Isaiah 4 - Jubilee Bible 2000 (JUB)

4 ¶ And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread and wear our own apparel; only let us be called by thy name to take away our reproach.

2 ¶ In that day the branch of the LORD shall be for beauty and glory and the fruit of the earth for greatness and honour to those that are freed of Israel.

3 And it shall come to pass that he that is left in Zion and he that remains in Jerusalem shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem,

4 When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment and by the spirit of burning.

5 And the LORD will create upon every dwelling place of Mount Zion and upon the places of her assemblies a cloud and darkness by day and the shining of a flaming fire by night because over all glory there shall be a covering.

6 And there shall be a covert for a shadow in the daytime from the heat and for a place of refuge and for a shelter from storm and from rain.

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