
Meaning of his Name

Jeremiah means 'Yahweh is lifted up,' 'throw,' or 'found.' These latter meanings are thought to be related to the way that Jeremiah was thrown into the office of prophet or the way the message was thrown as a judgment into the nation of Judah. But whatever the meaning certainly Yahweh is exalted or lifted up by his message.

Jeremiah's Background

More is revealed about Jeremiah's life and personality through his writings than any other Old Testament prophet. Jeremiah was the son of Hilkiah a priest from Anathoth, a small town just Northeast of Jerusalem. Jeremiah 1:1 God had called him to be a prophet in the thirteenth year of King Josiah (627/6 B.C.) Jeremiah 1:2 God had set Jeremiah apart as a prophet before he was even conceived in his mother womb, but publicly called him when he was twenty years old. Jeremiah 1:5,6 He prophecies between the reigns of King Josiah (640-609 B.C.) and Zedekiah (597-586 B.C.). Josiah is the only king who is not spoken against by the prophets in the Bible. Jeremiah's ministry lasted about fifty years.

By the command of God Jeremiah was to remain unmarried and not to become involved with the festivals of the people. Jeremiah 16:2-8 He had few friends but one who was close to him was Baruch his scribe. He copied down Jeremiah prophecies and read them publicly before the people.

Jeremiah's Life

The major emphasis of his message was his prophecy of the destruction of Jerusalem which would be accomplished through an enemy from the north. Jeremiah 1:11-16 As a result of his negative messages of destruction and judgment Jeremiah was in constant friction with the people and leaders both political and religious. Jeremiah 20:1-6 He was even persecuted in his home town of Anathoth Jeremiah 11:18-23 which forced him to move to Jerusalem where he spent most of his prophetic ministry.

Jeremiah was not a hard cold prophet, but shows a very human side when at the death of Josiah the King and his friend, Jeremiah laments with genuine grief. 2 Chronicles 35:25a Also Jeremiah is seen to be a prophet of courage and deep devotion to God and His call. He speaks of Nebuchadnezzar, who is Judah's hated enemy, as 'the servant of the Lord'. Jeremiah 25:9; 27:6 This action resulted in a charge of treason and Jeremiah was convicted and put in prison. Jeremiah 37:11; 38:1-6 On other occasions he would prophecy of Babylon's destruction. Jeremiah 50-51 This led his enemies to question his integrity and the inspiration of his prophecy. Jeremiah 43:1-3; 28:1; 29:24

Jeremiah also spoke out against the wicked kings of Judah including Jehoahaz and Jehoiakim. Jeremiah 22:11-17 But while Jeremiah spoke many words of doom and judgment there were also words of hope and encouragement. Messianic Hope Oracles are scattered through his prophecy. Jeremiah 30-31; 32:36; 33:06; 34:4

Jeremish in Egypt

Following Jerusalem's destruction by the Babylonians in 586 B.C., Jeremiah moved to Mizpah. Jeremiah 40:5 After Gedaliah assassination Jeremiah was sent to Egypt by his enemies. Jeremiah 42:1-43:7 Jeremiah continued his ministry for a brief period while in exile in Egypt. Jeremiah 43:8-13; 44:1-30 Although the account of his death is not recorded, tradition records that Jeremiah died in exile in Egypt as a martyr.

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