Habeas corpus - You must have the body, i.e. You must justify an imprisonment
Habemus Papam - We have a pope. (used at the announcement of a new pope)
Habetis bona deum - Have a nice day
Hac lege - With this law
Haec olim meminisse ivvabit - Time heals all things, i.e. Wounds, offenses
Haec trutina errat - There is something wrong with this scale
Hannibal ante portas! - Hannibal is at the doors! The enemy/danger is at the doors!
Haud ignota loquor - I say things that are known
Helluo librorum - A glutton for books. (bookworm)
Heu! Tintinnuntius meus sonat! - Darn! There goes my beeper!
Heus, hic nos omnes in agmine sunt! - Hey, we're all in line here!
Hic et nunc - Here and now
Hic habitat felicitas - Here dwells happiness
Hic jacet (HJ) - Here lies. (written on gravestones or tombs)
Hic jacet sepultus (HJS) - Here lies buried
Hic puer est stultissimus omnium! - This boy is the stupidest of all!
Hinc illae lacrimae - Hence these tears. (Terence)
Historia est vitae magistra - The history is the tutor of life
Hoc erat in votis - This was among my prayers
Hoc est in votis - This is in my prayers
Hoc est verum et nihili nisi verum - This is the truth and nothing but the truth
Hoc est vivere bis vita posse priore frvi - To live twice is to make useful profit from one's past. Experience is the best teacher, so learn from it
Hoc natura est insitum, ut quem timueris, hunc semper oderis - It's an innate thing to always hate the one we've learnt to fear
Hoc tempore obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit - In these days friends are won through flattery, the truth gives birth to hate. (Terence)
Hocine bibo aut in eum digitos insero? - Do I drink this or stick my fingers in it?
Hodie mihi, cras tibi - Today for me, tomorrow for you
Homines libenter quod volunt credunt - Men believe what they want to. (Terentius)
Homines, dum docent, discunt - Men learn while they teach. (Seneca)
Homo doctvs is se semper divitias habet - A learned man always has wealth within himself
Homo homini lupus - Man is a wolf to man
Homo nudus cum nuda iacebat - Naked they lay together, man and woman
Homo praesumitur bonus donec probetur malus - One is innocent until proven guilty
Homo proponit, sed Deus disponit - Man proposes, but God disposes
Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto - I am human, therefore nothing human is strange to me
Homo sum - I am a man
Homo vitae commodatus non donatus est - Man has been lent to life, not given. (Pubilius Syrus)
Honor virutis preamium - Honour is the reward of virtue
Honores mutant mores - The honours change the customs. (Power corrupts)
Honoris causa (h.c.) - As in doctorate, an honorary degree
Horas non numero nisi serenas - I count only the bright hours. (Inscription on ancient sundials)
Horribile dictu - Horrible to tell
Horror vacui - Fear of empty places
Hostis hvmani generis - Enemy of the human race
Huc accedit zambonis! - Here comes the Zamboni!
Humum mandere - To bite the dust
Hunc tu caveto - Beware of this man