A Call to Repentance
14 [a]“Return, Israel, to the Lord your God,
for you have fallen due to your own iniquity.
2 Bring a prepared speech with you
as you return to the Lord. Say to him:
‘Take away all our[b] iniquity,
and accept what is good.
Then we will present the fruit[c] of our lips.
3 Assyria won’t save us;
we won’t be riding on horses,
Nor will we be saying anymore to the work of our hands,
“You are[d] our God.”
Indeed, in you the orphan finds mercy.’
4 “I will correct their apostasy,
loving them freely,
since my anger will have turned away from them.[e]
5 I will be like the dew to Israel;
Israel[f] will blossom like a lily,
growing roots like the cedars of[g] Lebanon.
6 Israel’s[h] branches will spread out,
and its beauty will be like an olive tree,
with its scent like that of Lebanon.
7 Those who live under its protection[i] will surely return.
Their grain will flourish;
they will blossom like a vine,
and Israel’s[j] scent will be like wine from Lebanon.
8 “Ephraim, what have I in common with idols?
I have listened and will pay attention to him.
I am like a flourishing cypress;
in me will your fruit be found.”
Concluding Counsel
9 Whoever is wise, let him understand these things.
Whoever is discerning, let him know them.
For the ways of the Lord are right:
the righteous follow his example,
but the rebellious stumble in them.
- Hosea 14:1 This v. is 14:2 in MT, and so throughout the chapter.
- Hosea 14:2 The Heb. lacks our
- Hosea 14:2 So LXX and DSS. MT reads bulls
- Hosea 14:3 The Heb. lacks You are
- Hosea 14:4 Lit. him
- Hosea 14:5 Lit. he
- Hosea 14:5 The Heb. lacks the cedars of
- Hosea 14:6 Lit. His
- Hosea 14:7 Lit. shadow
- Hosea 14:7 Lit. His