Herod’s Temple: Dimensions and Historical Significance

Herod’s Temple: Dimensions and Historical Significance hero image

Herod’s Temple, also known as the Second Temple in its renovated and expanded form, was one of the most magnificent architectural projects of the ancient world. Commissioned by Herod the Great in approximately 20–19 BCE, the temple was a grand enhancement of the modest Second Temple that had been built after the Babylonian exile. The historical and biblical significance of this structure is immense, as it played a central role in Jewish worship and was the setting for many events recorded in the New Testament.

This article will explore the dimensions of Herod’s Temple, referencing biblical texts and historical sources, while placing it in the broader context of Second Temple Judaism.

I. Historical Context of Herod’s Temple

The Second Temple was originally constructed in 516 BCE, following the return of Jewish exiles from Babylon under the leadership of Zerubbabel (Ezra 3:8-13). However, by the first century BCE, this structure had deteriorated, and Herod the Great sought to gain favor with the Jewish people by initiating an ambitious reconstruction project.

Josephus, the Jewish historian, describes Herod’s extensive rebuilding efforts in Antiquities of the Jews (Book 15, Chapter 11). The temple’s renovation did not merely repair the existing structure but transformed it into one of the most impressive religious complexes in the ancient world. Despite Herod’s reputation as a ruthless ruler, his architectural feats, including the expansion of the Temple Mount, were remarkable.

II. Dimensions of Herod’s Temple

The dimensions of Herod’s Temple are recorded in various ancient sources, including the Mishnah (Tractate Middot) and the works of Flavius Josephus. While exact measurements in modern terms remain debated, the following provides a reconstruction based on available sources.

1. The Temple Mount

Herod vastly expanded the Temple Mount, enlarging its original size to accommodate his grand vision. According to Josephus and the Mishnah:

  • The Temple Mount measured approximately 500 cubits by 500 cubits (about 1,500 feet by 1,500 feet or 450 meters by 450 meters).
  • Some estimates suggest the expanded platform covered 36 acres (150,000 square meters), making it one of the largest religious complexes in antiquity.
  • The retaining walls were constructed with massive stone blocks, some weighing over 500 tons.

The Western Wall, which still stands today, is part of the massive retaining structure Herod built to support the expanded temple precinct.

2. The Outer Courts

The temple complex was divided into several courtyards, each with increasing levels of sanctity.

  • Court of the Gentiles: This was the largest and outermost court, accessible to all people, including non-Jews. It surrounded the main temple and provided space for teaching and commerce (Matthew 21:12-13, where Jesus overturned the tables of the money changers).
  • Court of the Women: Located further inward, this court was accessible to Jewish men and women but was as far as women could go in temple worship.
  • Court of Israel: Reserved for Jewish men, who could proceed closer to the sanctuary.
  • Court of the Priests: This was the closest court to the Holy Place, restricted to priests performing sacrifices and temple duties.

3. The Temple Building (Sanctuary)

The sanctuary itself was built on an elevated platform and included the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies.

  • The Holy Place was where the priests ministered daily, tending to the incense, the menorah (golden lampstand), and the table of showbread.
  • The Holy of Holies, the most sacred space, contained the Ark of the Covenant in the First Temple but was empty in Herod’s Temple following the Babylonian destruction.

The dimensions of the temple proper are detailed in the Mishnah and Josephus:

  • The temple stood 100 cubits high (approximately 150 feet or 45 meters).
  • It was 100 cubits long (another 150 feet).
  • The width was 50 cubits (about 75 feet or 23 meters).

The grandeur of the temple was further emphasized by its gold-plated facade, which, according to Josephus, gleamed brilliantly in the sun.

III. Biblical References to Herod’s Temple

Herod’s Temple is frequently mentioned in the New Testament:

  • Luke 2:46 describes Jesus, at twelve years old, engaging with teachers in the temple courts.
  • John 2:20 references the temple's construction, with Jewish leaders telling Jesus, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple.”
  • Matthew 24:1-2 records Jesus’ prophecy of the temple’s destruction, which was fulfilled in 70 CE when the Romans, under Titus, razed it to the ground.

The temple served as the religious, social, and political heart of Judaism, making its destruction a cataclysmic event for the Jewish people.

IV. Conclusion: The Legacy of Herod’s Temple

Herod’s Temple was not only an architectural marvel but also a deeply significant religious institution. Its dimensions, grandeur, and role in Jewish worship made it central to Jewish identity. However, its destruction in 70 CE marked the end of the Second Temple period and dramatically reshaped Judaism, leading to the rise of rabbinic traditions centered around synagogues rather than temple sacrifice.

While all that remains of Herod’s Temple today is the Western Wall, its memory endures in both Jewish tradition and Christian scripture, serving as a powerful symbol of faith, loss, and hope for restoration.


  1. Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, Book 15, Chapter 11.
  2. The Mishnah, Tractate Middot.
  3. The Holy Bible (Luke 2:46, John 2:20, Matthew 24:1-2).

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