region was transformed
into so fair and flourishing a land, at a time when elsewhere, with hardly
an exception, the upward course of humanity did not yet reveal any trace of
orderly and civilized conditions? What are their antecedents, and whence
did they come to occupy the alluvial plain? These questions cannot be
satisfactorily answered, because our knowledge of the facts involved is
insufficient and the conclusions drawn from them are contradictory.
Reference has already been made (sect. 26) to the linguistic phenomena of
the early Babylonian inscriptions, and the opposite inferences drawn from
them. The historical facts bearing on the question render a clearer answer,
if also a more limited one. Whatever may be the conjectures based upon them
as to prehistoric conditions and movements, these facts at the beginning of
history testify that the civilization was that of a Semitic people.
Inscriptions of an undoubtedly Semitic character are there, and the social,
political, and religious phenomena presented by them have nothing that
clearly demonstrates a non-Semitic character. Nor do any inscriptions,
myths, or traditions testify, indubitably, either to a pre-Semitic
population, or to the superimposing upon it of the Semitic stock. To the
historian, therefore, the problem resolves itself into this: how and when
did the Semitic people begin to occupy this Babylonian plain? As the
consensus of judgment to-day seems to favor Central Arabia as the primitive
home of the Semites, their advent into Babylonia must have been made from
the west, by moving either upward, from the western side of the Persian
gulf, or downward, along the Euphrates, - a drift from the desert as steady
and continuous as the sand that creeps over the Babylonian border from the
same source. When this movement began can only be conjectured from the
length of time presumably required to develop the civilization which existed
as early as 5000 B.C., back to which date the earliest materials must
certainly be carried. The processes already indicated as having preceded
this time (sects. 45, 47), suggest to what distant ages the incoming of the
first settlers must be assigned.
52. The Babylonian primitive civilization did not stand alone or
isolated in this dawn of history. It lay in the midst of a larger world,
with some regions of which it had already entered into relations. To the
northwest, along the Euphrates, nomadic tribes still wandered, although
there are indications that, on the upper river, in the vicinity of the old
city of Haran, a Semitic culture was already appearing. The Bedouin of the
western desert hung on the frontier as a constant menace, or wandered into
the cultivated land to swell the Semitic population. To the north, along
the eastern banks of the upper Tigris, and on the flanks of the mountains
were centres of primitive organization, as among the Guti and the Lulubi,
whose kings, some centuries later, left Semitic inscriptions. But
particularly active and aggressive were the people of the highlands east of
Babylonia known by the collective name of Elam. The country sloped gently
down to the Tigris, and was watered by streams descending from the hills.
The people were hardy and warlike. They had already developed or acquired
from their neighbors across the river the elements of organization and
civilization. Through their borders ran the trade-routes from the east.
Among the earliest memorials of history are evidences of their active
interference in Babylonian affairs, in which they were to play so important
a part in the future. Commerce was to bring more distant places into the
circle of Babylonian life. On the borders, to the south, were the ports of
southern Arabia; far to the west, the peoples of the Mediterranean coast-
lands were preparing to receive the visits of traders from the Euphrates;
while at the end of the then known world was the rich and progressive nation
in the valley of the Nile, already, perhaps, indebted to the dwellers in
Babylonia for impulses toward civilization, which they were themselves to
carry to so high a point in the ages to come.
Movements Toward Expansion And Unification
53. The cities whose existence at the dawn of history has already been
noted, were, from the first, full of vigorous activity. The impulses which
led to the organization of social life sought further development. Cities
enlarged, came into touch with their neighbors, and sought to dominate them.
The varying success of these movements, the rise, splendor, and decay of the
several communities, their struggles with one another, and the ever-renewed
activity which carried them beyond the confines of Babylonia itself, make up
the first chapter in the story. It is impossible to give a connected and
detailed account of the period, owing to the scantiness of the materials and
the difficulty of them chronologically. The excavations of the last quarter
of a century have only begun to suggest the wealth of inscriptions and
archaeological matter which will be at the disposal of the future student.
Much new light has been gained which makes it possible to take general
views, to trace tendencies, and to prepare tentative outlines which
discoveries and investigations still to come will fill up and modify.
54. Some general titles borne by rulers of the period afford a striking
evidence of the character of this early development. Three of these are
worthy of special mention, namely, "King of Shumer and Akkad," "King of the
Totality (world)," "King of the Four (world-) Regions." It is evident that
two of these titles, and possibly all, refer to districts and not to cities,
although great uncertainty exists as to their exact geographical position.
The second and third would suggest universal empire, though they might be
localized upon particular regions. The "Kingdom of the Totality" is thought
by Winckler and other scholars to have its centre in northern Mesopotamia
about the city of Haran. "Shumer and Akkad" are regarded as including the
northern and southern parts of Babylonia. The "Four Regions," synonymous
with the four points of the compass, would include the known world from the
eastern mountains and the Persian gulf to the Mediterranean. Whatever may
be learned in the future respecting the exact content of these titles, they
illustrate the impulses and tendencies which were already potent in these
primitive communities.
55. This period of expansion and unification occupies more than two
millenniums (about 4500-2250 B.C.). Three stages may be distinguished in
what may truly be called this wilderness of years. (1) The first is marked
by the struggles of cities within Babylonia for local supremacy. The chief
rivalry lay between those of the north and those of the south. (2) With the
career of Sargon I. (3800 B.C.), a new era opened, characterized by the
extension of authority beyond the borders of Babylonia as far as the
Mediterranean and the northern mountains, while yet local supremacy shifted
from city to city. (3) The third epoch, which is, at the same time, the
termination of the period and the opening of a new age, saw the final
consolidation of Babylonian authority at home and abroad in the city-king of
Babylon, which henceforth gave its name to land and government and
civilization. In each of these ages, some names of rulers stand out as
fixed points in the vast void, gaps of unknown extent appear, and historic
relations between individual actors upon the wide stage are painfully
uncertain. Some account in the barest outline may be given of these kings,
in some cases hardly more than shadows, whom the progress of investigation
will in time clothe with flesh and blood, and assign the place and
significance due to their achievements.
56. The struggle has already begun when the first known king,
Enshagsagana (about 4500 B.C.) of Kengi, probably southwestern Babylonia,
speaks of offering to the god of Nippur the spoil of Kish, "wicked of
heart." Somewhat later the representative of the south in the wars with the
northern cities, Kish and Gishban, was Shirpurla (sect. 48). Mesilim of
Kish (about 4400 B.C.) made Shirpurla a vassal kingdom. It recovered under
the dynasty of Ur Nina (about 4200 B.C.), who called himself king, while his
successors were satisfied with the title of patesi, or viceroy. Two of
these successors of Ur Nina, Eannatum (Edingiranagin) and Entemena, have
left inscriptions of some length, describing their victories over cities of
the north and south. Gishban, rivalling Kish in its hostility to the south,
found a vigorous antagonist in Eannatum, whose famous "Vulture Stele"
contains the terms imposed by him upon the patesi of that city.
Not long after, a king of Gishban, Lugalzaggisi (about 4000 B.C.),
proclaimed himself "king of Uruk, king of the Totality," brought also Ur and
Larsam under his sway, and offered his spoil at the sacred shrine of Nippur.
He was practically lord of Babylonia. His inscription, moreover, goes on to
declare that "from the lower sea of the Tigris and Euphrates to the upper
sea (his god) made straight his path; from the rising of the sun to the
setting of the same he gave him tribute." His authority extended from the
Persian gulf to the Mediterranean. A later king of Kish, Alusharshid (about
3850 B.C.), wrote upon marble vases which he offered at Nippur, his boast of
having subjugated Elam and Bara'se, the elevated plains to the east and
northeast of Babylonia.
57. It is tempting to generalize upon these six centuries and more of
history. The most obvious fact has already been mentioned, namely, that the
movement toward expansion, incorporation, and unification is in full course.
But more definite conclusions may be reached. There are those who see, in
the arraying of north against south, the inevitable reaction of a ruder
civilization against an older and higher one. The earlier culture of the
south, and its more fully developed organization had pressed upon the
northern communities and attempted to absorb them in the process of giving
them civilization. But gradual decay sapped the strength of the southern
states, and the hardier peoples of the north, having learned the arts of
their conquerors, thirsted for their riches, and at last succeeded in
overthrowing them. A more definite view is that which beholds in the
aggressions of north upon south the steady advance of the Semitic people
upon the Sumerians (sect. 26), and the process of fastening the yoke of
Semitic political supremacy upon Babylonia, with the accompanying absorption
of Sumerian culture by the conquerors. Another conclusion (that of Radau,
Early Babylonian History) finds the Semites coming in from the south at the
very beginning of the period and pushing northward beyond the confines of
Babylonia. Then the Semites of the south, having become corrupted by the
higher civilization of the Sumerians, were objects of attack on the part of
the more virile Semites of the north who, turning back upon their former
track, came down and occupied the seats of their brethren and renewed the
purer Semitic element. There may be some truth in all these
generalizations, but the positions are so opposed, and their foundations are
as yet so precarious, that assent to their definite details must, for the
present, be withheld from all of them.
58. Shargani-shar-ali, or, as he is more commonly called, Sargon I.,
king of the city of Agade (sect. 50), introduces the second stage in early
Babylonian history. His son, Naram Sin, is said by Nabuna'id, the last king
of the New Babylonian Empire, to have reigned three thousand two hundred
years before his own time, that is, about 3750 B.C. Sargon lived,
therefore, about 3800 B.C., the first date fixed, with reasonable certainty,
in Babylonian history, and a point of departure for earlier and later
chronology (sect. 40). The inscriptions coming directly from Sargon himself
and his son are few and historically unimportant. Some, found at Nippur,
indicate that both were patrons of the temple and worshippers of its god.
A tablet of omens, written many centuries after their time, ascribes to them
a wide range of activity and splendid achievement. While such a document
may contain a legendary element, the truth of its testimony in general is
substantiated by similar statements recorded in contract tablets of the
Sargonic age. The very existence of such legends testifies to the
impression made by these kings on succeeding generations. An interesting
example of this type of document is the autobiographical fragment which
Sargon, the powerful king, King of Agade, am I.
My mother was of low degree, my father I did not know.
The brother of my father dwelt in the mountain.
My city was Azupirani, situate on the bank of the Euphrates.
(My) humble mother conceived me; in secret she brought me forth.
She placed me in a basket-boat of rushes; with pitch she closed my
She gave me over to the river, which did not (rise) over me.
The river bore me along; to Akki, the irrigator, it carried me.
Akki, the irrigator, in the . . . brought me to land.
Akki, the irrigator, reared me as his own son.
Akki, the irrigator, appointed me his gardener.
While I was gardener, Ishtar looked on me with love [and]
. . . four years I ruled the kingdom.
(Assyrian and Babylonian Literature, p. 1.)
59. Sargon was a great conqueror. Within Babylonia, he was lord of
Nippur, Shirpurla, Kish, Babylon, and Uruk. Beyond its borders, he and his
son carried their arms westward to the Mediterranean, northward into
Armenia, eastward into Elam and among the northeastern peoples, and
southward into Arabia and the islands of the Persian gulf. To illustrate
the character of these wars, reference may be made to the omen tablet,
which, under the seventh omen, records a three years' campaign on the
Mediterranean coast, during which Sargon organized his conquests, erected
his images, and carried back the spoil to his own land. Possessed of so
wide authority, Naram Sin assumed the proud title, for the first time
employed by a Babylonian ruler, "King of the Four (world-) Regions."
60. The achievements of these kings were both a culmination of the
activities of the earlier city-kings, and a model for those who followed.
The former had from time to time gathered parts of the larger world under
their own sway, as Lugalzaggisi the west, and Alusharshid the east. But the
incorporation of the whole into a single empire was the work of the
Sargonids, and no dynasty followed which did not strive after this ideal.
The immediate descendants of Naram Sin, however, have left no monuments to
indicate that they maintained their fathers' glory, and the dynasty of Agade
disappeared in a darkness which stretches over nearly half a millennium.
The scene shifts once more to Shirpurla. Here the patesi Ur Bau (about 3500
B.C.) ruled peacefully, and was followed by other princes, whose chief
distinction in their own eyes was the building of temples and the service of
the gods. Foremost among these in the number of inscriptions and works of
art which commemorate his career, was Gudea (about 3100 B.C.). The only
warlike deed recorded by him was his conquest of Anshan in Elam, but the
wide range of countries laid under contribution for materials to build his
temples and palaces has led to the conviction that he must have been an
independent and vigorous ruler. The absence of any royal titles in his
inscriptions, however, coupled with the slight reference to military
expeditions, suggests, rather, that his building operations were made
possible because his state formed part of the domains of a broad empire,
like that which Sargon founded and his successors ruled.
61. Peace, however, in an oriental state is the sign of weakness, and
the extensive works of Gudea may have exhausted the resources of Shirpurla
so that, after a few generations, its patesis acknowledged the sway of the
kings of Ur, who came forward to make a new contribution to the unification
of Babylonia. Ur Gur of Ur and his son Dungi (about 3000 B.C.) were, like
their predecessors of Shirpurla, chiefly proud of their temples, if the
testimony of the great mass of the inscriptions from them may be accepted.
But they are distinguished from Gudea in that they built their temples in
all parts of the land of Babylonia, from Kutha in the north to Shirpurla,
Nippur, Uruk, and Ur in the south. The title which they assumed, that of
"King of Shumer and Akkad," now first employed by Babylonian kings,
indicates that the end which they had attained was the union of all
Babylonia, north and south, under one sceptre. The building of the various
temples in the cities was the evidence both of their interest in the welfare
of the whole land and of their authority over it. They realized the ideal
which ruled all succeeding dynasties, namely, a united Babylonia, although
it is probable that their authority over the different districts was often
very slight. Patesis still maintained themselves in Shirpurla and,
doubtless, elsewhere, although they acknowledged the supremacy of the king
of Ur. It is not without reason, therefore, that two dynasties ruling in
other cities are assigned to the period immediately following that of the
dynasty of Ur. These are a dynasty of Uruk, consisting of kings Singashid
and Singamil the former of whom calls himself also king of Amnanu, and a
dynasty of Isin, a city of southern Babylonia, whose site is as yet unknown.
