1 Chronicles 11 - Wycliffe Bible (WYC)

11 Therefore all Israel was gathered to David in Hebron, and said, We be thy bone and thy flesh; (And so all Israel was gathered unto David in Hebron, and said, We be thy flesh and blood;)

2 also yesterday and the third day ago, when Saul reigned yet upon Israel, thou it was that leddest out and leddest in Israel; for the Lord thy God said to thee, Thou shalt feed my people Israel, and thou shalt be prince upon it. (and yesterday and the third day ago, when Saul yet ruled Israel, it was thou who leddest out Israel and leddest them in again; for the Lord thy God said to thee, Thou shalt feed my people Israel, and thou shalt be prince upon them/and thou shalt be their leader.)

3 Therefore all the greater men in birth of Israel came to the king in Hebron; and David made with them a bond of peace before the Lord, and they anointed him king upon Israel, by the word of the Lord, which he spake in the hand of Samuel. (And so all the men of Israel of great age, that is, the elders, came to the king in Hebron; and David made a covenant with them before the Lord, and they anointed him king upon Israel, by the word of the Lord, which he spoke through Samuel.)

4 Therefore David went, and all Israel, into Jerusalem; this Jerusalem is Jebus, where Jebusites, inhabiters of the land, were. (And so David, and all Israel, went to Jerusalem; this Jerusalem is Jebus, where the Jebusites, who inhabited the land, were.)

5 And they that dwelled at Jebus said to David, Thou shalt not enter hither. Forsooth David took the high tower of Zion, which is the city of David; (And those who lived at Jebus said to David, Thou shalt not come in here. But David took the high tower, or the stronghold, of Zion, which is now called the City of David;)

6 and he said, Each man that slayeth first (a) Jebusite, shall be prince and duke. Therefore Joab, the son of Zeruiah, went up first, and was made prince. (and he said, The first man who killeth a Jebusite shall be the leader of the army. And so Joab, the son of Zeruiah, went up first, and he was made the leader.)

7 And David dwelled in the high tower, and therefore it was called the city of David; (And David lived in the high tower, or the stronghold, and so it was called the City of David.)

8 and he builded the city in compass, from Millo till to the compass (about); and Joab builded the tother part of the city. (and he built the city all around, from the Millo all around; and Joab built the other part of the city.)

9 And David profited going and waxing (And David grew stronger and stronger), and the Lord of hosts was with him.

10 These be the princes of the strong men of David, that helped him, that he should be king upon all Israel, by the word of the Lord which he spake to Israel. (These be the leaders of the strong men of David, who helped him, so that he could be king upon all Israel, by the word of the Lord which he spoke to Israel.)

11 And this is the number of the strong men of David; Jashobeam, the son of Hachmoni, was prince among (the) thirty; this raised up his shaft, either spear, upon three hundred, (and) wounded (these) men in one time. (And this is the list of the strong men of David; Jashobeam, the son of Hachmoni, was the leader of The Three; he raised up his spear against three hundred, and killed all these men at one time.)

12 And after him was Eleazar, the son of his father’s brother, that was of (the) Ahohites, the which Eleazar was among [the] three mighty men. (And after him was Eleazar, the son of Dodo, who was of the Ahohites, and Eleazar was also one of The Three mighty men.)

13 This was with David in Pasdammim, when Philistines were gathered to one place into battle (He was with David in Pasdammim, when the Philistines had gathered together for battle); and a field of that country was full of barley, and the people fled from the face of (the) Philistines.

14 This Eleazar stood in the midst of the field, and defended it; and when he had slain the Philistines, the Lord gave great health to his people (the Lord gave them a great victory).[a]

15 Soothly three of [the] thirty princes went down to the stone, wherein David was, to the den of Adullam, when the Philistines setted tents in the valley of Rephaim. (And three of the thirty leaders went down to the stone, where David was, to Adullam’s cave, when the Philistines pitched their tents in the Rephaim Valley.)

16 And David was in a stronghold, and the station, that is, the host gathered, of Philistines was in Bethlehem. (And David was then in a stronghold, and the garrison, that is, the gathered army, of the Philistines was in Bethlehem.)

17 Therefore David desired water, and said, I would, that some man gave to me water (out) of the cistern of Bethlehem, which is in the gate. (And so David desired water, and said, I wish that someone would give me some water from the well, which is by the gate of Bethlehem.)

