Cacoethes scribendi - An insatiable urge to write. (Juvenal)
Cadit quaestio - The question drops
Caeca invidia est - Envy is blind. (Livy)
Caeci caecos ducentes - Blind are led by the blind. Leaders are not more knowledgeable than the ones they lead
Caeli enarrant gloriam Dei - The heavens declare the glory of God
Caelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt - They change the sky, not their soul, who run across the sea. (Horace)
Caelum videre iussit, et erectos ad sidera tollere vultus - He bid them look at the sky and lift their faces to the stars. (Ovid)
Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris - If Caesar were alive, you'd be chained to an oar
Camera obscvra - Hidden room - an early photographic or painting technique utilizing optical pinholes
Canis meus id comedit - My dog ate it
Canis timidus vehementius latrat quam mordet - A timid dog barks more violently than it bites. (Curtius Rufus)
Capillamentum? Haudquaquam conieci esse! - A wig? I never would have guessed!
Caro putridas es! - You're dead meat
Carpe Cerevisi - Seize the beer!
Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero - Seize the day, trust as little as possible in tomorrow. (Horace)
Carpe diem - Seize the day. (opportunity) (Horace)
Casus belli - An act used to justify war
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam - I have a catapult. Give me all your money, or I will fling an enormous rock at your head
Casus belli - Event (that is the justification for, or the cause) of war
Causarum justia et misericordia - For the causes of justice and mercy
Causa mortis - Death Cause
Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book. (Latin Epigram)
Cave canem, te necet lingendo - Beware of the dog, he may lick you to death
Cave canem - Beware of the dog
Cave cibum, valde malus est - Beware the food, it is very bad
Cave ne ante ullas catapultas ambules - If I were you, I wouldn't walk in front of any catapults
Cave quid dicis, quando, et cui - Beware what you say, when, and to whom
Cave - Beware!
Caveat emptor - Let the buyer beware. (He buys at his own risk)
Caveat venditor - Let the seller beware
Caveat - Let him/her beware
Cedant arma togae - Let arms yield to the toga. (Let violence give place to law)
Cedo maiori - I yield to a greater person
Certamen bikini-suicidus-disci mox coepit? - Does the Bikini-Suicide-Frisbee match start soon?
Certe, toto, sentio nos in kansate non iam adesse - You know, Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore
Certum est, quia impossibile - It is certain, because it is impossible. (Tertullianus)
Cetera desunt - The rest is missing
Ceteris paribus - All else being equal
Christus rex - Christ the King
Cineri gloria sera venit - Fame comes too late to the dead
Circa (c.) - Approximately
Clamo, clamatis, omnes clamamus pro glace lactis - I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
Clara pacta, boni amici - Clear agreements, good friends
Codex Juris Canonici - Book of canon law
Cogita ante salis - Think before you leap, or look before you leap
Cogitationis poenam nemo patitur - Nobody should be punished for his thoughts
Cogito ergo doleo - I think therefore I am depressed
Cogito sumere potum alterum - I think I'll have another drink
Cogito, ergo sum - I think, therefore I am. (Reni Descartes)
Commodum ex iniuria sua nemo habere debet - No person ought to have advantage from his own wrong
Commune bonum - The common good
Commune periculum concordiam parit - Common danger brings forth harmony
Communi consilio - By common consent
Compos mentis - Of sound mind (and judgement)
Concordia discors - Discordant harmony
Concordia res parvae crescent - Work together to accomplish more
Conditio sine qua non - Condition without which not, or an essential condition or requirement
Confer (cf.) - Compare
Confiteor - I confess
Congregatio de Propaganda Fide - Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith
Coniecturalem artem esse medicinam - Medicine is the art of guessing. (Aulus Cornelius Celsus)
Coniunctis viribus - With united powers
Conlige suspectos semper habitos - Round up the usual suspects
Consensu omnium - By the agreement of all
Consensus audacium - An agreement of rash men. (a conspiracy) (Cicero)
Consuetudinis magna vis est - The force of habit is great. (Cicero)
Consule planco - In the consulship of Plancus (In the good old days) (Horace)
Consummatum est - It is completed (Christ's last words, John 19:30)
Contra felicem vix deus vires habet - Against a lucky man a god scarcely has power
Contra mundum - Against the world
Contraria contrariis curantur - The opposite is cured with the opposite. (Hippocrates)
Coram populo - In the presence of the people. (Horace)
Cornix cornici oculos non effodiet - A crow doesn't rip out the eyes of another crow
Cornucopia - Horn of plenty
Corpus christi - The body of Christ
Corpus delicti - The body of a crime. (The substance or fundamental facts of a crime)
Corpus Juris Canonici - The body of canon law
Corpus Juris Civilis - The body of civil law
Corpus vile - Worthless body
Corrigenda - A list of things to be corrected. (in a book)
Corripe Cervisiam - Seize the beer!