The latter group of kings claimed authority also over Nippur, Ur, Eridu, and
Uruk, and called themselves "Kings of Shumer and Akkad." As such, they would
be successors of the kings of Ur, in control of united Babylonia.
62. Ur came forward again after some generations and dominated the land
under a dynasty whose founder was Gungunu; its members were Ine Sin, Bur Sin
II., Gimil Sin, some others less known, and, probably, a second Dungi (about
2800-2500 B.C.). The various forms of titles attached to some of the kings
of Ur have led some scholars to group them in several dynasties, but the
evidence is not at present sufficient. The kings above mentioned,
considered together, are no longer called kings of Shumer and Akkad, but
bear the prouder title of "King of the Four Regions." Our knowledge of their
activities fully justifies them in assuming it. Numerous contract tablets,
dated from events in their reigns, testify to campaigns in Syria, Arabia,
and Elam. The most vigorous of these rulers was Dungi II., who reigned more
than fifty years. He built temples in various cities, made at least nine
expeditions into the west, and seems to have placed members of his own
family as governors in the conquered cities, if one may trust the
interpretation of inscriptions to the effect that his daughters were
appointed rulers in Syria and Anshan. He was worshipped as a god after his
death, and his successors named the eighth month of the year in his honor.
This dynasty may, not unreasonably, be regarded as one of the most notable
thus far ruling in Babylonia, uniting, as it did, authority over the
homeland with vigorous movement into the surrounding regions, and control
over the east and the west.
63. A period of some confusion followed the passing of this sovereignty
of Ur (about 2400-2200 B.C.). A dynasty of the city of Babylon, the first
recorded by the priests in the dynastic tablets, was founded by Sumu-abu
(about 2400 B.C.) and contested the worldwide supremacy of Ur. Larsam was
the seat of another kingdom, the first king of which was Nur Adad, who was
succeeded by his son Siniddinam. The latter called himself "king of Shumer
and Akkad," as though he would again bring about that unity which had
disappeared with the downfall of Ur. But other movements were preparing
which, apparently threatening the overthrow of Babylonian civilization and
governments as a whole, were to bring about an ultimate and permanent
establishment of Babylonian unity. The Elamites upon the eastern highlands,
between whom and the communities of eastern Babylonia war had been frequent,
and who had been more than once partially conquered, reacted under the
pressure and entered the land, bent upon conquest. The souther cities
suffered the most severely from this inroad, as they lay nearest the line of
advance of the invading peoples. At first the Elamites raided the cities
and carried off their booty to their own land, but later were able to
establish themselves in Babylonian territory. How early these incursions
began is quite uncertain. In the fragments of Berosus, a "Median" dynasty
of eight kings is mentioned the approximate date of which is from 2450 B.C.
to 2250 B.C. This statement may vaguely suggest the presence of Elamites in
Babylonia during two centuries, and the culmination of their inroads in the
possession of supreme authority over at least part of the land. That new
dynasties appeared in Babylon and Larsam, succeeding to that of Ur about
2400 B.C., may have some connection with these inroads, and inscriptional
evidence makes it certain that Elamite supremacy was felt in Babylonia by
2300 B.C. Native dynasties disappeared before the onslaught. One of these
invading bodies was led by King Kudurnankhundi, whose exploits are referred
to by the Assyrian king of the seventh century, Ashurbanipal. The Elamite
had carried away a statue of the goddess Nana from Uruk 1635 years before,
that is, about 2290 B.C. Ashurbanipal restored it to its temple. The
region in which Uruk and Larsam were situated seems to have borne the brunt
of the assault. The former city was devastated and its temples sacked. The
latter became a centre of Elamite power. A prince whose Semitic name is
read Rim Sin, the son of a certain Kudurmabuk, ruler of Iamutbal, a district
of west Elam, set up his kingdom at Larsam, apparently on the overthrow of
Siniddinam, and for at least a quarter of a century (about 2275 B.C.) made
himself a power in southern Babylonia. He claimed authority over Ur, Eridu,
Nippur, Shirpurla, and Uruk, conquered Isin, and called himself "king of
Shumer and Akkad." Evidently the Elamite element was well on the way toward
absorption into Babylonian life.
64. What the Elamites really brought to pass in Babylonia was a general levelling of the various southern city-states which had contested the supremacy with one another. Their rulers overthrown, their people enslaved, their possessions carried away, rude foreigners dominating them, they were no longer in a position to maintain the ancient rivalry with one another, or to contest the supremacy with the cities of the north. When the foreigners had weakened themselves by amalgamation with the conquered and by accepting their religion and culture, the way was opened for a purely Babylonian power, hitherto but slightly affected by these invasions, to drive out the enemy, and bring the whole land under one authority which might hope for permanence. This power was the city-state of Babylon.
65. It is tempting to seek further light on this Elamite period from two other sources. The first of these is the native religious literature. In the so-called omen tablets and the hymns, are not infrequent references to troubles from the Elamites. A hymn, associated with Uruk (RP, 2 ser. I. pp. 84 ff.), lamenting a misfortune which has fallen upon the city, is, by some scholars, connected with the expedition of Kudurnankhundi (sect. 63). In one of the episodes of the Gilgamesh epic (sect. 28), the deliverance of Uruk from a foreign enemy, Khumbaba, forms the background of the scene. It
may embody a tradition of this period, and preserve the name of another
Elamite invader. But the allusions are all too indefinite to serve any
historical purpose other than as illustrations of the reality and severity
of invasions from Elam. The Hebrew religious literature has also furnished
material which is thought to bear on this epoch. In Genesis xiv. it is
said, "It came to pass in the days of Amraphel king of Shinar, Arioch king
of Ellasar, Chedorlaomer king of Elam, and Tidal king of Goiim; that they
made war with Bera king of Sodom, and with Birsha king of Gomorrah, Shinab
king of Admah, and Shemeber king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela. . . .
Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year they
rebelled. And in the fourteenth year came Chedorlaomer, and the kings that
were with him." In the situation here depicted, and the names of the kings
and localities mentioned, have been found grounds for assigning the episode
to the Elamite period of Babylonian history. Arioch of Ellasar would be Rim
Sin (in another reading of his name, Eri-Aku) of Larsam; Amraphel of Shinar
is identified with Khammurabi of Babylon; Tidal of Goiim, with Thargal of
Gutium; while Chedorlaomer is a good Elamite name in the form Kudurlagamar.
On this hypothesis, the latter would be the overlord of the Babylonian kings
and the heir to the Babylonian authority over Syria and Palestine which had
been maintained by Sargon and others of the earlier time. All this is not
improbable, and adds interest to our study of this dark period, but it is
not sufficiently substantiated, either by the connection in which it stands,
or by the evidence of contemporaneous Babylonian material, to warrant the
acceptance of it as actual historical fact. It is true that names similar
to these have also been found in Babylonian tablets of various periods, but
the reading of the texts is not so certain, or their relation to this epoch so clear, as to offer any substantial support to the narrative.
Civilization Of Old Babylonia: Political And Social Life
66. While the materials for sketching the historical development of the early Babylonian communities are often quite inadequate, fragmentary, and difficult to organize, those which illustrate the life of the people are not only more numerous, but they also afford a more complete picture. To present a history of the civilization in its progress is, indeed, equally impossible, but, as a compensation, it may be remembered that oriental life in antiquity passed through few changes. Kings and empires might flourish and disappear, but manners, customs, and occupations continued from century to century much as they had been in the beginning. Therefore it is possible to gather up in a single view the various aspects of the civilization of this people which, in its political career of more than two thousand years, was subject to the vicissitudes which the preceding chapters have described.
67. The earliest occupations of the inhabitants were agricultural. Great flocks of sheep and herds of cattle and goats, enumerated in the lists of temple property, indicate that pastoral activities were not neglected. Herdsmen and shepherds formed a numerous class, recruited from the Bedouin
constantly floating in from the desert. The chief grazing-grounds were to
the west of the Euphrates. Here were gathered together herds belonging to
different owners under the care of independent herdsmen who were paid to
watch and protect their charges. But the raising of grain and fruits was by
far more common, as might be expected from the nature of the country. The
yield from the fertile soil was often two hundred-fold, sometimes more. All
Babylonian life was affected by this predominating activity. The need of
irrigation of the fields fostered an immense development of the canal
system. At first, the lands nearest the rivers were watered by the
primitive devices even now employed on their banks. It was a genial thought
of King Urukagina to construct a canal, and wisely did he name it after the
goddess Nina (Records of the Past, 2 ser. I. p. 72), for the work was worthy
of divine approval. Soon the canal became the characteristic feature of the
Babylonian landscape and the chief condition of agricultural prosperity.
Land was named according to that which it produced, and some scholars hold
that it was measured according to the amount of seed which could be sown
upon it. At least three of the months had names connected with agriculture.
The fruits of the fields were the chief gifts to the temples, and the king
exacted his taxes in grain which was stored in royal granaries. It seems
that the agricultural year began in September (the month tashritu,
"beginning"). Then the farmer, usually a tenant of a rich noble, made his
contract. The rent was ordinarily one-third of the farm's production,
although sometimes tenant and landlord divided equally. Great care was
taken that the tenant should keep everything in good order. Oxen were used
for farm-work, and numerous agricultural implements were employed. Sowing
and reaping, ploughing and threshing, irrigating and cultivating, - these
constituted the chief events in the lives of the great mass of the Babylonian people, and made their land one of the richest and most prosperous regions in all the world.
68. The pursuits of industry appear from the beginning to have engaged the activities of the Babylonians. Differentiation of labor has already taken place, and the names of the workers illustrate the variety of the occupations. The inscriptions mention the carpenter, the smith, the metal-
worker, the weaver, the leather-worker, the dyer, the potter, the brick-
maker, the vintner, and the surveyor. The abundance of wool led very early
to the manufacture of woollen cloths and rugs, in which the Babylonians
surpassed all others. The city of Mar (sect. 48) was famous for a kind of
cloth, called after it Mairatu. Gold, silver, copper, and bronze were
worked up into articles of ornament and utility. The making of bricks was
a most important industry in a country where stone was practically
unobtainable. The month simanu (May-June) was the "month of bricks," during
which the conditions for their manufacture were most favorable; inundations
had brought down the sifted alluvium which lay conveniently at hand; the sun
shone mildly enough to bake the clay slowly and evenly; the reeds, used as
a platform on which to lay the bricks for drying, or chopped finely and
mixed with the clay, were fresh and abundant. Innumerable quantities were
used yearly. Sun-dried bricks were poor building material, and houses
needed constant repairing or rebuilding after the heavy rains of the winter.
The bricks baked in the kiln, of much more durable character, were used for
the outer lining of temples and palaces.
69. The position of Babylonia gave it commercial importance, the
evidences of which go back to the earliest times. Its central and
accessible position, its wealth in natural products of an indispensable
kind, its early industrial activity, all contributed to this end. Its lack
of some materials of an equally indispensable character was an additional
motive for exchange. Over the Persian gulf teak-wood found at Eridu was
brought from India. Cotton also made its way from the same source to the
southern cities. Over Arabia, by way of Ur, which stood at the foot of a
natural opening from the desert, and owed its early fame and power, it may
be, in no small degree, to its consequent commercial importance, were led
the caravans laden with stone, spices, copper, and gold from Sinai, Yemen,
and Egypt. Door-sockets of Sinaitic stone found at Nippur attest this
traffic. To the north led the natural highways afforded by the rivers, and
from thence, at the dawn of history, the city-kings brought cedar-wood from
the Syrian mountains for the adornment of palaces and temples. From the
East, down the pass of Holwan, came the marble and precious metal of the
mountains. Much of this raw material was worked over by Babylonian
artisans, and shipped back to the less favored lands, along with the grain,
dates, and fish, the rugs and cloths, of native production. All this
traffic was in the hands of Babylonian traders who fearlessly ventured into
the borders of distant countries, and must have carried with them thither
the knowledge of the civilization and wealth of their own home, for only
thus can the wide-spread influence of Babylonian culture in the earliest
periods be explained.
70. Babylonian society was well differentiated. At the basis of it lay
the slave population, the necessary condition of all economic activity in
antiquity. Slaves were employed upon the farms, by the manufacturers and in
the temples. The sources of the supply were various. War furnished many;
others had fallen from the position of free laborers; still others were
purchased from abroad, or were children of native bondsmen. Rich private
owners or temple corporations made a business of hiring them out as
laborers. They were humanely treated; the law protected them from injury;
they could earn money, hold property, and thus purchase their freedom. Laws
exist which suggest that young children could not be separated from their
slave-parents in case of the sale of the latter. Next in the scale stood
the free laborer who hired himself out for work like that of the slave, and
was his natural competitor. How he could continue to secure higher wages -
as seems to be the case - is a problem which Peiser thinks explicable from
the fact that his employer was not liable for damages in case of an injury,
nor forced to care for him if he were sick. In both of these situations the
law secured the reimbursement and protection of the slave (Mitteilungen der
Vorderasiatischen Gesellschaft, 1896, 3), who could therefore safely work
for less money. There are some references to wages in the contracts of the
time which indicate that the free laborer received from four to six shekels
($3.00 to $4.50) a year, and food. He made a written contract with his
employer, in which were specified the rate and the length of time of
employment. It is evident, however, that such laborers must have been few
in comparison with slaves, and have steadily declined toward the lower
position. The tenant-farmer must have been an important constituent of the
social body, although he does not play a very prominent part. He rented the
farm, hired the laborers, and superintended the agricultural operations.
