103 (Of Dovid). Barachi (Bless) Hashem, O my nefesh; and all that is within me, bless His Shem kodesh.
2 Barachi Hashem, O my nefesh, and forget not all His gmulim (benefits);
3 Who forgiveth all thine avonim (iniquities); Who healeth all thy diseases;
4 Who is the Go’el (Redeemer) of thy life from shachat (corruption, pit, grave); Who crowneth thee with chesed and rachamim;
5 Who satisfieth thy mouth with tov; so that thy ne’urim is made chadash like the nesher.
6 Hashem executeth tzedakot and mishpatim for all that are oppressed.
7 He made known His drakhim unto Moshe, His deeds unto the Bnei Yisroel.
8 Hashem is rachum and channun, slow to anger, and plenteous in chesed.
9 He will not strive l’netzach; neither will He keep His anger l’olam.
10 He hath not dealt with us according to chata’einu (our sins); nor repaid us according to avonoteinu (our iniquities).
11 For as Shomayim is high above ha’aretz, so great is His chesed toward them that fear Him.
12 As far as the mizrach (east) is from the ma’arav (west), so far hath He removed peysha’einu (our transgressions) from us.
13 As an av has compassion on banim so Hashem has compassion on them that fear Him.
14 For He has da’as of yitzreinu (our nature); He remembereth that aphar anachnu (dust we are).
15 As for enosh (mankind), his yamim are like khatzir (green grass, herbage); like tzitz hasadeh (a flower of the field), so he flourisheth.
16 For the ruach (wind) passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall remember it no more.
17 But the chesed Hashem is me’olam v’ad olam (from everlasting to everlasting) upon them that fear Him, and His tzedakah unto bnei banim;
18 To such as are shomer over His Brit, and to those that remember His precepts to do them.
19 Hashem hath established His kisse (throne) in Shomayim; and His malchut ruleth over all.
20 Barachu Hashem, ye His malachim, gibborei ko’ach (mighty ones of power), that do His bidding, paying heed unto the voice of His Davar.
21 Barachu Hashem, all ye His Tzivos; ye mesharetim (ministers) of His, that do His ratzon (will).
22 Barachu Hashem, all His ma’asim in all places of His memshalet (dominion); Barachi Hashem, O my nefesh.