1 From Sha’ul and Silvanus (Sila) and Timotiyos. To the Kehillah of the inhabitants of the city of Thessalonika, the Kehillah in Hashem, in Elohim Avinu and Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua Adoneinu,
2 Chen v’Chesed Hashem to you and Shalom from Elohim Avinu and Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua Adoneinu.
3 With continuous hodayah (thanksgiving) we ought to make brachot to Hashem concerning you, Achim b’Moshiach, as is fitting, because your emunah is increasing abundantly and the ahavah (agape) every one of you has for the other is growing.
4 Therefore, we ourselves glory in you in all the kehillot of Hashem for your zitzfleisch (patience) and emunah in all the redifot (persecutions) and the tzoros you are enduring.
5 This is kluhr (obvious) that here is a manifest siman (sign, indication) of the yashar mishpat (righteous judgment) of Hashem intended for you to be deemed worthy of the Malchut Hashem, on behalf of which also you undergo [Chevlei Moshiach] yissurim.
6 Indeed it is tzaddik (a thing examined and found to be right) for Hashem to repay with tzarah (tribulation) those who bring tzarah (tribulation) on you
7 And to recompense you, the ones suffering tzarah (tribulation), with revachah (relief) along with us at the Apocalypse of [Moshiach] Yehoshua Adoneinu from Shomayim with the malachim of his oz (power)
8 BELAHAVEI EISH ("in flaming fire" YESHAYAH 66:15), giving Onesh to the ones not knowing Hashem and to the ones not obeying the Besuras HaGeulah of [Moshiach] Yehoshua Adoneinu.
9 These are the ones who will pay an Onesh of Avaddon Olam (Eternal Destruction [Gehinnom]) away from the Shechinah of Hashem UMEHADAR GE’ONO ("and from the splendor of his majesty" YESHAYAH 2:19),
10 When He comes to be glorified in His Kadoshim and to be marveled at in all the ma’aminim [in Moshiach] because our [martyr’s] eidus (T.N. The word can mean witness al kiddush ha-Shem) to you was believed in YOM HAHU ("that Day" YESHAYAH 2:11).
11 To this end also we make tefillos always concerning you that Eloheinu may count you worthy of the Kri’ah (Calling) and by His gevurah may fulfill every chafetz hatov (good desire) and ma’aseh haemunah (work of faith)
12 In order that ha-Shem (the Name) of [Moshiach] Adoneinu Yehoshua may be glorified in you, and you, in him [Moshiach], according to the unmerited Chen v’Chesed of Eloheinu and Moshiach Yehoshua Adoneinu.