Life in Ancient Egypt

Welcome to Life in Ancient Egypt, an introduction to The Walton Hall of Ancient Egypt at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History.

The Carnegie Museum of Natural History has acquired Egyptian artifacts since its founding and now holds about twenty-five-hundred ancient Egyptian artifacts. The most significant of these objects, over six hundred of them, are displayed in The Walton Hall of Ancient Egypt.

In the hall the artifacts are displayed in relation to the daily life and traditions of the people who made them, so that the objects are seen in the context of the culture. To present a cohesive picture of ancient Egyptian society, its technology, its social system, and its beliefs, we have arranged the objects in several thematic areas. Life in Ancient Egypt, however, presents the themes in a slightly different order than the hall.

You may choose from the links below or follow the suggested path by clicking the Next button on each screen. We hope you have the opportunity to come to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History and visit The Walton Hall of Ancient Egypt.

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