Great proprietors seem to have preferred the method of cultivating their
estates by tenant-farmers, as many contracts of this kind attest. Of the
rent paid in kind mention has been made. The free peasant proprietor had by
this time well-nigh disappeared before the rich and aristocratic landowner,
and the tenant-farmer had taken his place. In the cities tradesmen and
artisans were found in great numbers, and held in high esteem. Whether at
this time they had been formed into guilds according to their several
trades, as was the case later, is uncertain. Merchants had their business
organized; firms carried on their mercantile operations from generation to
generation, records of which have been preserved; and this class of citizens
must have been increasingly influential. At the summit of the social system
was the aristocracy, headed by the king. The nobles lived on their estates
and at the court of the king, alternately. The scanty evidence suggests
that they held their estates from the king by a kind of feudal tenure. They
owed military service and tribute. They had numerous dependants and slaves
who labored for them and in turn enjoyed their protection.
71. The right of holding private property in land was already in force
in Babylonia. It may be that pasture-land was still held in common, and the
custom of deeding property to a son or adopted slave, on condition of the
parent receiving his support during his lifetime from the property, is a
relic of the transition from family to individual ownership. The king,
theoretic owner by divine right of all the land, had long ago distributed it
among his vassals, either in fee or perpetual possession. Careful surveys
were made, and inscribed stones, set up on the limits of a property,
indicated the possessor and invoked the curse of the gods on any who should
interfere with property rights. Ground could be leased or handed down by
will. In a community where trade was so important, wealth other than in
land was common. Grain and manufactured goods, stored in warehouses in the
cities, and precious metals formed no small part of the resources of the
citizens. There still survived, in some transactions, payment in kind,
grain or cattle; but in general the use of metals for exchange was in vogue.
Naturally they became standards of value. They were weighed out and
fashioned in bars. The shekel, weighing somewhat more than half an ounce
avoirdupois, the mina of sixty shekels, and the talent of sixty minas were
the standard weights, though there were other systems in use. Money was
loaned, at first on condition of the borrower performing a certain amount of
labor for it, later on an agreement to pay interest, usually at a very high
72. On the whole, Babylonia life from the material point of view must
have been active and agreeable. Cities were protected by high and thick
walls to guard against enemies. Some sort of local organization existed for
town government. Houses were simple and low, built with thick mud walls and
flat roofs of reeds and mud. The streets were narrow and dirty, the
receptacles of all the sweepings of the houses. When the street filled up
to the level of the house doors, these were closed, the house built up
another story, the floor raised to correspond, and a new door provided.
Many houses were manufactories and shops at the same time, the merchant
having his slaves or laborers do their work on the premises. On higher
points stood the palaces of nobles and king, or the stately temples of the
patron gods. In the country, the houses of the proprietors were surrounded
by palm-trees and gardens. The furniture was very simple, - chair and stool
to sit on by day, and a mat on which to sleep at night, flint and metal
knives and a few terra-cotta bowls and jars for cooking and eating purposes,
the oven for baking, and the fire-stick for kindling the fire. For food,
the Babylonian had his inevitable grain and dried fish; the grain he ground
and ate in round cakes seasoned with dates or other fruit; his drink was
wine and beer. To wear much clothing in such a land was a super-fluity.
Rulers are depicted with quilted skirts reaching to the ankles, with no
upper garment or headgear. Others wear thick flat quilted caps. Naram Sin
of Agade appears in a pointed hat with tunic thrown over his left shoulder
and breast. Less important personages have hardly more than the loincloth.
As for hair and beard, men of the earliest period seem to have been smoothly
shaven, unless one is to suppose that the artist felt himself unequal to
representing hair. Later, by the time of Sargon, the beard and hair are
worn long, and the custom continued to be followed.
73. An important element of early Babylonian society was the family.
It had its laws and its religion. While private property was recognized,
yet often the consent of the family was required for the sale of land
belonging to one of its circle. The father was already the recognized head.
Some traces of a primitive right of the mother exist, but they are survivals
of what is quite antiquated. Ancient laws, preserved in late copies,
illustrate family relations which long prevailed:
If a son say to his father, "Thou art not my father," he can cut off
(his locks), make him a slave, and sell him for money. If a son say to his
mother, "Thou art not my mother," she can cut off his locks, turn him out of
town, or (at least) drive him away from home (i. e., she can have him
deprived of citizenship and of inheritance, but his liberty he loses not).
If a father say to his son, "Thou art not my son," the latter has to leave
house and field (i. e., he loses everything). If a mother say to her son,
"Thou art not my son," he shall leave house and furniture (ABL, p. 445).
Giving in marriage was an affair of the father, and was entirely on a
mercantile basis. The prospective bridegroom paid a stipulated sum for his
bride, varying according to his wealth, sometimes a shekel, sometimes a
mina. Some religious ceremonies accompanied the marriage celebration. The
wife usually brought a dowry to her husband. Polygamy and concubinage were
not uncommon. The wife was completely under her husband's control. In
certain circumstances she could be sold as a slave, or put to death.
Divorce was very easy, since the husband had merely to bid the wife depart,
giving her a writ of divorcement. The only restraint, and that probably a
strong one, in the case of a Babylonian, was that he was generally required
to restore to the wife the value of her dowry. Sometimes by contract the
wife had the control of her property, and was thereby in a much better
position. To have children was the supreme end of marriage, and sterility
was a serious misfortune. In that case adoption was a not uncommon
recourse, accomplished by carefully drawn up legal forms. Children thus
adopted had full rights. Adoption also was evidently an easy way of
obtaining additional hands for service at home and in the fields, being
really another form of hiring servants; hence often an adult was thus taken
into a family.
74. The position occupied by the family in the social sphere was taken
by the state in the domain of political life. It is held that the state was
formed out of the union of families, indeed was a greater family with the
king as father at its head (Peiser, MVAG, 1896, 3). In its first
recognizable form, however, the state was a city gathered about a temple,
the centre of worship. As has already been noted (sect. 48), each of the
city-states of Babylonia had its god with whom its interests were
identified. Religion, therefore, was fundamental in Babylonian politics,
the bond of civic unity, the ground of political rights, authority, and
progress. With it, no doubt, was also closely associated the economic
element. The dependence of prosperity, and even of life itself, upon the
proper regulation of the water supply encouraged settlement in the most
favorable localities, and required organization of the activities centred
there. Only by co-operation under a central authority could the canals be
kept open, due regard be paid to the claims of all upon the common supply,
and dangers from flood or famine be grappled with energetically and in time
to safeguard the common interests. Self-protection from enemies contributed
to the same end. The nomads from the desert and the mountain tribes of the
east were equally eager to enjoy the fruits of the fertile Babylonian
fields; their inhabitants must needs combine to ward off inroads from all
sides. All these elements entered into and modified the character and
course of Babylonian politics, and they gave a particular firmness and
prominence to the idea of the state into which, from the earliest period,
all family, clan, and tribal interests had been completely merged.
75. These Babylonian city-states have kings at their head. The
earliest name given to the ruler is patesi, a term which is most
satisfactorily explained as having a religious significance, and as
testifying to the fundamental position and prerogative of the ruler as a
priest of the city god. It suggests that, in the primitive Babylonian
community, the place of supreme importance and influence was occupied by the
priest as the representative of deity, as the mediator between the clans and
the gods on whom they depended. The attitude and activity of the early
kings confirm this suggestion. They are, first of all, pious worshippers of
the gods. They build temples and adorn them with the wealth of their
kingdoms. They bestow upon the gods the richest gifts. The favor of deity
is their supremest desire. Piety is their highest virtue. The duties of
religion are an indispensable and interminable element of their life.
Before the gods they come, as dependants and slaves, to make their
offerings. They are girded about with burdensome ritual restrictions, the
violation of which would entail disaster upon themselves and their people,
and to which, therefore, they conform with constant alacrity and even with
zeal. On the other hand, they claim before their subjects regard and
reverence due to these intimate divine relations. Their inscriptions
declare that they are nourished on the milk of the gods, or are their
offspring, sons begotten of them; that power and sovereignty are by right of
divine descent or appointment. It is not wonderful that, while these rulers
placed their statues in the temples to be constantly before the eye of
deity, their subjects should offer them divine homage. Indeed, from the
time of Sargon of Agade, kings claim to be gods and do not hesitate to
prefix the sign of divinity to their names (Radau, Early Babylonian History,
pp. 307 ff.). All these prerogatives, however, do not free them from
responsibility to their subjects, but rather intensify the expectations
centred in them. They must obtain divine blessing for the state; they must
themselves battle in defence of their people. Thus the Babylonian king is
a warrior, going out to protect his dominions against wild beasts or hostile
men. To kill the lion or the wild ox is an indispensable part of his
duties, and he goes forth in the strength of the gods for these heroic
struggles. He is as proud of the trophies of the chase as of those of the
battlefield, and both alike he dedicates to the divine powers by whose aid
he has conquered. He represents, also, the more peaceful interests of the
state as the patron of industry; he appears like king Ur Nina, with the
basket of the mason on his head, or rehearses his services in opening new
canals, building granaries, and importing foreign trees to beautify and
enrich the land, thus establishing his claim to be the father and shepherd
of his people.
76. The constitution of a state ruled by a king with such prerogatives
and position is naturally summed up in the ruler. The citizen, while he
expects protection and justice, is a subject; the officials are the king's
dependants; his will is law; and the strength of the state depends upon the
personality of its head. Yet it is also true that, where industry and
commerce were so early and so highly developed as in Babylonia, the
arbitrariness of the ruler was modified by the necessity of a well-ordered
and strictly administered body of constitutional principles. Trade was
dependent on the admission and protection of foreigners while in the
country, and they seem to have had no difficulty in securing citizenship,
and even in obtaining official positions. The revenues were secured by
various systems of taxation. Surveys of state property were made, on the
basis of which land taxes were levied. The temples took their tithe.
Customs duties were paid at the city gate. In time of war, the king rode in
his chariot at the head of his troops, as illustrated in the stele of the
Vultures, where Edingiranagin (sects. 56, 85) holds in his hand the curved
weapon for throwing, and his warriors are armed with spears. At the close
of the battle he beats out the brains of captives with his club in honor of
the gods. The city of the same king seems to have possessed a coat of arms,
"the lion-headed eagle with outspread wings," its claws in the backs of two
lions, significant of the corporate consciousness of the state even at this
early day.
77. But what shows most clearly the idea of political organization as
established in Babylonia is the legal system. Fragments of law codes are
still in existence governing the relations of the family (sect. 73), and,
from the abundance of legal documents containing decisions, agreements,
penalties, etc., might be drawn up a body of law which bore on such various
topics as adoption, exchange, marriage, divorce, stealing, adultery, and
other crimes, renting and sale of property, inheritance, loans, partnership,
slavery, and interest. No business arrangement seems to have been complete
without a written contract, signed by the parties concerned in the presence
of witnesses, who also affixed their signatures to the document. Should a
difficulty or question in dispute arise, the contestants had several methods
of procedure. They could choose an arbitrator by whose decision they agreed
to abide; or, sometimes, the complainant appealed to the king, who with his
elders heard the complaint and rendered judgment. Sometimes a court of
judges was established, before which cases were brought. Whatever was the
process, the decision, when rendered, was written down in all the fulness
and formality of legal phraseology, duly signed and sealed with the finger-
nail or the private or official seal of all the parties. That the king
himself was not above the law, at least in the ideal conception of political
philosophers of the time, may be concluded from an ancient bit of political
wisdom preserved in a copy in the library of Ashurbanipal of Assyria which
begins: "If the king gives not judgment according to the law, the people
perish . . . if he gives not judgment according to the law of the land, (the
god) Ea . . . gives his place to another, - if he gives not judgment
according to the statutes, his country suffers invasion." Very suggestive is
another line of the same document. "If he gives not judgment according to
(the desire of) his nobles, his days are long" (IV. Rawlinson, 55). Thus
gods and the king alike are regarded as pledged to the maintenance of
justice. The parties to a contract swear by the god, the king, and the city
that they will keep their agreements. The abundance of this legal material
has led some scholars to the conclusion voiced by Professor Maspero, who
declares that these records "reveal to us a people greedy of gain, exacting,
litigious, and almost exclusively absorbed by material concerns" (Dawn of
Civilization, p. 760). While there may be truth in this verdict, no one can
deny that the spectacle of a people, in these early times, carrying on their
affairs through agreements sanctioned by the state, and settling their
quarrels by process of legal procedure is one which arouses surprise, if not
admiration, and indicates a conception of civic order full of the promise of
Civilization Of Old Babylonia: Literature, Science, Art, And Religion
78. A People as far advanced in social and political organization as
were the ancient Babylonians could not have failed to make similar progress
in the higher elements of civilization. They were, indeed, pre-eminently a
practical folk, and were guided in all their activities by the material ends
to be gained. Their literary remains will serve as an illustration in
point. Writing, in use among them from the earliest times, was primarily
employed for business purposes, in contracts and other legal documents.
Likewise the very practical conjuration formulae were the most numerous of
the religious texts. The art of writing was confined in great measure to
priestly circles, to scribes taught in the priestly schools and associated
with the temples. Documents of all kinds were written to order by these
scribes, and the signature affixed by pressing the thumb-nail or a seal into
the clay. The difficulty of acquiring the complicated cuneiform script cut
off the majority of the people from ever using it. For teaching it, a
number of text-books were employed which were copied by the students. Some
of the most valuable inscriptional material, like the kings' lists, have
come down to us in these students' copies. In Sippar, an inscription on a
small round tablet has been found, the contents of which suggest that it may
have been an ancient diploma or medal of that famous priestly school. It
reads, "Whosoever has distinguished himself at the place of tablet-writing
shall shine as the light" (Hilprecht, Recent Research, etc., p. 86). The
scribes were, indeed, not only an honorable, but even an indispensable
element of Babylonian society; upon them depended social and political
progress. The large number of letters now in our museums from officials and
private persons, both men and women, shows that communication by means of
writing was widespread, but all letters were probably put into writing by
scribes, and it is to be presumed that scribes were employed to read them to
their recipients. One cannot safely argue from these letters or from the
business documents that ability to read and write belonged to the people at
79. Old Babylonia was, from the earliest historical period, not merely
in possession of a highly conventionalized form of writing, but already had
also begun to produce a literature which embraced no narrow range of
subjects. The chief element in it was religious, consisting of hymns,
psalms, myths, ritual prescripts, and votive inscriptions. Even where
religion is not directly the subject, the documents show its influence.