Corruptio optimi pessima - Corruption of the best is worst
Coruscantes disci per convexa caeli volantes - Flying saucers
Cotidiana vilescunt - Familiarity breeds contempt
Cotidie damnatur qui semper timet - The man who is constantly in fear is every day condemned. (Syrus)
Crapulam terriblem habeo - I have a terrible hangover
Cras amet qui nunquam amavit; Quique amavit, cras amet - May he love tomorrow who has never loved before
Credidi me felem vidisse! - I tought I taw a puddy tat!
Credite amori vera dicenti - Believe love speaking the truth. (St. Jerome)
Credo elvem etiam vivere - I believe Elvis lives
Credo nos in fluctu eodem esse - I think we're on the same wavelength
Credo quia absurdum - I believe it because it is absurd. (contrary to reason) (Tertullian)
Credo ut intelligam - I believe in order that I may understand. (St. Augustine)
Credula vitam spes fovet et melius cras fore semper dicit - Credulous hope supports our life, and always says that tomorrow will be better. (Tibullus)
Crescit amor nummi, quantum ipsa pecunia crevit - The love of wealth grows as the wealth itself grew. (Juvenalis)
Crescite et multiplicamini - Increase and multiply
Crimen falsi - Perjury
Crudelius est quam mori semper timere mortem - It is more cruel to always fear death than to die. (Seneca)
Crux - Puzzle
Cui bono? - For whose benefit is it? (a maxim sometimes used in the detection of crime) (Cicero)
Cui dono lepidum novum libellum? - To whom do I give my new elegant little book? (Catullus)
Cui malo? - Who suffers a detriment?
Cui peccare licet peccat minus - One who is allowed to sin, sins less. (Ovid)
Cuius regio, eius religio - He who rules, his religion
Cuiusvis hominis est errare; nullius nisi insipientis in errore perseverare - Any man can make a mistake; only a fool keeps making the same one
Cuivis dolori remedium est patientia - Patience is the cure for all suffer
Culpa - A sin
Culpam poena premit comes - Punishment closely follows crime as its companion. (Horace)
Cum catapultae proscriptae erunt tum soli proscript catapultas habebunt - When catapults are outlawed, only outlaws will have catapults
Cum grano salis - With a grain of salt. (Pliny the Elder?)
Cum homine de cane debeo congredi - Excuse me. I've got to see a man about a dog
Cum laude magnum - With great success
Cum laude - With praise
Cum tacent, clamant - When they remain silent, they cry out. (Their silence speaks louder than words) (Cicero)
Cum - With
Cur etiam hic es - Why are you still here?
Cura nihil aliud nisi ut valeas - Pay attention to nothing except that you do well. (Cicero)
Cura posterior - A later concern
Cura ut valeas - Take care
Curae leves loquuntur ingentes stupent - Slight griefs talk, great ones are speechless. (minor losses can be talked away, profound ones strike us dumb)
Curriculum vitae - The course of one's life
Cursum perficio - My journey is over, or I finish my journey
Custos morum - Guardian of morals