130 (Shir HaMa’alot) Out of the depths have I cried unto Thee, Hashem.
2 Adonoi, hear my voice; let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my techinnot (supplications).
3 If Thou, Hashem, shouldest record iniquities, Adonoi, who could stand?
4 But there is selichah (forgiveness) with Thee; therefore, Thou art feared.
5 I wait for Hashem, my nefesh doth wait, and in His Devar do I hope.
6 My nefesh waiteth for Adonoi more than the shomrim that watch for the boker; I say, more than the shomrim that watch for the boker.
7 Let Yisroel hope in Hashem; for with Hashem there is chesed, and with Him is plenteous pedut (redemption).
8 And He shall redeem Yisroel from all his iniquities.