Proverbs 19 - Wycliffe Bible (WYC)

19 Better is a poor man, that goeth in his simpleness, than a rich man biting his lips, and unwise. (Better is a poor person, who goeth in his honesty, or in his integrity, than a rich person biting his lips, and unwise.)

2 Where is not knowing of the soul, there is not good; and he that is hasty, in feet hurteth. (A mind without knowledge is not good; and he who is hasty with his feet, sinneth.)

3 The folly of a man deceiveth his steps (A person’s foolishness perverteth his own way); and he burneth in his soul against God.

4 Riches increase full many friends; forsooth also they be departed from a poor man, which he had (but the friends which a poor person had, shall soon depart).

5 A false witness shall not be unpunished; and he that speaketh leasings, shall not escape. (A lying witness shall not go unpunished; and he who speaketh lies, shall not escape.)

6 Many men honour the person of a mighty man; and they be friends of him that dealeth (out) gifts.

7 The brethren of a poor man hate him; furthermore and the friends went away far from him. He that followeth words only, shall have nothing; (The brothers of a poor man hate him; and furthermore his friends shall go far away from him. He who followeth after only words, shall soon have nothing;)

8 but he that holdeth stably the mind, loveth his soul, and the keeper of prudence shall find goods. (but he who keepeth his mind stable, loveth, or helpeth, his own life, and the keeper of understanding, or of discernment, shall obtain good things.)

9 A false witness shall not be unpunished; and he that speaketh leasings, shall perish. (A lying witness shall not go unpunished; and he who speaketh lies, shall perish.)

10 Delights become not a fool; neither it becometh a servant to be (the) lord of princes.

11 The teaching of a man is known by patience; and his glory is to pass over wicked things. (Patience showeth a person’s wisdom, or the lack of it; and a person’s glory is to overlook a wrong.)

12 As the gnashing of a lion, so and the ire of the king; and as dew on herb, so and the gladness of the king. (Like the gnashing of a lion, is the king’s anger; and like the dew on the grass, is the king’s gladness.)

13 The sorrow of the father is a fond son; and roofs dropping continually is a woman full of chiding. (A father’s sorrow is a foolish son; and a woman full of arguments, or of bickering, is like a roof continually dripping water.)

14 Houses and riches be given of father and mother; but a prudent wife is given properly of the Lord. (Houses and riches be given to thee by thy father and mother; but a prudent wife cometh only from the Lord.)

15 Sloth bringeth in sleep; and a negligent soul shall have hunger.

16 He that keepeth the commandment of God, keepeth his soul; but he that chargeth not his way, shall be slain. (He who keepeth God’s commandments, keepeth his life safe; but he who despiseth the Lord’s way, shall die.)

17 He that hath mercy on a poor man, lendeth to the Lord (He who hath mercy on the poor, lendeth to the Lord); and he shall yield his while to him.

18 Teach thy son, and despair thou not; but set thou not thy soul to the slaying of him (but do not thou beat him).

19 Forsooth he that is unpatient, shall suffer harm; and when he hath ravished (one thing), he shall lay to another thing. (He who is ill-tempered, shall suffer harm; thou shalt help him once, and then thou shalt need to help him again, and again.)

20 Hear thou counsel, and take thou doctrine; that thou be wise in thy last things. (Listen thou to advice, and receive thou teaching, or instruction; so that thou shalt be wise until thy last breath.)

21 Many thoughts there be in the heart of a man; but the will of the Lord shall dwell. (There be many plans in a person’s heart; but the Lord’s purpose shall stand, yea, it shall prevail.)

22 A needy man is merciful; and better is a poor (but) just man, than a man (who is a) liar. (A person in need is merciful; and it is better to be poor but righteous, than to be a liar.)

23 Dread of the Lord leadeth to life; and he that dreadeth God shall dwell in plenty, without visiting of the worst/without full evil visiting. (Fear of the Lord leadeth to life; and he who feareth God shall live amidst plenty, without the visiting of the adversary./Reverence for the Lord leadeth to life; and he who revereth God shall live amidst plenty, without the assailing of great evil.)

24 A slow man, (that is, a lazy person,) hideth his hand under his armpit, and putteth it not to his mouth.

25 When a man full of pestilence is beaten, a fool shall be the wiser, (if he will but learn from his example, or from his experience). (But) If thou blamest a wise man, he shall understand (the) teaching.

26 He that tormenteth his father, and fleeth from his mother, shall be full of evil fame (shall be full of shame), and shall be cursed.

27 Son, cease thou not to hear teaching; and know thou the words of knowing. (My son, cease thou not to listen to instruction; and understand thou words of knowledge.)

28 A wicked witness scorneth doom; and the mouth of unpious men devoureth wickedness. (A false witness perverteth justice; and the mouths of the wicked devour wickedness.)

29 Dooms be made ready to scorners; and hammers smiting be made ready to the bodies of fools. (Justice, or judgement, is prepared for mockers; and striking hammers be prepared for the bodies of fools.)

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