Tehillim 73 - Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

73 (Mizmor of Asaph). Truly Elohim is tov to Yisroel, even to the barei levav (pure of heart).

2 But as for me, my raglayim had almost stumbled; my steps had well near slipped.

3 For I had kina (envy) of the holelim (arrogant ones), when I saw the shalom of the resha’im.

4 For there are no chartzubot (fetters, bonds, pains) in their mot; healthy is their belly.

5 They are not in amal (trouble) as enosh; neither are they plagued like adam.

6 Therefore ga’avah encircleth them like a chain necklace; chamas enwraps them like a garment.

7 Their eyes bulge with chelev; they have more than levav could imagine.

8 They mock, and speak wickedly concerning oshek (oppression); they speak from marom (on high).

9 They set their mouth against Shomayim, and their leshon stalketh in ha’aretz.

10 Therefore their people return here; and mayim to the full are swallowed down by them.

11 And they say, How doth El (G-d) know? And is there knowledge in Elyon?

12 Hinei, these are the resha’im; at ease olam, they increase in riches.

13 Surely in vain have I cleansed my lev, and washed my hands in innocency.

14 For kol hayom have I been plagued, and chastened in the bekarim (mornings).

15 If I say, I will speak thus; hinei, I would have dealt faithlessly with the dor banecha (the generation of Thy children).

16 When I thought to comprehend this, it was amal (difficulty) in my eyes;

17 Until I went into the Mikdeshei El; then I had binah (understanding) of their (the wicked’s) destiny.

18 Surely Thou didst set them in slippery places; Thou castedst them down into mashu’ot (ruins, destruction).

19 How are they brought into desolation, as in a rega (moment)! They are utterly consumed with balahot (terrors).

20 As a chalom when one awaketh; so, Adonoi, when Thou art aroused [in judgment], Thou shalt despise their tzelem (shadowy form).

21 Thus my levav was grieved, and I was pricked in my mind.

22 So senseless was I, and ignorant; I was like behemot before Thee.

23 Nevertheless I am with Thee tamid (always); Thou hast taken hold of me by my yamin.

24 Thou shalt guide me with Thy etzah (counsel), and afterward take me to kavod (glory).

25 Whom have I in Shomayim but Thee? And there is none upon HaAretz that I desire beside Thee.

26 My flesh and my levav may fail; but Elohim is the Tzur of my levav, and my chelek l’olam.

27 For, hinei, they that are far from Thee shall perish; Thou hast destroyed all them that go zoneh (a-whoring) from Thee.

28 But kiravat Elohim (drawing near to Elohim) is tov for me; I make in Adonoi Hashem my refuge, that I may declare all Thy deeds.

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Tehillim 73 - Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

73 (Mizmor of Asaph). Truly Elohim is tov to Yisroel, even to the barei levav (pure of heart). 2 But as for me, my raglayim had almost stumbled; my steps had well near slipped. 3 For I had kina (envy) of the holelim (arrogant ones), when I saw the shalom of the resha’im. 4 For there are no chartzubo...
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