34 And Dinah Bat Leah, which she bore unto Ya’akov, went out to see the Banot HaAretz.
2 And when Shechem Ben Chamor the Chivvi (Hivite), Nasi HaAretz, saw her, he took her, and lay with her, and violated her.
3 And his nefesh had deveykus unto Dinah Bat Ya’akov, and he loved the na’arah, and spoke to the lev hanaarah.
4 And Shechem spoke unto Chamor aviv, saying, Get me this yaldah as isha.
5 And Ya’akov heard that he had made his bat Dinah tameh; now his banim were with his mikneh in the sadeh; and Ya’akov held his peace until they were come.
6 And Chamor avi Shechem went out unto Ya’akov to speak with him.
7 And the Bnei Ya’akov came from the sadeh when they heard it; and the anashim were grieved, and they were in wrath greatly, because he had wrought nevalah (folly, disgrace, outrage) against Yisroel in lying with Bat Ya’akov; which thing ought not to be done.
8 And Chamor spoke with them, saying, The nefesh of beni (my son) Shechem longeth for your bat; now give her him as isha.
9 So intermarry with us, and give your banot unto us, and take benoteinu (our banot) unto you.
10 And ye shall dwell with us; and HaAretz shall be before you; dwell and trade therein, and get you possessions therein.
11 And Shechem said unto her av and unto her achim, Let me find chen (grace) in your eyes, and what ye shall say unto me I will give.
12 Ask me never so much mohar (bride price, dowry) and mattan (gift), and I will pay according as ye shall say unto me; but give me the na’arah as isha.
13 And the Bnei Ya’akov answered Shechem and Chamor aviv in mirmar (deceit) and spoke because he had made Dinah their achot tameh;
14 And they said unto them, We cannot do this thing, to give achoteinu (our sister) to ish that is arelah (uncircumcised); for that would be a cherpah (reproach, disgrace) unto us;
15 But in this will we consent unto you: If ye will become like us, that every zachar of you be circumcised;
16 Then will we give benoteinu unto you, and we will take your banot to us, and we will dwell among you, and we will become as Am Echad.
17 But if ye will not pay heed unto us, to become circumcised; then will we take biteinu (our daughter), and we will go.
18 And their words pleased Chamor, and Shechem Ben Chamor.
19 And the na’ar deferred not to do the thing, because he had delight in Bat Ya’akov; and he was more respected than kol Bais Aviv.
20 And Chamor and Shechem bno came unto the Sha’ar of their city, and they spoke with the anashim of their city, saying,
21 These anashim are shlemim (peaceable) with us; therefore let them settle in HaAretz, and let them trade therein for HaAretz, hinei, it is plenty of room for them; let us take their banot to us as nashim, and let us give them benoteinu.
22 Only herein will the anashim consent unto us for to dwell with us, to be Am Echad, if every zachar among us be circumcised, just as they are nimolim (ones being circumcised).
23 Shall not their mikneh and their property and every behemah of theirs be ours? Only let us consent unto them, and they will settle among us.
24 And unto Chamor and unto Shechem bno paid heed all that went out of the Sha’ar of his city; and every zachar was circumcised, all that went out of the Sha’ar of his city.
25 And it came to pass on the Yom HaShlishi, when they were in pain, that two of the Bnei Ya’akov, Shimon and Levi, achei Dinah, took each ish his cherev, and came upon the Ir betach (boldly, confidently), and they slaughtered kol zachar.
26 And they slaughtered Chamor and Shechem bno with the edge of the cherev, and took Dinah from the Bais Shechem and left.
27 The Bnei Ya’akov came upon the chalalim (dead ones, slain ones), and plundered the Ir, because they had made their achot tameh.
28 They seized their tzon, and their bakar, and their chamorim, and that which was in the Ir, and that which was in the sadeh,
29 And all their wealth, and all their little ones, and their nashim they carried off and plundered even all that was in the bais.
30 And Ya’akov said to Shimon and Levi, Ye have brought trouble on me to make me a stench among the inhabitants of HaAretz, among the Kena’ani and the Perizzi; and I being few in mispar, they shall gather themselves together against me, and attack me; and I shall be destroyed, I and my bais.
31 And they said, Should he deal with achoteinu like with zonah?