Thus the astronomical and astrological texts are from priestly circles, and
the epic and descriptive poetry deals with the gods and heroes of mythology.
Reference has already been made to the legal codes and to fragments of
political wisdom, while our knowledge of the history of the age comes from
the various royal inscriptions written on palace walls, cylinders, steles,
and statues. The origin of this literary activity lies back of the
beginning of history. Before the age of Sargon, once thought primitive,
extends a long period from which important royal texts have been preserved.
Sargon, indeed, is thought to have focussed the literary activity of his
time in a series of religious works prepared for his royal library in Agade,
and no doubt every ruler who obtained wider dominion than that over a single
city-state took occasion to foster science and literature. Even Gudea of
Shirpurla, whose political position is uncertain, had long narratives of his
pious acts carved on his statues for the enlightenment and praise of
posterity. Chief among these patrons of learning was the founder of
Babylonian unity, Khammurabi, under whom the previous achievements of
scholars, theologians, and poets were gathered together and edited into
literary works of prime importance. In his time or shortly after, the
cosmogonic narratives, the rituals, the epics, the laws, and the
astronomical works were put into the form in which they are now preserved.
80. The characteristics of all Babylonio-Assyrian literature, as
already enumerated (sect. 34), were stamped upon it in this early period.
The material in stone and clay, upon which alone from the first men wrote,
compelled simplicity of utterance. Religion, the first subject for literary
effort, determined the style and dominated the content of subsequent
literature. Religion is responsible for the stereotyped phraseology and the
repetitiousness approaching monotony, the expressions having become fixed at
an early period and employed in sacred ceremonials at a time when literature
was looked upon as a gift of the gods and set apart for their service. Thus
what at the beginning was a desirable repetition of holy words became at
last the accepted form for all literary utterance. Poetry evidently was the
earliest and most favored medium of literature, for it reached a
comparatively high stage of development. The lyric appears in hymns,
prayers, and psalms for use in the liturgical worship. Narrative poetry is
represented in a variety of fragments which describe the adventures of early
heroes who have dealings with gods and monsters of the primeval world. Even
the culminating achievement of an epic has been reached in the story of
Gilgamesh, preserved in twelve books, a Babylonian Odyssey. This poetry is
not naive in character; already epithets have become conventional; rhythm
pervades it, rising into parallelism, the balancing of expressions in
corresponding lines, phrases, or sentences, which express now antithetic
ideas, now the same idea in different forms. Even metre and strophical
arrangement are regarded by some scholars as discoverable in the hymns and
epic fragments. How far back in the unknown past must be placed the
beginnings of this literary activity which has attained such development in
this early age of Babylonia!
81. The authors of these writings are unknown. A few names have come
down in connection with certain poems, but it is not unlikely that they are
names of scribes who copied, or of priests who recited the epics or the
hymns. The fact is significant, for it indicates that the literature is the
work of a class, not of individuals; that it grew into form under the
shaping of many hands; that what has survived is, in its well-organized
whole, the flower of uncounted generations of priestly activity. The books
were made up of pages, numbered according to the number of tablets required;
each tablet was marked for identification with the opening words of the
book; the tablets were deposited in the temples in chambers prepared with
shelves for the purpose. Editors and commentators were already busy,
arranging and revising the literature of the past. Scholars have concluded
that the narrative of the deluge in the Gilgamesh epic is composed of two
earlier versions joined together by such a reviser. Whether these temple
libraries were open to the public is questionable, and indeed one is not to
conclude from this splendid outburst of early literature that the
Babylonians were therefore a literary people, even as one cannot argue from
the abundance of written business documents that there was a general ability
to read and write. That the production of literary works and interest in
them were confined primarily to the priests, and secondarily to the upper
classes, is, in our present scarcity of information, the safest conclusion.
82. What has already been said will prepare the reader for a judgment
upon the general character of this literature. The material on which it
must needs be written, the early age in which it appears, and the priestly
influence which dominates it are to be taken into account in such an
estimate. It is not just to bring into comparison the literary work of
later peoples, such as the Hebrews or the Greeks; the Egyptian literature of
the same period may more properly be regarded as a competitor. Thus tested,
the Babylonian undoubtedly comes off superior. Its imagery, while sometimes
fantastic, is often bold and strong, sometimes weird, even fresh and
delicate. Its form, particularly in the poetry, is highly developed,
rhythmical, and flowing. Its thought is not seldom profound with the
mysteries of life and death and vigorous in grappling with these problems.
Especially remarkable is the fine talent for narration, as Tiele has
observed in his estimate of the literature (BAG, pp. 572 f). Over against
Maspero's strange dictum that "the bulk of Chaldean literature seems nothing
more than a heap of pretentious trash" (Dawn of Civ., p. 771), may be placed
Sayce's general remark that "even if we judge it from a merely literary
point of view, we shall find much to admire" (Babylonian Literature, p. 70),
and the more detailed conclusion of Baumgartner, particularly as to the
Gilgamesh Epic, that, "regarded purely as poetry, it has a kind of primitive
force, haunting voices that respond to the great problems of human life,
suffering, death, and the future, dramatic vividness of representation and
utterance, a painting of character and a depicting of nature which produce
strong effects with few strokes" (Geschichte der Weltlitteratur, I. p. 84).
The influence which this literature exerted upon other peoples is a proof of
its power. Its mythological conceptions reappear in Hebrew imagery; its
epic figures in Greek religious lore. The dependence of the Hebrew
narratives of the creation and deluge upon the similar Babylonian stories
may be uncertain, but the form of the hymns, their lyrical and rhythmical
structure, has, in all probability, formed the model for Hebrew psalmody,
while many of the expressions of religious feeling and aspiration, first
wrought out in the temples of Babylonia, have entered into the sacred
language of universal religion.
83. The ancient Babylonians had made some important advances in the
direction of scientific knowledge and its application to life. Both the
knowledge and its application, however, were inspired and dominated by
religion, a fact which has its good and evil aspects. No doubt, religion
acted as a powerful stimulus to the entering of the various fields of
knowledge on the part of those best fitted to make discoveries, the priests;
to this fact is due the remarkably early acquisitions of the Babylonians in
these spheres. On the other hand, knowledge sought not for its own sake,
but in the interests of religion, was conceived of under religious forms,
employed primarily for religious purposes, and subordinated to religious
points of view. The notion of the universe, for example, was primarily that
of a region where men and gods dwelt; its compartments were arranged to
provide the proper accommodations for them. The earth was figured as an
inverted basket, or bowl (the mountain of the world), its edges resting on
the great watery deep. On its outer surface dwelt mankind. Within its
crust was the dark abode of the dead. Above, and encompassing it, resting
on the waters, was another hemisphere, the heaven, on the under side of
which moved the sun, moon, and stars; on the outer side was supported
another vast deep, behind which in eternal light dwelt the gods. On the
east and west of heaven were gates through which the sun passed at morning
and night in his movement under the heavenly dome. In a chamber just
outside the eastern gate, the gods met to determine the destinies of the
universe. The movements of the world, the relations of nature to man, were
likewise regarded as the activities of the divine powers in making
revelations to humanity or in bringing their wills to bear on mankind.
Since to know their will and way was indispensable for happiness, the priest
studied the stars and the plants, the winds and the rocks, and interpreted
what he learned in terms of practical religion. Medicine consisted largely
in the repetition of formulae to drive out the demons of disease, a ritual
of exorcism where the manipulations and the doses had little if any hygienic
basis. Yet an ancient book of medical praxis and a list of medicinal herbs
show that some real progress was made in the knowledge of the body and of
actual curative agencies.
84. The high development of mathematical science began in the same
sacred source. The forms and relations of geometry were employed for
purposes of augury. The heavens were mapped out, and the courses of the
heavenly bodies traced to determine the bearing of their movements upon
human destinies. Astrology was born in Babylonia and became the mother of
Astronomy. The world of nature in its various physical manifestations was
studied for revelations of the divine will, and the resulting skill of the
priests in the science of omens was unsurpassed in the ancient world. Yet,
withal, they had worked out a numerical system, compounded of the decimal
and the sexagesimal series. The basis was the "soss," 60; the "ner" was
600; the "sar," 3600. The metrology was accurate and elaborate, and formed
the starting-point of all other systems of antiquity. All measures of
length, area, capacity, and weight were derived from a single standard, the
hand-breadth. The division of the circle into degrees, minutes, and seconds
on the sexagesimal basis (360 Degrees, 60 Minutes, 60 Seconds) hails from
this period and people. The ecliptic was marked off into the twelve
regions, and the signs of the zodiac, as we know them, already designated.
The year of three hundred sixty-five and one-fourth days was known, though
the common year was reckoned according to twelve months of thirty days each,
and equated with the solar year by intercalating a month at the proper
times. Tables of stars and their movements, of eclipses of moon and sun,
were carefully prepared. The year began with the month Nisan (March-April);
the day with the rising of the sun; the month was divided into weeks of
seven days; the day from sunrise to sunrise into twelve double hours of
sixty minutes. The clepsydra and the sun-dial were babylonian inventions
for measuring time.
85. The materials from which are obtained a knowledge of the history of
early Babylonia offer, at the same time, testimony as to the artistic
development, which may be traced, therefore, through the three historic
epochs. In the pre-Sargonic period almost all the available material is
that in stone and metal found at Shirpurla. On a bas-relief of King Ur Nina
he stands with a basket upon his head, his shoulders and bust bare, a skirt
about his waist descending to his feet. Before him his children,
represented as of much smaller stature, express their obeisance by the hands
clasped across the breast. The heads and feet are in profile, while the
bodies are presented full to the spectator, thus producing a contorted
effect. The whole, while full of simplicity and vigor, is crude and rough.
The long sharp noses, retreating foreheads, and large deep-set eyes give a
strange bird-like appearance to the faces. The so-called "vulture stele" of
Edingiranagin (sect. 76) is much more complex in its design. It is a large
piece of white stone carved on both faces. On the one side four scenes in
the war are represented - the battle, the victory, the funeral rites and
thank-offering, the execution of the captives. On the other side, the booty
is heaped up before the gods, and the coat of arms of Shirpurla is held
aloft in the king's hand. The scenes are spiritedly sketched, and artistic
unity is sought in the complicated representation. The silver vase of
Entemena (sect. 56) is the finest piece of metal work of the time. It rises
gracefully from a bronze pedestal, rounds out to one-half its height, and
ends in a wide vertical collar. Its sides are adorned with eagles, goats,
lions, and other animals. The age of Sargon is introduced by the splendid
bas-relief of Naram Sin, found on the upper Tigris. What remains of it is
a fragment only, but it represents a royal figure, bearded, with conical
cap, a tunic thrown over the breast and left shoulder, leaving bare the
right arm, which grasps a weapon. The work is singularly fine and strong
(Hilprecht, OBT, I. ii, pl. xxii). The height of the plastic art of the
time is reached in the statues of Gudea of Shirpurla (sect. 60). They are
of very hard stone, but the artist has neglected no detail. The king is
represented in the attitude of submission before the gods, his hands clasped
upon his breast. The head is gone from every statue, but heads of other
statues have been found which illustrate the method of treatment. A thick
cap or turban is worn on the head, and the tunic, as in the Naram Sin
basrelief, leaves the right arm bare and descends to the feet. Special
study is given to this drapery; the very folds are somewhat timidly
reproduced. In mastery of his material the artist has made much progress
since the early days. The impression given is one of severe simplicity,
directness, attention to detail, and concentrated power (Maspero, DC, pp.
611 ff.).
86. The works just mentioned are the highest achievements of the
sculptor's and goldsmith's art. But, in a variety of smaller objects,
similar artistic skill appears. The alabaster vases, dedicated by the
earliest kings at Nippur, the terra-cotta vases, ornamented with rope
patterns, found in the same place, the copper and bronze statuettes and
vessels of various kinds, (the pottery is, in general, strange to say, rude
and inartistic,) and numerous other implements and objects are testimonies
to the same artistic ability. Particularly are the seal cylinders worthy of
mention. Reference has already been made to the use of the seal by the
Babylonians. Hard pebbles of carnelian, jasper, chalcedony, and porphyry
were rounded into cylinders from two to three fifths of an inch in diameter
and from three-quarters of an inch to an inch and a half in length; then
upon the surface were incised scenes from mythology or figures of holy
beings, such as Gilgamesh in his contest with the lion, or the sun or moon
god receiving homage from his servant. Stamped upon the soft clay of a
document, the seal imparted, as it were, the sanction of the gods to the
agreement as well as certified to the good faith of the signer. The work of
the engraver of these seals is remarkable. The best of them, such as that
of the scribe of Sargon of Agade (Maspero, DC, p. 601; compare B. M. Guide,
pl. xxiii) show extraordinary fineness of workmanship, breadth of treatment,
and realistic fidelity to fact. Indeed, of all the art of early Babylonia
it may be said that it is eminently realistic; the artist has little sense
of the ideal or the general. To present the fact as it is, with simplicity
verging on bareness, and with a directness that is almost too abrupt, - this
was at the same time the weakness and the strength of the Babylonian
sculptor or engraver. This trait is specially evident in his conception of
the gods. He was the first to present them as human beings. But his
anthropomorphism is rude and crude. The divine beings are not greater or
grander than the men who worship them. The conception, indeed, was original
and epoch-making. But it was reserved for the Greeks to improve upon it by
glorifying and idealizing the human forms under which they represented their
Apollo and their Zeus. Another peculiarity which worked to the disadvantage
of Babylonian art was the convention which demanded drapery in the
representation of the human form. Here too is realism, for the changeable
climate doubtless required men to wear thicker clothing, and that more
constantly, than, for example, in Egypt. Hence the study of the nude body
and the sense of beauty and grace which it develops were absent. The long
robes give a stiffness and sameness to the figures for which the greater
skill attained in the representation of drapery hardly compensated.