18 Therefore these three went through the middle of the castles, or of the hosts, of [the] Philistines, and drew water (out) of the cistern of Bethlehem, that was in the gate, and they brought to David, that he should drink; and David would not drink it, but rather he offered it to the Lord, (And so The Three went through the middle of the Philistines’ camp, or tents, and drew water from the well, that was by the gate of Bethlehem, and they brought it back to David, so that he could drink it; but David would not drink it, but rather he offered it to the Lord,)

19 and said, Far be it, that I do this thing in the sight of my God, and that I drink the blood of these men, for in the peril of their lives they brought water to me; and for this cause he would not drink (for at the peril of their lives they brought this water to me; and for this reason he would not drink it). [The] Three strongest men did these things.

20 Also Abishai, the brother of Joab, he was the prince of (the second) three men, and he raised up his spear against three hundred, (and) wounded (those) men; and he was most named among (these) three, (And Abishai, Joab’s brother, he was the leader of The Thirty mighty men, and he raised up his spear against three hundred, and he killed those men; and he was famous among The Thirty,)

21 [and] among the second three, he was noble, and the prince of them; nevertheless he came not to the first three. (yea, among The Thirty, he was famous, and was their leader; but he did not achieve the fame, or the stature, of The Three mighty men.)

22 Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, (was) the strongest man of Kabzeel, that did many works (who did many works); he killed two strong men of Moab; and he went down, and killed a lion in the midst of a cistern, in the time of snow;

23 and he killed a man of Egypt, whose stature was of five cubits, and he had a spear as the beam of webs; therefore Benaiah went down to him with a rod, and ravished the spear, which he held in his hand, and killed him with his own spear. (and he killed a man of Egypt, who was five cubits tall, and his spear was like a weaver’s beam; and so Benaiah went down to him with a rod, or a club, and seized his spear, which he held in his hand, and killed him with his own spear.)

24 Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, did these things, (he) that was most named among (the second) three strong men, (Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, did these things, and he was the most famous among The Thirty mighty men,)

25 and he was the first among [the] thirty; nevertheless he came not to the (first) three; and David set him at his ear for a good counsellor. (yea, he was the most famous among The Thirty; but he did not achieve the fame of The Three; and David put him in charge of his bodyguard.)

26 Forsooth the strongest men in the host were Asahel, the brother of Joab, and Elhanan, the son of his father’s brother of Bethlehem, (And so the strongest men in the army were Asahel, Joab’s brother, and Elhanan, the son of Dodo of Bethlehem,)

27 Shammoth (the) Harorite, Helez (the) Pelonite,

28 Ira, the son of Ikkesh of Tekoa, Abiezer of Anathoth,

29 Sibbecai (the) Hushathite, Ilai (the) Ahohite,

30 Maharai (the) Netophathite, Heled, the son of Baanah (the) Netophathite,

31 Ithai, the son of Ribai of Gibeah, of the sons of Benjamin; Benaiah (the) Pirathonite,

32 men of the strand [of] Gaash, Abiel (the) Arbathite, (Hurai, of the Gorge of Gaash, Abiel the Arbathite,)

33 Azmaveth (the) Baharumite, Eliahba (the) Shaalbonite,

34 the sons of Hashem (the) Gizonite, Jonathan, the son of Shage (the) Hararite, (Hashem the Gizonite, Jonathan, the son of Shage the Hararite,)

35 Ahiam, the son of Sacar (the) Hararite, Eliphal, the son of [Ur],

36 Hepher (the) Mecherathite, Ahijah (the) Pelonite,

37 Hezro (the) Carmelite, Naarai, the son of Ezbai,

38 Joel, the brother of Nathan, Mibhar, the son of Haggeri,

39 Zelek (the) Ammonite, Naharai (the) Berothite, the squire of Joab, son of Zeruiah,

40 Ira (the) Ithrite, Gareb (the) Ithrite,

41 Uriah (the) Hittite, Zabad, the son of Ahlai,

42 Adina, the son of Shiza (the) Reubenite, prince of Reubenites (a leader of the Reubenites), and thirty men with him;

43 Hanan, the son of Maachah, and Joshaphat (the) Mithnite,

44 Uzzia (the) Ashterathite, Shama and Jehiel, the sons of Hothan (the) Aroerite,

45 Jediael, the son of Shimri, and Joha, his brother, (the) Tizite,

46 Eliel (the) Mahavite, Jeribai, and Joshaviah, the sons of Elnaam, Ithmah (the) Moabite,

47 Eliel, and Obed, and Jasiel of (the) Mesobaites. (and Eliel, and Obed, and Jasiel, from Zobah.)


  1. 1 Chronicles 11:14 The third member of The Three mighty men was Shammah, the son of Agee, from Harar (2 Samuel 23:11).

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