HTML Codes for Greek Letters

Writing online about scientific or mathematical topics, you’ll notice you need to write a lot of Greek letters. You’ll also have trouble finding these letters on your keyboard. This table will help you with the HTML codes for Greek letters. The table contains both capital and lower case letters, a visual example, and the HTML code for each letter.

It should be noted not all online fonts support these codes. Most common fonts do support the extra characters, but some specialty fonts do not include these characters. Check before you publish your document.

HTML Codes for Greek Letters

Some letters are identical to the alphabet you’re used to. For example, the capital alpha ( A ) could be coded with the code & #913; or & Alpha; but it is much easier to just use the Shift-A on your keyboard. The end result will be the same. These letters are included in the table.

CharacterDisplayHTML Code (remove space after '&')
capital alphaA

& #391; or & Alpha;

capital betaB& #932; or & Beta;
capital gammaΓ& #915; or & Gamma;
capital deltaΔ& #916; or & Delta;
capital epsilonE& #917; or & Epsilon;
capital zetaZ& #918; or & Zeta;
capital etaH& #919; or & Eta;
capital thetaΘ& #920; or & Theta;
capital iotaI& #921; or & Iota;
capital kappaK& #922; or & Kappa;
capital lambdaΛ& #923; or & Lambda;
capital muM& #924; or & Mu;
capital nuN& #925; or & Nu;
capital xiΞ& #926; or & Xi;
capital omicronO& #927; or & Omicron;
capital piΠ& #928; or & Pi;
capital rhoP& #929; or & Rho;
capital sigmaΣ& #931; or & Sigma;
capital tauT& #932; or & Tau;
capital upsilonY& #933; or & Upsilon;
capital phiΦ& #934; or & Phi;
capital chiX& #935; or & Chi;
capital psiΨ& #936; or & Psi;
capital omegaΩ& #937; or & Omega;
small alphaα& #945; or & alpha;
small betaβ& #946; or & beta;
small gammaγ& #947; or & gamma;
small deltaδ& #948; or & delta;
small epsilonε& #949; or & epsilon;
small zetaζ& #950; or & zeta;
small etaη& #951; or & eta;
small thetaθ& #952; or & theta;
small iotaι& #953; or & iota;
small kappaκ& #954; or & kappa;
small lambdaλ& #955; or & lambda;
small muμ& #956; or & mu;
small nuν& #957; or & nu;
small xiξ& #958; or & xi;
small omicrono& #959; or & omicron;
small piπ& #960; or & pi;
small rhoρ& #961; or & rho;
small sigmaσ& #963; or & sigma;
small tauτ& #964; or & tau;
small upsilonυ& #965; or & upsilon;
small phiφ& #966; or & phi;
small chiχ& #967; or & chi;
small psiψ& #968; or & psi;
small omegaω& #969; or & omega;

Other Ways to Write Greek Letters

If you’re writing using a computer, you can simply copy and paste a Greek letter from a character map or another document. For example, if you need a ψ, you could just highlight, copy, and paste from this table! Most modern editors support copy/pasting special characters.

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