87. Although the early Babylonians had little stone or wood with which
to build, they used clay bricks with architectural originality and
effectiveness. The palace or temple was not built upon the level of the
ground, but upon a rectangular brick platform. At Shirpurla this was forty
feet high; at Nippur forty-five feet above the plain. Upon it stood the
palace structure of brick, one story high, with its corners usually facing
the cardinal points. The walls were very thick, the chambers small and
dark, the passages narrow and often vaulted. Vertical walls and flat roofs
were the rule. The rooms, courts, galleries, and passages stretched away
interminably, yet with a definite plan, within the rectangle. Huge
buttresses of brick sustained the platform, and pilasters supported the
walls of the structure built upon it. Access to the building was obtained
by a staircase rising from the plain. To protect all from the tremendous
rains which would tend to undermine the walls, the solid mass of the
platform was threaded by terra-cotta drains which carried the water down to
the plain. Ventilating shafts, likewise, were used to let in the air and
drain off the moisture. The temple was sometimes, like the palace, a series
of one-story buildings, but usually culminated in what was a type of temple
construction peculiar to Babylonia, the ziggurat, a series of solid masses
of brick, placed one above the other, each successive story smaller than the
one beneath it. A staircase or an inclined plane led from the shelf of one
story to the next; shrines were placed on the shelves or hollowed out of the
brick; the shrine of the chief deity was at the top. At Nippur the earliest
ziggurat upon the massive temple platform, built by Ur-Gur, was a
rectangular oblong, about one hundred and seventy-five feet by one hundred,
and composed of three stages resting one upon the other (Peters, Nippur, II.
p. 124). The massiveness and monotony of these structures were relieved by
the use of stucco to cover and protect the bricks both without and within.
Conical nails of colored terra-cotta were embedded in this stucco, or
decorative designs were painted upon it. Enamelled bricks likewise were
employed for exterior coatings of walls. For supports of the roofs tree
trunks were used, which were covered with metal sheathing. Thus Babylonia
became the birthplace of the decorated wall and the slender column (Sayce,
Babylonia and Assyria, p. 9). The earliest known keyed arch has been
unearthed at Nippur. The doors of the palaces were hung in huge blocks of
stone hollowed out in the centre to receive the door-posts, almost the only
use of stone found in these buildings. Remembering the material at the
disposal of these architects, one cannot but admire the originality and
utility of the designs wrought out by them. They made up for lack of stone
by the heaping together of great masses of brick. The elevation of the
buildings and the thickness of the walls served, at the same time, to make
the effect more imposing, to supply a surer defence against enemies, and to
afford protection from heat and storms.
88. It has frequently been noted hitherto how the life of the ancient
Babylonian was deeply interfused with his religion. The priests are judges,
scribes, and authors. Writing is first employed in the service of the gods.
Both the themes and the forms of literature are inspired by religion. Art
receives its stimulus from the same source, the royal statues standing as
votive offerings in the temples and the seal cylinders being engraved with
figures of divine beings. Science, whether it be medicine or mathematics,
has, as its ground, the activity of the heavenly powers, or, as its end, the
enlarging of religious knowledge. Therefore it is fitting to close this
review of early Babylonian civilization with a sketch of the religion.
Already the fact has been observed that, from the beginning, the city-states
possessed temples, each the centre of the worship of a particular god (sect.
48). Thus at Eridu was Ea; at Ur, Sin, the moon god; at Larsam, Shamash,
the sun god; at Uruk, the goddess Ishtar; at Shirpurla, Ningirsu; at Nippur,
Enlil or Bel; at Kutha, Nergal; at Sippar, Shamash; at Agade, the goddess
Anunit; at Babylon, Marduk; and at Borsippa, Nabu. From this list of gods
it is evident at first glance that religion was local and that the gods were
in some cases powers of nature. Clearly a more than primitive stage of
development had been reached, since the same god was worshipped in two
different cities. Investigation has made these facts more certain by
showing that Ningirsu, Nergal, and Marduk are, probably, forms of the sun
god; that Anunit is but another name for Ishtar; that Enlil was a storm god;
that at each of these cities a multitude of minor deities was worshipped;
and that similar local worship was carried on at less known centres of
population. The religious inscriptions of Gudea of Shirpurla (sect. 60)
show a well-organized pantheon consisting of a variety of male and female
deities with Ningirsu in the lead. Here appears the god Anu, "the heaven,"
who, though not prominent in local worship, stands theoretically at the head
of all the gods. The religion of early Babylonian history, then, was a
local nature worship which was passing into a more or less formal
organization and unification of deities as a result of political development
or theological formulation.
89. Behind this advanced stage was another and very different phase of
Babylonian religion testified to by a body of conjuration formulae and hymns
of similar tenor. In the great mass of this literature the names of the
gods just enumerated are hardly mentioned. The world is peopled with
spirits, Zi, good and evil beings, whose relations to man determine his
condition and destiny. If he suffers from sickness, it is an attack of a
demon who must be driven out by a formula, or by an appeal to a stronger
spirit of good. These powers are summed up under various names indicative
of the beginnings of organization, as, for example, "spirit of heaven" (zi
ana), "spirit of earth" (zi kia); "lord of demons" (en lil); "lord of earth"
(en ki). As the sense of good, of beneficent, powers got the better of the
fear of harm and ruin in the minds of men, the spirit-powers passed into
gods. Thus the "spirit of heaven" became Anu; the "lord of earth" or the
"spirit of earth" was identified with Ea of Eridu; the "lord of demons" was
found again in Bel of Nippur. A first triad of Babylonian gods was thus
constituted in Anu, Bel, and Ea. As religion grew in firmness of outline
and organization, the hosts of spirits retreated before the great gods, and,
while not disappearing, took a subordinate place, in private or individual
worship, and continued to exercise an important influence upon the faith and
practice of the people. The divine beings, whether rising out of local
spirits or spirits of nature or the combination of both, took the field and
marked the transition to the new phase of religion in which the beneficent
powers were recognized as the superior beings, and received the worship and
gifts of the community.
90. The general notion of divine beings entertained by the old
Babylonian is illustrated by the term for god, ilu, which conveys the root
idea of power, might. It was as "strong" ones that the spirits came into
contact with man from the beginning. It was the heavenly powers of sun and
moon and stars and storm that of all nature-forces had most impressed him.
He indicated his attitude toward them also by the favorite descriptive term
"lord" (en, bel). They were above him, supreme powers whom he served and
obeyed in humility and dependence. Yet mighty as were the gods, and exalted
as they were above humanity, the Babylonian was profoundly conscious of the
influences brought to bear by the divine world upon mankind. From the
period when he felt himself surrounded by manifold spirits of the natural
world, to the time when he sought to do the will of the great heavenly
powers, he was ever the centre of the play of the forces of the other world.
They were never far from him in purpose and action. The stars moving over
the sky spoke to him of their will and emitted divine influences; the wind,
the storm, the earthquake, the eclipse, the actions of animals, the flight
of birds, - all conveyed the divine messages to him who could interpret
them. Hence arose the immense mass of magical texts, the pseudo-science of
astrology, and the doctrine of omens. The religious temper produced by such
an idea of god was twofold. On the one hand the divine influence was felt
as pure power, arbitrary, undefined, and not to be counted on; hence to be
averted at all hazards, restrained by magical means, or rendered favorable
by an elaborate ritual. Or, the worshipper felt in the divine presence a
sense of ill-desert, and, in his desire for harmony with the divine ruler,
flung himself in confession and appeal upon the mercy of his god in those
remarkable Penitential Psalms in which fear, suffering, and a sense of guilt
are so joined together as almost to defy analysis and to forbid a final
judgment as to the essence of the ethical quality. Those who first felt the
emotions which these psalms reveal were certainly on the road leading to the
heights of moral aspiration and renewal. The difficulty was that the
element of physical power in the gods was ineradicable and, corresponding to
it, the use of magic to constrain the divine beings crept into all religious
activity and endeavor, thus thwarting all moral progress. Though men
recognized that their world had been won from chaos to cosmos by the gods
under whose authority they lived, - for this was the meaning of the victory
of Marduk over Tiamat, - they conceived of the victory in terms of the
natural physical universe, not as a conquest of sin by the power of holiness
and truth.
91. The conduct of worship was no doubt originally the task of the
priest. He afterward became king, and carried with him into his royal
position many of the prerogatives and the restrictions attending the
priestly office. He was the representative of the community before the
gods, and therefore girt about with sanctity which often involved strict
tabu. But he soon divided his powers with others, priests strictly so
called, who performed the various duties connected with the priestly service
and whose names and offices have in part come down to us. Rituals have been
preserved for various parts of the service; many hymns have survived which
were sung or recited. Sacrifices of animals were made, libations poured
out, and incense burned. Priests wore special dresses, ablutions were
strongly insisted upon, clean and unclean animals were carefully
distinguished, special festivals were kept in harmony with the changes of
the seasons and the movements of the heavenly bodies. Religious
processions, in which the gods were carried about in arks, ships, or chests,
were common. A calendar of lucky and unlucky days was made. A Sabbath was
observed for the purpose of assuaging the wrath of the gods, that their
hearts might rest (Jastrow, in Am. Jour. of Theol., II. p. 315 f.). Every
indication points to the existence of a powerful priesthood whose influence
was felt in all spheres of social and national life.
92. The outlook of the Babylonians upon the life beyond was sombre.
Burial customs indicate that they believed in future existence, since drink
and food were placed with the dead in their graves. But, in harmony with
the severer conception of God, the Babylonian thought of the future had an
uncertain and forbidding aspect. The poem which describes the descent of
the goddess Ishtar to the abode of the dead, called Arallu, conceives of
this region as dark and dusty, where the shades flit about like birds in
spaces shut in by bars, whence there is no egress. There is the realm of
Nergal, and of queen Allat who resents the presence of Ishtar, goddess of
life and love, and inflicts dire punishments upon her. Yet in this prison-
house there is a fountain of life, though sealed with seven seals; and in
the Epic of Gilgamesh are heroes who have reached the home of the blessed, -
indications that the higher religious aspiration was seeking after a
conception of the future more in harmony with the belief in great and
beneficent deities dwelling in the light and peace of the upper heaven. It
was the darker view, however, that passed from Babylonia to the west and
reappeared in the dusky Sheol of the Hebrews, into which all, whether good
or bad, descended, there to prolong a sad and shadowy existence.
93. In concluding this presentation of early Babylonian life it is
possible to sum up the dominant forces of history and progress under three
heads: (1) Religion is the inspiring and regulative element of the
community. In its representatives government finds its first officials. In
the centre of each city is the temple with its ruling and protecting deity.
Political growth is indicated by the wider worship of the local god. The
citizens and their lords are servants of the god. He is the fount of
justice, and his priests are guardians of culture. Industry and commerce
have their sanctions in the oaths of the gods, and the temples themselves
are centres of mercantile activity; they are the banks, the granaries, and
the seats of exchange. All life is founded on religion and permeated by its
influence. (2) The energizing element of these communities is the ruler.
Already the power of personality has made itself felt. Political
organization has crystallized about the individual. He exercises supreme
and unlimited power, as servant of the deity and representative of divine
authority. He is the builder, the general, the judge, the high priest. All
the affairs of his people are an object of solicitude to him. His name is
perpetuated upon the building-stones of the temple and the palace. His
figure is preserved in the image which stands before the god in his temple.
He is sometimes, in literal truth, the life of his people. (3) From these
two forces united, religion and the ruler, springs the third element, the
impulse to expansion. Neither god nor king is satisfied with local
sovereignty. The ambition of the one is sanctified and stimulated by the
divine commendation, encouragement, and effectual aid of the other. The god
claims universal sway. The king, his representative, goes forth to conquer
under his command. The people follow their human and their divine lords
whithersoever they lead. In that period circumstances were also
particularly favorable to such forward movements. Communication between the
different cities was made easy by the innumerable watercourses threading the
plain. The mighty rivers offered themselves as avenues for wider expansion.
Such was Old Babylonia in its essential characteristics. Such was the
philosophy of its early history, illustrated by the details of the struggles
which have already been described (Part I. chap. II.). The end was a united
Babylonia, achieved by the great king Khammurabi, in whom all these forces
Times Of Khammurabi Of Babylon. 2300-2100 B.C.
94. It is clear that the city of Babylon did not play a prominent part
in early Babylonian history (sect. 50). It was not, like Agade, Shirpurla,
Uruk, or Ur, the centre of a flourishing and aggressive state, nor had it
any religious pre-eminence such as was enjoyed by Nippur or Eridu. Such an
assertion is not based merely on a lack of inscriptional information which
future excavation may be trusted to supply. Existing inscriptions of the
early time take no account of the city. This would not be the case if its
importance had been recognized. The religious hymns do not mention it. Its
god Marduk takes a secondary place in the later pantheon, below Bel of
Nippur, Ea of Eridu, Sin of Ur, and Shamash of Sippar. In the time of the
kings of Agade, Babylon is said to be a part of their dominions and Sargon
built a temple there. The fact is significant, and suggests that the city
was overshadowed by the greater power and fame of Sargon's capital. Only
when the political and commercial pre-eminence of the more northern state
passed away, was an opportunity given to Babylon. By that time, however,
the southern cities had seized the leadership and had held it for a thousand
years. Accordingly, not till the middle of the third millennium B.C. (sect.
