Ancient Egypt

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Welcome to the ideal place to start exploring the wonders of the Ancient Egypt. Find out all about this amazing culture, and learn about the gods they worshiped, the Pharaohs that ruled and the tombs and statues they left behind.

find out about Tutankhamun, Akhenaten and the other celebrities of the 'Amarna Period', including the fabled beauty of Nefertiti.
Also see some examples of the mummy masks and jewelry which the dead took with them into their tombs

Latest Additions

Egyptology's hottest topic The Murder of Tutankhamun

The original Mummy, updated and more interactive

A new perspective, the monuments of Ancient Egypt from above

A tantalizing glimpse of a site off the usual tourist track, the Temples of Gebel Silsileh

Egypt's Amarna Period

Virtually no phase in the history of our planet's civilisations has so many unanswered questions, and attracts so many theories, as the Egyptian 'Amarna Period' when the Heretic Pharaoh Akhenaten turned away from the traditional gods and embraced his one god, the Aten sun disk.

Why did he turn his back on the existing Gods and close their temples, what was the relationship between Akhenaten and Tutankhamun, and what was the real reason for the apparent massive anti-Atenist backlash that followed his death?

Amenhotep III

Akhenaten's father, his reign saw the rise of the Aten


Akhenaten's mother, and a regular visitor to Akhetaten.


The 'Heretic Pharaoh' who turned his back on 3,000 years of state religion.


An insignificant Child King, his almost intact tomb assured him of the immortality he sought.


Akhenaten's successor, one of the Amarna Period's biggest mysteries.


Akhenaten's General, as Pharaoh he was credited with restoring the temples.


A high official throughout the Amarna Period, and Tutankhamun's successor as Pharaoh.


Akhenaten's Sun Queen, one of history's most famous faces.


Another enigma, did she succeed Nefertiti as Queen, and was she Tutankhamun's mother.

The Amarna Cache - Tomb KV 55

One of the most controversial finds in the Valley of the Kings

The Talitat Wall

A monumental Amarna jigsaw puzzle

Amarna items in the N.M.S.

A fine collection of Amarna objects in Edinburgh

The Royal Tomb at Akhetaten

Akhenaten's eternal home.

Of course there is much more to Ancient Egyptian history then the mysteries of the Amarna Period.

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