Tehillim 138 - Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

138 (Of Dovid) I will thank Thee with my whole lev; before the elohim will I sing praise unto Thee.

2 I will worship toward Thy Heikhal Kodesh, and praise Shmecha (Thy Name) for Thy chesed and for Thy emes; for Thou hast magnified Thy Word above Kol Shimcha (all Thy Name; Yn 1:1, 14 OJBC).

3 In the day when I called out, Thou answeredst me, and madest me bold with oz (strength) in my nefesh.

4 Kol Malchei Aretz shall praise Thee, Hashem, when they hear the words of Thy mouth.

5 Yes, they shall sing of the Darkhei Hashem; for gadol is the Kavod Hashem.

6 Though Hashem be on high, yet He looks upon the lowly; but the proud He knoweth from afar.

7 Though I walk in the midst of tzoros, Thou wilt preserve me alive; Thou shalt stretch forth Thine yad against the wrath of mine enemies, and Thy Yamin (Right Hand) shall save me.

8 Hashem will fulfill that which concerneth me; Thy chesed, O Hashem, endureth l’olam; forsake not the works of Thine own yadayim.

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Tehillim 138 - Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

138 (Of Dovid) I will thank Thee with my whole lev; before the elohim will I sing praise unto Thee. 2 I will worship toward Thy Heikhal Kodesh, and praise Shmecha (Thy Name) for Thy chesed and for Thy emes; for Thou hast magnified Thy Word above Kol Shimcha (all Thy Name; Yn 1:1, 14 OJBC). 3 In the ...
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