63), did the first historical Babylonian king appear and the city push
forward into political importance. Its progress, thereafter, was rapid and
95. The first five kings of the first dynasty were as follows:
[See Table 1.: Five Kings]
From none of these kings have inscriptions been recovered, but what has
been called a "Chronicle" of their doings year by year, and business
documents dated in their reigns, together with references to some of them by
later kings, give an insight into their affairs. The Babylonian kings' list
indicates that, beginning with Zabum, son succeeded father. Immerum appears
in the business documents, but without indication of his place in the
dynasty. The kings' list does not name him, and he is therefore regarded as
a usurper. No light has been shed on the events connected with the
accession of the first king to the Babylonian throne. From the names of the
kings it has been inferred that the dynasty was of Arabian origin, and that
the new outburst of Babylonian might which now ensues is due to the infusion
of new blood in consequence of an Arabian invasion which placed its leaders
on the throne. The hypothesis is certainly plausible. The events of
Sumuabu's reign are largely peaceful, temple building and the offering of
crowns to the deities being the chief matters of moment. Toward the close,
however, the city of Kacallu, presumably in the vicinity of Babylon, was
laid waste, - a suggestion that Babylon was already beginning to let its
power be felt in the north. A later king of this dynasty, Samsu-iluna,
states that he rebuilt six great walls or castles which had been built in
the reign of Sumulailu, the second king, who also fortified Babylon and
Sippar, overthrew Kacallu again, and destroyed the city of Kish. He, too,
was a devout worshipper of the gods. A king of New Babylonia (Nabuna'id)
refers to a sun-temple in Sippar which dated back to Zabum, and the
"Chronicle" speaks of other temples and shrines. The inference from these
relations with cities outside Babylon suggests that by Zabum's time Babylon
had extended its sway in north Babylonia and was ready to enter the south.
It was, accordingly, with Sinmuballit that complications arose with southern
Babylonia, then under the hegemony of Rim Sin of Larsam, an Elamite
conqueror. The chronicle states that Isin was taken in the seventeenth year
of the Babylonian king. If business documents which are dated by the
capture of this city are properly interpreted, it appears to have been the
centre of a conflict between the two powers, since it was apparently
captured alternately by both. The issue of the war is unknown.
96. While so scanty an array of facts avails for the history of these
early kings, with the sixth king, Khammurabi (about 2297-2254 B.C.) a much
clearer and wider prospect is opened. The fact that an unusually large
amount of inscriptional material comes from his reign is an indication that
a change has taken place in the position and fortunes of his city. The
first and most striking confirmation of the change, furnished by this
material, is its testimony to the overthrow of the Elamite power (sect. 64).
Knowledge of the causes which brought Khammurabi into collision with Rim Sin
of Larsam, as well as of the events of the struggle, is not, indeed,
furnished in the inscriptions. Sinmuballit and Rim Sin had already met
before Isin, and the new conflict may have been merely a renewal of the war.
From the narrative contained in Genesis xiv. 1, 2, it has been inferred that
Khammurabi (Amraphel) had been a vassal of the Elamite king and rebelled
against him (sect. 65). However that may be, the Babylonian represented the
native element in a reaction against invaders and foreign overlords which
resulted in their expulsion. There is probably a reference to the decisive
moment of this struggle in the dating of a business document of the time "in
the year in which king Khammurabi by the might of Anu and Bel established
his possessions [or "good fortune"] and his hand overthrew the lord [or
"land," ma-da], of Iamutbal and king Rim Sin." The Elamites seem to have
retired to the east, whither the king's lieutenants, Siniddinam and
Inuhsamar, pursued them, crossing the river Tigris and annexing a portion of
the Elamite lowland (King, Letters and Inscriptions of Hammurabi, I. xxxvi.
ff.) which was thereafter made more secure by fortifications. In the south
of Babylonia the king reduced to subjection cities which opposed his
progress, and destroyed their walls. His dominion extended over the whole
of Babylonia and eastward across the Tigris to the mountains of Elam. He
could proclaim himself in his inscriptions "the mighty king, king of
Babylon, king of the Four (world-) Regions, king of Shumer and Akkad, into
whose power the god Bel has given over land and people, in whose hand he has
placed the reins of government (to direct them)," thus uniting in his own
person the various titles of earlier kings.
97. Though Khammurabi "was pre-eminently a conquering king" (Jastrow,
Religion of Babylonia and Assyria, p. 119), he was not behind in his
arrangements for the economic welfare of his kingdom. One of his favorite
titles is bani matim, "builder of the land," descriptive of his measures for
the recovery of the country from the devastations of the years of war and
confusion. Of his canals, at least two are described in his inscriptions.
One he dug at Sippar, apparently connecting the Tigris and Euphrates. In
connection with it he fortified the city and surrounded it with a moat.
Another and more important canal was commemorated in the following
inscription which illustrates his interest in the agricultural prosperity of
"When Anu and Bel gave (me) the land of Shumer and Akkad to rule and
entrusted their sceptre to my hands, I dug out the Khammurabi-canal (named)
Nukhush-nishi, which bringeth abundance of water unto the land of Shumer and
Akkad. Both the banks thereof I changed to fields for cultivation, and I
garnered piles of grain, and I procured unfailing water for the land of
Shumer and Akkad."
This canal was probably a great channel, passing from Babylon in a
southeasterly direction parallel with the Euphrates, whose waters it
received and distributed by smaller canals over the neighboring districts,
while also draining the adjoining marshes. The waste lands were replanted
by distribution of seedcorn to the husbandmen; depopulated districts were
refilled by the return of their inhabitants or the settlement of new
communities; the prosperity and permanence of the irrigating works were
secured by the building of a castle, which was doubtless at the same time a
regulating station for the supply of water, at the mouth of the canal.
Among other building operations we hear of a palace in the vicinity of
Bagdad, a great wall or fortification along the Tigris, serving as well for
protection from the floods as from the Elamite invaders. Other
fortifications in various parts of the land are mentioned. Yet more is
known about the temple building. As the Babylonian temples were as useful
to business as to religion, their restoration was a contribution to material
as well as religious well-being. The king built at Larsam a temple for
Shamash; at Kish one for Zamama (Ninib) and Ishtar, others at Zarilab and at
Khallabi, at Borsippa and Babylon. It is not improbable that in the two
latter cities he was the founder of the famous and enduring structures in
honor of the gods, called respectively through all periods of Babylonian
history Ezida nd and Esagila.
98. Five kings succeeded Khammurabi before this dynasty gave way to
another. Each king seems to have been the son of his predecessor, and the
long reigns which all enjoyed illustrate the condition of the times. Of
inscriptions directly from them only a few are known. One from Samsuiluna
(about 2254-2216), Khammurabi's son, mentions his rebuilding the walls or
fortresses of his ancestor (sect. 95) and enlarging his capital city. In
its proud and swelling words it reflects the consciousness of greatness and
power which Khammurabi's achievements had begotten in his successor. "Fear
of my dreaded lordship covered the face of heaven and earth. Wherefore the
gods inclined their beaming countenances unto me, . . . to rule in peace
forever over the four quarters of the world, to attain the desire of my
heart like a god, daily to walk with uplifted head in exultation and joy of
heart, have they granted unto me as their gift" (Keilinschriftliche
Bibliothek, III. i. 130-132). The "Chronicle" tells of conflicts with the
Kassites, and of rebellions in the cities of Isin and Kish which were put
down by him, but by far the more numerous events there referred to relate to
the digging of canals and the service of religion. From Abeshu, his
successor, a few letters, and inscriptional fragments only remain. A late
copy of an inscription from Ammiditana (about 2188-2151), besides stating
that he was the eldest son of Abeshu, the son of Samsuiluna, proclaims him
"King . . . of Martu," that is, presumably, "the westland," Syria. The last
two kings were Ammizaduga, who reigned ten years according to the
"Chronicle," but twenty-two years according to the kings' list, and
Samsuditana who reigned thirty-two years. During the one hundred and fifty
years and more of the rule of these kings, everything speaks in testimony of
the permanence and development of the strong political structure whose
foundations had been laid by Khammurabi, and of the peace and prosperity of
the several communities united into the empire.
99. Of the significance of this imperial organization and development
for the social and industrial life of the land there are many illustrations.
A centralized administration bound all the districts hitherto separated and
antagonistic into a solid unity. Khammurabi "was not content merely to
capture a city and exact tribute from its inhabitants, but he straightway
organized its government, and appointed his own officers for its control"
(King, Let. and Ins. of Ham., III. xx.). Communication was regularly kept
up between the court and the provincial cities, which were thus brought
administratively into close touch with the capital. An immensely increased
commercial activity followed this new centralization, as is shown by the
enormous mass of business documents from this age. Increased prosperity was
followed by rising values. The price of land under Khammurabi was higher
than ever before. The administration of justice was advanced through the
careful oversight of the courts by the king himself, and by the creation of
a royal court of appeal at Babylon, access to which was open to the humblest
citizen. A calendar was established for the state and regulated by the
royal officials, whose arrangements for it were approved by the king, and
published throughout the country. A royal post-system, the device of an
earlier age, was elaborated to make easy all this intercommunication of the
various districts. Consequent upon it came greater security of life and
property as well as regular and better means of transit, - blessings which
were shared by all the inhabitants. It is also true, on the other hand,
that this centralization involved the economic and political depression of
the other cities before the capital. They gradually lost their independent
significance, as the currents of trade set steadily toward Babylon, and
became provincial towns, contributory to the wealth and power of the royal
city. It was the statesmanship of Khammurabi that, for good or ill, laid
the foundations of this mercantile and monetary supremacy of Babylon, before
which the other communities passed quite out of sight. Ur, Larsam, Uruk,
and Sippar are heard of no more, except as seats of local worship or of
provincial administration.
100. The sphere of religion, likewise, was significantly influenced by
the new imperial organization. As might be expected, Marduk, the city-god
of Babylon, now became the head of the Babylonian pantheon. The change is
thought to have been something more than the natural result of the new
situation; it seems to have been deliberately and officially undertaken as
the potent means of unifying the state. That this god's supremacy was not
left to chance or to time is seen by the systematic abasement of that other
god who might reasonably contest the headship with the new claimant, namely,
Bel of Nippur (sect. 88). The religious pre-eminence of his temple, E-kur,
in that ancient city, passed away, and it is even claimed that the shrine
was sacked, the images and votive offerings destroyed, and the cult
intermitted by the authority of the kings of Babylon (Peters, Nippur, II.
pp. 257 f.). The proud title of Bel ("lord") passed to Marduk, and with it
the power and prerogative of the older deity. It may not, however, be
necessary to assume so violent an assumption of power by Marduk. The
political supremacy of Babylon, the larger power and greater wealth of the
priesthood of its god, the more splendid cult, and the influence of the
superior literary activity of the priestly scholars of the capital may be
sufficient to account for the change. However, the unifying might of a
common religious centre, symbolized in the worship of the one great god of
the court, was not to be despised, and Khammurabi was not the man to
overlook its importance. As the provinces looked to Babylon for law and
government, so they found in Marduk the supreme embodiment of the empire.
101. A striking corollary of this change in the divine world is found
in the transformation of the literature. Reference has already been made to
the revival of literary activity coincident with the age of Khammurabi
(sect. 79). Under the fostering care of the priesthood of Babylon, the
older writings were collected, edited, and arranged in the temple libraries
of the capital city. A common literary culture was spread abroad,
corresponding to the unity in other spheres of life. But the priests who
gathered these older writings subjected them to a series of systematic
literary modifications, whereby the role of the ancient gods, particularly
that of Bel of Nippur, was transferred to Marduk of Babylon. The Creation
Epic is a case in point. In the culmination of that poem - the overthrow of
Tiamat, the representative of chaos - the task of representing the
Babylonian gods in the struggle is assigned to Marduk, and the honors of
victory are awarded to him. But it is probable that in the earlier form of
the Epic both contest and victory were the part of another deity of the
earlier pantheon. A careful analysis of this and other religious documents
of the period has been made by Professor Jastrow, who has brilliantly
demonstrated that "the legends and traditions of the past," were "reshaped
and the cult in part remodelled so as to emphasize the supremacy of Marduk"
(Rel. of Bab. and Assyr., chaps. vii., xxi.). In addition to this special
activity on behalf of their favorite god, the priests of the time now began
to build up those systems of cosmology and theology which successive
generations of schoolmen elaborated into the stately structures of
speculation that so mightily influenced the philosophy and religion of the
ancient world.
Kassite Conquest Of Babylonia And The Appearance Of Assyria. 2000-1500 BC
102. With the last king of the dynasty of Khammurabi (about 2098 B.C.)
a period of darkness falls upon the history of the land between the rivers.
A new dynasty of the Babylonian kings' list begins with a certain Anmanu,
and continues with ten other kings whose names are anything but suggestive
of Babylonian origin. The regnal years of the eleven reach the respectable
number of three hundred and sixty-eight. The problem of their origin is
complicated with that of deciphering the word (Uru-azagga?) descriptive of
them in the kings' list. Some think that it points to a quarter of the city
of Babylon. Others, reading it Uru-ku, see in it the name of the ancient
city of Uruk. The length of the reigns of the several kings is above the
average, and suggests peace and prosperity under their rule. It is
certainly strange in that case that no memorials of them have as yet been
discovered, - a fact that lends some plausibility to the theory maintained
by Hommel that this dynasty was contemporaneous with that of Khammurabi and
never attained significance.
103. The third dynasty, as recorded on the kings' list, consists of
thirty-six kings, who reigned five hundred seventy-six years and nine months
(about 1717-1140 B.C.). About these kings information, while quite
extensive, is yet so fragmentary as to render exact and organized
presentation of their history exceedingly difficult. The kings' list is
badly broken in the middle of the dynasty, so that only the first six and
the last eleven or twelve of the names are intact, leaving thirteen or
fourteen to be otherwise supplied and the order of succession to be
determined from imperfect and inconclusive data. Only one royal inscription
of some length exists, that of a certain Agum-kakrime who does not appear on
the dynastic list. The tablets found at Nippur by the University of
Pennsylvania's expedition have added several names to the list and thrown
new light upon the history of the dynasty. The fragments of the so-called
"Synchronistic History" (sect. 30) cover, in part, the relations of the
Babylonian and Assyrian kings of this age, and the recently discovered royal
Egyptian archives known as the Tel-el-Amarna tablets contain letters from
and to several of them. From these materials it is possible to obtain the
names of all but three or four of the missing thirteen or fourteen kings,
and to reach something like a general knowledge of the whole period and some
details of single reigns and epochs. Yet it is evident that the absence of
some royal names not only makes the order of succession in the dark period
uncertain, but throws its chronology into disorder. Nor is the material
sufficient to remove the whole age from the region of indefiniteness as to
the aims and achievements of the dynasty, or to make possible a grouping
into epochs of development which may be above criticism. With these
considerations in mind it is possible roughly to divide the period into four
epochs: first, the beginnings of Kassite rule; second, the appearance of
Assyria as a possible rival of Kassite Babylonia; third, the culmination of
the dynasty and the struggle with Assyria; fourth, the decline and
disappearance of the Kassites.
