Chapter 11
The Aged Tobit Recovers His Sight.[a] 1 As they neared Kaserin, which is close to Nineveh, 2 Raphael said, “You know your father’s condition when we departed. 3 Let us hurry on ahead of your wife and prepare the house while she and the others journey on after us.” 4 As they went on together, Raphael then said to Tobiah, “Have the fish gall ready at hand.” And the dog followed them.
5 Meanwhile Anna was sitting, watching the road by which her son would come. 6 When she caught sight of his approach, she said to his father, “Tobit, your son is coming, and so is the man who served as his companion.”
7 Raphael said to Tobiah before he reached his father, “I am sure that his eyes will be opened. 8 Smear the fish gall on them. This medicine will cause the white patches to shrink and to peel away from his eyes. Then your father will recover his sight, and once again he will be able to see the light of day.”
9 Then Anna ran forward and threw her arms around her son. “Now I am ready to die, my son,” she said, “for I have seen you once again.” And she wept. 10 Then Tobit rose to his feet and came stumbling through the courtyard gate. Tobiah went up to him 11 with the fish gall in his hand, and holding him firmly he blew into his eyes, saying, “Have courage, father!” 12 He next applied the medicine to his eyes with great care, 13 and it made them sting. Then, with both hands, he peeled off the white patches, beginning at the corners of Tobit’s eyes. When Tobit saw his son, he threw his arms around him, 14 and weeping, he exclaimed, “I can see you, my son, the light of my eyes.” Then he said:
“Blessed be God,
and blessed be his great name,
and blessed be all his holy angels.
May his holy name be blessed
throughout all the ages forevermore.
15 Although he afflicted me,
he has had mercy on me,
and now I see my son Tobiah.”
Then Tobit went inside, rejoicing and praising God with all his strength. Tobiah reported to his father about the success of his journey, saying that he had brought back the money with him, that he had married Sarah, the daughter of Raguel, and that Sarah would soon arrive at their home, since she was not far from the gates of Nineveh.
16 Tobit went out to the gates of Nineveh to meet his daughter-in-law, rejoicing and praising God. When the people of Nineveh observed him walking along vigorously without anyone guiding him, they were astonished. 17 Tobit related in their presence how God had been merciful to him and restored his sight. When he met Sarah, the wife of his son Tobiah, he blessed her in these words: “Welcome, my daughter. Blessed be God who has sent you to us, my daughter. Blessed are your father and mother. Blessed is my son Tobiah. Blessed are you, my daughter. Welcome now to your home, and enter with joyfulness and in blessedness, my daughter.”
And so that was a day of joy for all the Jews in Nineveh. 18 Ahiqar and his nephew Nadab also came to share in Tobit’s happiness. They celebrated Tobiah’s wedding feast for seven days, and many gifts were given to him.
- Tobit 11:1 The righteous Tobit recovers his sight as compensation for his faithfulness. The author’s message has been delivered. Later, Jesus will proclaim: “Blessed are the pure of heart, for they will see God” (Mt 5:8).