33 Sing with joy in Hashem, O ye tzaddikim; for tehillah is fitting for the yesharim (upright ones).
2 Hodu l’Hashem with kinnor (harp); make music unto Him with the ten stringed nevel (lyre).
3 Sing unto Him a shir chadash (new song); play skillfully with a teru’ah (shout of joy).
4 For the Devar Hashem is yashar; and kol ma’aseihu (all His deeds) are done in emunah (faithfulness).
5 He loveth Tzedakah and Mishpat; ha’aretz is full of the chesed Hashem.
6 By the Devar Hashem were Shomayim made; and all the tz’va (host) of them by the ruach (breath) of His mouth [MJ 11:3; Yn 1:1; Psa 56:5].
7 He gathereth the mey hayam (waters of the sea) like a mound; He layeth up the tehomot (ocean depths) in otzarot (storehouses, vaults).
8 Let kol ha’aretz fear Hashem; let kol yoshvei tevel (all the inhabitants of the world) stand in awe of Him.
9 For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood firm.
10 Hashem annuls the atzat Goyim (plan of the Goyim); He foils the machsh’vot Amim (schemes of the peoples).
11 The atzat Hashem standeth firm l’olam, the machsh’vot of His lev l’dor va’dor (from generation to generation).
12 Ashrei is the Goy whose Elohav is Hashem; and HaAm whom He hath chosen for His own nachalah.
13 Hashem looketh down from Shomayim: He beholdeth kol Bnei HaAdam.
14 From the place of His habitation He looketh upon kol yoshvei ha’aretz.
15 He formeth their hearts yachad; He considereth all their ma’asim (deeds).
16 There is no melech saved by the multitude of an army; a gibbor is not delivered by rav ko’ach.
17 A sus is a sheker (vain, false thing) for teshu’ah (deliverance, salvation, safety); neither shall it save any by its great strength.
18 Hinei, the eye of Hashem is upon them that fear Him, upon them that hope in His chesed;
19 To deliver their nefesh from mavet (death), and to keep them alive in ra’av (famine).
20 Our nefesh waiteth for Hashem; He is ezrienu (our help) and moginneinu (our shield).
21 For libeinu (our heart) shall rejoice in Him, because we have trusted b’Shem Kadsho (in His holy Name).
22 Let Thy chesed, Hashem, be upon us, even as we have hoped in Thee.