104. Merely a glance at the names in the dynastic list is evidence that
a majority of them are of a non-Babylonian character. The royal
inscriptions prove beyond doubt that the dynasty as a whole was foreign, and
its domination the result of invasion by a people called Kashhus, or, to use
a more conventional name, the Kassites. They belonged to the eastern
mountains, occupying the high valleys from the borders of Elam northward,
living partly from the scanty products of the soil and partly by plundering
travellers and making descents upon the western plain. The few fragments of
their language which survive are not sufficient to indicate its affinity
either to the Elamite or the Median, and at present all that can be said is
that they formed a greater or lesser division of that congeries of mountain
peoples which, without unity or common name and language, surged back and
forth over the mountain wall stretching from the Caspian Sea to the Persian
gulf. Their home seems to have been in the vicinity of those few mountain
passes which lead from the valley up to the table-land. Hence they were
brought into closer relations with the trade and commerce which from time
immemorial had used these passes, and thereby they were early made aware of
the civilization and wealth of Babylonia.
105. Whether driven by the impulse to conquest, begotten of a growing
knowledge of Babylonian weakness, or by the pressure of peoples behind and
about them, the Kassites appear at an early day to have figured in the
annals of the Babylonian kingdom. In the ninth year of Samsuiluna, of the
first dynasty, they were invading the land. This doubtless isolated
invasion was repeated in the following years until by the beginning of the
seventeenth century B.C., they seem to have gained the upper hand in
Babylonia. Their earlier field of operations seems to have been in the
south, near the mouth of the rivers. Here was Karduniash, the home of the
Kassites in Babylonia, a name subsequently extended over all the land. It
is not improbable that a Kassite tribe settled here in the last days of the
second dynasty, and, assimilated to the civilization of the land, was later
reinforced by larger bands of the same people displaced from the original
home of the Kassites by pressure from behind, and that the combined forces
found it easy to overspread and gain possession of the whole country. Such
a supposition is in harmony with the evident predilection of the Kassites
for southern Babylonia, as well as with their maintenance of authority over
the regions in which they originally had their home. It also explains how,
very soon after they came to power, they were hardly to be distinguished
from the Semitic Babylonians over whom they ruled. They employed the royal
titles, worshipped at the ancient shrines, served the native gods, and wrote
their inscriptions in the Babylonian language.
106. Of the six kings whose names appear first on the dynastic list
nothing of historical importance is known. The gap that ensues in that
list, covering thirteen or fourteen names, is filled up from sources to
which reference has already been made. Agumkakrime (sect. 103), whose
inscription of three hundred and thirty-eight lines is the most important
Kassite document as yet discovered, probably stands near the early kings, is
perhaps the seventh in order (about 1600 B.C.). This inscription, preserved
in an Assyrian copy, was originally deposited in the temple at Babylon, and
describes the royal achievements on behalf of the god Marduk and his divine
spouse Zarpanit. The king first proclaims his own glory by reciting his
genealogy, his relation to the gods and his royal titles:
I am Agumkakrime, the son of Tashshigurumash; the illustrious
descendant of god Shuqamuna; called by Anu and Bel, Ea and Marduk, Sin and
Shamash; the powerful hero of Ishtar, the warrior among the goddesses.
I am a king of wisdom and prudence; a king who grants hearing and
pardon; the son of Tashshigurumash; the descendant of Abirumash, the crafty
warrior; the first son among the numerous family of the great Agum; an
illustrious, royal scion who holds the reins of the nation (and is) a mighty
shepherd. . . .
I am king of the country of Kashshu and of the Akkadians; king of the
wide country of Babylon, who settles the numerous people in Ashnunak; the
King of Padan and Alman; the King of Gutium, a foolish nation; (a king) who
makes obedient to him the four regions, and has always been a favorite of
the great gods (I. 1-42).
107. Agumkakrime found, on taking the throne, that the images of Marduk
and Zarpanit, chief deities of the city, had been removed from the temple to
the land of Khani, a region not yet definitely located, but presumably in
northern Mesopotamia, and possibly on the head-waters of the Euphrates.
This removal took place probably in connection with an invasion of peoples
from that distant region, who were subsequently driven out; and it sheds
light on the weakened and disordered condition of the land at the time of
the appearance of the Kassites. These images were recovered by the king,
either through an embassy or by force of arms. The inscription is
indefinite on the point, but the wealth of the king as intimated in the
latter part of the inscription would suggest that he was at least able to
compel the surrender of them. On being recovered they were replaced in
their temple, which was renovated and splendidly furnished for their
reception. Gold and precious stones and woods were employed in lavish
profusion for the adornment of the persons of the divine pair and the
decoration of their abode. Their priesthoods were revived, the service re-
established, and endowments provided for the temple.
108. In the countries enumerated by Agumkakrime as under his sway no
mention is made of a people who were soon to exercise a commanding influence
upon the history of the Kassite dynasty. The people of Assyria, however,
although, even before that time, having a local habitation and rulers, the
names of some of whom have come down in tradition, could harldy have been
independent of a king who claimed authority over the land of the Kassites
and the Guti, Padan, and Alman, - districts which lie in the region of the
middle and upper Tigris, or on the slopes of the eastern mountains
(Delitzsch, Paradies, p. 205). According to the report of the Synchronistic
History, about a century and a half later Assyria was capable of treating
with Babylonia on equal terms, but, even if the opening passages of that
document (some eleven lines) had been preserved, they would hardly have
indicated such relations at a much earlier date. The sudden rise of
Assyria, therefore, is reasonably explained as connected with the greater
movement which made the Kassites supreme in Babylonia.
109. The people who established the kingdom of Assyria exhibit, in
language and customs and even in physical characteristics, a close likeness
to the Babylonians. They were, therefore, not only a Semitic people, but,
apparently, also of Semitic-Babylonian stock. The most natural explanation
of this fact is that they were originally a Babylonian colony. They seem,
however, to be of even purer Semitic blood than their Babylonian ancestors,
and some scholars have preferred to see in them an independent offshoot from
the original Semitic migration into the Mesopotamian valley (sect. 51). If
that be so, they must have come very early under Babylonian influence which
dominated the essential elements of their civilization and its growth down
to their latest days. The earliest centre of their organization was the
city of Assur on the west bank of the middle Tigris (lat. n. 35 degrees 30
minutes), where a line of low hills begins to run southward along the river.
Perched on the outlying northern spur of these hills, and by them sheltered
from the nomads of the steppe and protected by the broad river in front from
the raids of mountaineers of the east, the city was an outpost of Babylonian
civilization and a station on the natural road of trade with the lands of
the upper Tigris. A fertile stretch of alluvial soil in the vicinity
supplied the necessary agricultural basis of life, while, a few miles to the
north, bitumen springs furnished, as on the Euphrates, an article of
commerce and the indispensable element of building (Layard, Nineveh and its
Remains, II. chap. xii.). The god of the city was Ashur, "the good one,"
and from him the city received its name (Jastrow, Rel. of Bab. and Assyria,
p. 196).
110. The early rulers of the city of Assur were patesis (sect. 75),
viceroys of Babylonian rulers. Some of their names have come down in
tradition, as, for example, those of Ishme Dagan and his son, Shamshi Adad,
who lived according to Tiglathpileser I. about seven hundred years before
himself (that is, about 1840-1800 B.C.). Later kings of Assyria also refer
to other rulers of the early age to whom they give the royal title, but of
whom nothing further is known. The first mention of Assur is in a letter of
king Khammurabi of the first dynasty of Babylon, who seems to intimate that
the city was a part of the Babylonian Empire (King, Let. and Inscr. of H.,
III. p. 3). In the darkness that covers these beginnings, the viceroys
became independent of Babylonia and extended their authority up the Tigris
to Kalkhi, Arbela, and Nineveh, cities to be in the future centres of the
Assyrian Empire. The kingdom of Assyria took form and gathered power.
111. The physical characteristics of this region could not but shape
the activities of those who lived within its borders. It is the
northeastern corner of Mesopotamia. The mountains rise in the rear; the
Tigris and Mesopotamia are in front. The chief cities of Assyria, with the
sole exception of Assur, lie to the east of the great river and on the
narrow shelf between it and the northeastern mountain ranges. They who live
there must needs find nature less friendly to them than to their brethren of
the south. Agriculture does not richly reward their labors. They learn, by
struggling with the wild beasts of the hills and the fierce men of the
mountains, the thirst for battle and the joy of victory. And as they grow
too numerous for their borders, the prospect, barred to the east and north,
opens invitingly towards the west and southwest. Thus the Assyrian found in
his surroundings the encouragement to devote himself to war and to the chase
rather than to the peaceful pursuits of agriculture; the preparation for
military achievement on a scale hitherto unrealized.
112. It is not difficult to conceive how the Kassite conquest of
Babylonia profoundly influenced the development of Assyria. The city of
Assur, protected from the inroads of the eastern invaders by its position on
the west bank of the Tigris, became, at the same time, the refuge of those
Babylonians who fled before the conquerors as they overspread the land. The
Assyrian community was thus enabled to throw off the yoke of allegiance to
the mother country, now in possession of foreigners, and to establish itself
as an independent kingdom. Its patesis became kings, and began to cherish
ambitions of recovering the home-land from the grasp of the enemy, and of
extending their sway over the upper Tigris and beyond. It is not unlikely
that this latter endeavor was at least partially successful during the early
period of the Kassite rule. It is certainly significant that Agumkakrime
does not mention Assyria among the districts under his sway and if, as has
been remarked (sect. 108), his sphere of influence seems to include it, his
successors were soon to learn that a new power must be reckoned with, in
settling the question of supremacy on the middle Tigris.
Early Conflicts Of Babylonia And Assyria. 1500-1150 B.C.
113. The half millennium (2000-1500 B.C.), that saw the decline of Old
Babylonia, its conquest by the Kassites and the beginnings of the kingdom of
Assyria, had been also a period of transition in the rest of the ancient
oriental world. In Egypt the quiet, isolated development of native life and
forces which had gone on unhindered for two thousand years and had produced
so remarkable a civilization, was broken into by the invasion of the Hyksos,
Semitic nomads from Arabia, who held the primacy of power for three hundred
years and introduced new elements and influences into the historical
process. In the region lying between the Euphrates and the Nile, which in
the absence of a common name may be called Syria, where Babylonian
civilization, sustained from time to time by Babylonian armies, had taken
deep root, similar changes, though less clearly attested by definite
historical memorials, seem to have taken place. The Hyksos movement into
Egypt could not but have been attended with disturbances in southern Syria,
reflected perhaps in the patriarchal traditions of the Hebrews. In the
north, peoples from the mountains that rim the upper plateau began to
descend and occupy the regions to the east and west of the head-waters of
the Euphrates, thus threatening the security of the highways of trade, and,
consequently, Babylonian authority on the Mediterranean.
114. Had the Babylonian kingdom been unhampered, it might have met and
overcome these adverse influences in its western provinces and continued its
hegemony over the peoples of Syria. But to the inner confusion caused by
the presence of foreign rulers was added the antagonism of a young and
vigorous rival, the Assyrian kingdom on the upper Tigris. Through the
absorption of both powers in the complications that ensued, any vigorous
movement toward the west was impossible. It was from another and quite
unexpected quarter that the political situation was to be transformed. In
Egypt by the beginning of the sixteenth century a desperate struggle of the
native element against the ruling Hyksos began, resulting, as the century
drew to a close, in the expulsion of the foreigners. Under the fresh
impulses aroused by this victorious struggle the nation entered an entirely
new path of conquest. The Pharaohs of the New Empire went forth to win
115. The fifteenth century B.C., therefore, marks a turning-point in
the history of Western Asia. The nations that had hitherto wrought out
largely by themselves their contributions to civilization and progress came
into direct political relation one with another in that middle zone between
the Euphrates and the Nile, which was henceforth to be the battle-ground of
their armies and the reward of their victories. From that time forth the
politics of the kings was to be a world-politics; the balance of power was
to be a burning question; international diplomacy came into being. The
three great powers were Egypt, Assyria, and Babylonia. Lesser kingdoms
appeared as Egypt advanced into the East, - Mitanni in northwestern
Mesopotamia, whose people used the cuneiform script to express a language
which cannot yet be understood, Alasia in north-western Syria, and the
Hittites just rounding into form in the highlands of northeastern Syria and
destined to play so brilliant a part, if at present a puzzling one, in the
history of the coming centuries. At first, Egypt carried all before her.
Under the successive Pharaohs of the eighteenth dynasty, her armies passed
victoriously up and down along the eastern Mediterranean and even crossed
the Euphrates. All Syria became an Egyptian province, paying tribute to the
empire of the Nile. Egyptian civilization was dominant throughout the whole
116. The effect of this Egyptian predominance in Syria upon the
kingdoms of the Tigro-Euphrates valley was significant. The Egyptians
obtained the monopoly of the trade of its new provinces, and the eastern
kingdoms were cut off. They were crowded back as Egypt pressed forward. It
is not improbable that Assyria's northern movement (sect. 112) was by this
pressure forced to the east, and therefore the centre of Assyrian power
shifted to the other side of the Tigris over against the eastern mountains.
The image of Ishtar, goddess of Nineveh, had fallen during this time into
the hands of the king of Mitanni, who sent it to Egypt (Winckler, Tel-el-
Amarna Letters, 20). The pent up forces of the two peoples declined and
exhausted themselves in reviving and pursuing with greater intensity and
persistence the struggle for local supremacy. Assyria was numbered by
Thutmose III. of Egypt (1480-1427 B.C.) among his tributaries for two years,
although this may have been little more than a vainglorious boast, arising
out of the endeavor of the Assyrian king to obtain the Egyptian alliance by
means of gifts. That Egypt was courted by both Babylonian and Assyrian
rulers is testified to by the archives of Amenhotep IV., as preserved in the
Tel-el-Amarna letters, which contain communications from kings of both
nations to the Pharaohs, intimating that these negotiations had been going
on for half a century. The Pharaohs, having won their provinces in Syria by
force of arms, were willing to maintain possession by alliances with
bordering peoples whom they regarded as inferior, even while treating with
them on the conventional terms imposed by the diplomacy of the time. Thus
they exchanged princesses with Mitanni, Babylon, and Assyria, and made
presents of gold, the receipt of which the kings of these lands acknowledged
by asking for more. Their deferential attitude toward Egypt, however, goes
somewhat beyond what must have been the diplomatic courtesy of the time, and
shows how Egypt stood as arbiter and head among them. A perfect
illustration of the situation is given in the following paragraph from a
letter of the king of Babylon to Amenhotep IV. of Egypt:
In the the time of Kurigalzu, my father, the Canaanites as a body sent
to him as follows: "Against the frontier of the land, let us march, and
invade it. Let us make an alliance with thee." Then my father sent them
this (reply), as follows: "Cease (trying) to form an alliance with me. If
you cherish hostility against the king of Egypt, my brother, and bind
yourselves together (with an oath), as for me, shall I not come and plunder
you? - for he is in alliance with me." My father, for the sake of thy
father, did not heed them. Now, (as to) the Assyrians, my own subjects, did
I not send thee (word) concerning their matters? Why has (an embassy)
entered thy country? If thou lovest me, let them have no good fortune. Let
them secure no (advantage) whatever (ABL, p. 221).
While Egypt must needs be on friendly terms with the Mesopotamian states in
order to keep them from interfering in Syria, it was with each one of them
a vital matter to gain her exclusive alliance, or prevent any other of them
from securing it.
117. In these conditions of world-politics, the complications between
the rival states in Mesopotamia, as already remarked, were increased and
intensified. The problem of a boundary line, a frequent source of trouble
between nations, occasioned recurring difficulties. Kara-indash for Babylon
and Ashur-bel-ni-sheshu for Assyria settled it (about 1450) by a treaty
(Synchr. Hist., col. I. 1-4). The same procedure was followed about half a
century later by the Babylonian Burnaburyas I. (?) and the Assyrian Puzur-
ashur (Ibid., col. I. 5-7). Of Kadashman Bel (Kallima Sin), who reigned at
Babylon in the interval, four letters to Amenhotep III. of Egypt are
preserved in the Tel-el-Amarna tablets, together with one from the Pharaoh
to him, but beyond the mention of exchanging daughters as wives they contain
no historical facts of importance. Kurigalzu I. (about 1380 B.C.), the son
and successor of Burnaburyas (I.?), is mentioned in the same collecton of
documents as on good terms with Egypt, but no record remains of his
relations with Assyria, where Ashur-nadin-akhi ruled. The same is true of
the latter's son, Ashur-uballit and the Babylonian Burnaburyas II. (about
1350 B.C.), son of Kurigalzu I., who refers to his rival in the boastful
terms already quoted (sect. 116), which, however, must be interpreted as the
language of diplomacy. His six letters to the Pharaoh Amenhotep IV. are,
otherwise, historically barren. Ashuruballit, "the vassal," succeeded in
marrying his daughter Muballitat-sirua to the Babylonian king's son,
Karakhardash, who followed his father upon the throne (about 1325 B.C.).
The two kings also renewed the boundary treaty of their fathers (RP, 2 ser.
V. p. 107, and Winckler, Alt. Or. Forsch. I., ii. pp. 115 f.). Here the
first stage of the rivalry may be said to close. From a position of
insignificance the Assyrian kingdom had been raised, by a series of able
rulers, to an equality with Babylonia, and the achievement was consummated
by the union of the royal houses.
118. The son of this union, Kadashman-kharbe, succeeded his father on
the Babylonian throne while his grandfather, Ashuruballit, still ruled in
Assyria. To him, apparently, a Babylonian chronicle fragment ascribes the
clearing of the Euphrates road from the raids of the Bedouin Suti, and the
building of fortresses and planting of colonies in Syria (RP, 2 ser. V., and
Winckler, AOF, l. c.). But it is not improbable that, if done by him, it
was in connection with his grandfather, who, in his letter to the Pharaoh
Amenhotep IV., expressly mentions the Suti as infesting the roads to the
west, evidently the trade routes of the upper Mesopotamian valley (Winckler,
Tel-el-Amarna Letters, pp. 30 f.). This close relation to Assyria was not
pleasing to the Kassite nobles, who rebelled against their king, killed him,
and set a certain Suzigas, or Nazibugas, upon the throne. But the aged
Ashuruballit hastened to avenge his grandson, marched into Babylonia, and
put the usurper to death. In his stead he placed on the throne the son of
Kadashman-kharbe as Kurigalzu II., who, called the "young" one, was
evidently still a child. With this agrees the probable reading of the years
of his reign as fifty-five upon the kings' list. He must at first have
reigned under the tutelage of Ashuruballit, who, however, could not have
lived long after his great-grandson's accession. The Assyrian throne was
taken by his son Bel-nirari, who was followed by his son Pudi-ilu.
Kurigalzu outlived both these kings, and saw Pudi-ilu's son, Adad-nirari I.,
succeed his father. The Babylonian king seems not to have altered his
friendly attitude toward Assyria during the reigns of the first two kings.
He waged a brilliantly successful war with the Elamites, captured their king
Khurba-tila with his own hands, sacked Susa, his capital, and brought back
great spoil. At Nippur he offered to the goddess of the shrine an agate
tablet which, after having been given to Ishtar of Uruk in honor of Dungi of
Ur more than a thousand years before, had been carried away to Elam in the
Elamite invasion of the third millennium and was now returned to its
Babylonian home. In his last years the king came into conflict with
Adadnirari I. of Assyria. Was it owing to the ambition of a young and
vigorous ruler who hoped to get the better of his aged rival? Or was it the
Babylonian's growing distrust of the power of Assyria, which, under one of
the kings of his time, Belnirari, had attacked and overthrown the Kassites
in their ancestral home to the east of the Tigris? Whatever was the
occasion, the two armies met, and the Assyrian was completely defeated (RP,
2 ser. V. pp. 109 ff., cf. IV. p. 28; Winckler, AOF, p. 122). A
readjustment of boundaries followed. Kurigalzu II. was an industrious
builder. Whether the citadel of Dur Kurigalzu, which lay as a bulwark on
the northern border of the Babylonian plain, was built by him or his
predecessor, the first of the name, is uncertain. The same confusion
attaches to most of the Kurigalzu inscriptions, though the probabilities are
in favor of ascribing the majority of them to Kurigalzu II. The temples at
Ur and Nippur were rebuilt by him as well as that of Agade. A statement of
the Babylonian chronicle suggests that he was the first Kassite king who
favored Babylon and its god Marduk. He gives himself in his inscriptions,
among other titles, that of "Viceroy of the god Bel" and may well be that
Kurigalzu whom a later ruler, in claiming descent from him, proudly calls
the "incomparable king" (sharru la sanaan).
119. The period of peace with the Kassite rulers of Babylonia had been
improved by the Assyrian kings in extending their boundaries toward the
north and east. An inscription of Adadnirari I. (KB, I. 4 ff.) ascribes the
beginning of this forward movement to his great-grandfather, Ashuruballit,
who conquered the Subari on the upper Tigris. Belnirari and Pudi-ilu
campaigned in the east and southeast in the well-watered region between the
river and the mountains, where dwelt the Kuti, the Suti, the Kassi, and
other peoples of the mountain moutain and the steppe, down to the borders of
Elam. Adadnirari I. continued the advance by subduing the Lulumi in the
east, but his defeat by Kurigalzu II. cost him the southern conquests of his
predecessors, as the boundary-line established after the battle (Syn. Hist.,
col. I. 21-23) and the silence of his own inscription indicate. However, he
strengthened Assyria's hold on the other peoples by planting cities among
them. When Kurigalzu II. was succeeded in Babylonia by his son nazi-
maruttash, the Assyrian king tried the fortune of battle with him, and this
time apparently with greater success, although the new boundaries agreed
upon seem very little different from those in the time of Kurigalzu II.
(Syn. Hist., col. I. 24-31).
120. Under Adadnirari's son, Shalmaneser I. (about 1300?), Assyria
began to push westward. The decades that had passed since the
correspondence between the Amenhoteps of Egypt and the kings of Assyria and
Babylonia had witnessed a great change in the political relations of Egypt
and Syria. A people which in the fifteenth century was just appearing in
northern Syria, the Khatti (Hittites), had pushed down and overspread the
land to the borders of Palestine. The eighteenth Egyptian dynasty had
disappeared, and the nineteenth, which had succeeded, found the Khatti
invincible. Ramses II., the fourth Pharaoh of that dynasty, made a treaty
of peace with them, wherein he renounced all Egyptian provinces north of
Palestine. With the pressure thus removed from northern Mesopotamia,
Assyria was free to move in this the natural direction of her expansion. It
was a turning-point in the world's history when this nation set its face
toward the west. Shalmaneser followed up the Tigris, crossed its upper
waters, planted Assyrian outposts among the tribes, and marched along the
southern spurs of the mountains to the head-waters of the Euphrates. The
chief peoples conquered by him were the Arami, by whom are to be understood
the Arameans of western Mesopotamia, and the Mucri, concerning whose
position little is known unless they are the people of that name living in
northern Syria. In this case Shalmaneser was the first Assyrian king to
carry the Assyrian arms across the Euphrates. The large additions to
Assyria's territory on all sides thus made probably lay at the bottom of
Shalmaneser's transfer of the seat of his administration from the ancient
city of Assur to Kalkhi (Calah), forty miles to the north, and on the
eastern side of the Tigris just above the point where the upper Zab empties
into the great river. The strategic advantages of the site are obvious, -
the protection offered by the Zab and the Tigris, the more central location
and the greater accessibility from all parts of the now much enlarged state.
Here the king built his city, which testified to the sagacity of its founder
by remaining one of the great centres of Assyrian life down to the end of
the empire. The title of Shar Kishshate, "king of the world," which he and
his father Adadnirari were the first Assyrian kings to claim, is a testimony
both of their greatness and of the consciousness of national enlargement
which their work produced.
121. Of the Kassite kings who held Babylonia during these years little
is known beyond their names and regnal years (sect. 103). An uncertain
passage on the broken Ashur-nacir-pal (?) obelisk seems to refer to a
hostile meeting between Kadashman-burias and Shalmaneser I. of Assyria
(Hommel, GBA, p. 437). A much more important contest was that between
Shalmaneser's son, Tukulti Ninib (about 1250) and the Kassite rulers. From
fragments of a Babylonian chronicle (RP, 2 ser. V. p. 111), it is clear that
the Assyrian king entered Babylonia, and for seven years held the throne
against all comers, defeating and overthrowing, it is probable, four
Babylonian kings who successively sought to maintain their rights against
him. At last, owing perhaps to the dissatisfaction felt in Assyria at the
king's evident preference for governing his kingdom from Babylonia, Tukulti
Ninib was himself murdered by a conspiracy headed by his own son
Ashurnacirpal. Here the second stage of the struggle may be said to
terminate. It had been accompanied by a remarkable development of Assyria
which brought the state, though hardly yet of age, to a position of power
that culminated in the humiliation and temporary subjection of her rival
under Assyrian rule. During the reign of Tukulti Ninib Assyria was the
mistress of the entire Tigro-Euphrates valley from the mountains to the
Persian gulf.
122. During these evil years Babylonia had suffered from Elamite
inroads (RP, 2 ser. V. pp. 111 f.) as well as borne the yoke of the
Assyrian. But the murder of Tukulti Ninib gave the opportunity for a new
and successful rebellion which placed Adad-shumucur (Adad-nadin-akhi) upon
the throne. He ruled, according to the kings' list, for thirty years.
Under him and his successors, Mili-shikhu and Marduk-baliddin I. (about 1150
B.C.), a sudden and splendid uplift was given to Babylonia's fortunes. If
the hints contained in the fragmentary sources are correctly understood, it
appears that, toward the close of the reign of Adadshumucur, he was attacked
by the Assyrian king Bel-kudur-ucur. The battle resulted in a victory for
the Babylonians, but both kings were killed. The Assyrian general, Ninib-
apal-ekur, possibly a son of the king, withdrew his forces, and, pressed
hard by Milishikhu, the son and successor of the Babylonian king, shut
himself up in the city of Assur, apparently his capital rather than Kalkhi,
where he was able to beat off the enemy. He succeeded to the Assyrian
throne, but with the loss of Assyrian prestige and authority in the
Mesopotamian valley. For twenty-eight years, during the reigns of
Milishikhu and his son Mardukbaliddin, Babylonia was supreme. The latter
king assumed the title borne by Shalmaneser I. of Assyria, "King of the
World," which implied, if Winckler's understanding of the title is to be
accepted (sect. 54), authority over northern Mesopotamia between the Tigris
and Euphrates. Be that as it may, this brilliant outburst of Kassite
Babylonia was transient. Zamama-shum-iddin, the successor of
Mardukbaliddin, was attacked and worsted by Ashurdan of Assyria, son of
Ninib-apal-ekur. Within three years his successor, Bel-shum-iddin, was
dethroned, and the Kassite dynasty of Babylonia came to an end after nearly
six centuries of power (about 1140 B.C.).