6 And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach came out from there and comes into his shtetl and his talmidim follow him.
2 And Shabbos having come, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach began to say shiurim in the shul, and many, listening, were amazed, saying, From where [did] this one get lernen (Torah learning), and what [is] the chochmah (wisdom) that has been given to this one? And what gevurot (mighty deeds) are being done by his hands?
3 Is not this one the Naggar (Carpenter), Ben Miryam? The brother of Yaakov*, Yosef, Yehuda and Shimon? And, are not his achayot here with us? And they were taking offense at Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.
4 And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was saying to them, A navi is not without his kavod, except in his own shtetl and among his own mishpochah and in his own bais.
5 And he was not able there to do many nissim (miracles), except on a few cholim (sick people) he laid (his) hands and administered refuah (healing) to them.
6 And he wondered on account of their lack of emunah. And he was going around the shtetlach in a circuit, saying shiurim.
7 And Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach summons the Shneym Asar, and he began to send them out two by two, and he was giving to them samchut [over] the ruchot hatumah. [DEVARIM 17:6]
8 And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach gave directives to them that they should take nothing on [the] derech except a mere walking stick, not lechem, not a schnorrer’s sack, nor a money belt;
9 But instead, to wear sandals, and not to take an extra kaftan.
10 And he was saying to them, Wherever you enter into a bais, stay there until you leave that area.
11 And whatever place does not give you the kabbalat panim (welcome), and does not listen to you, then, as you are leaving there, let it be NIER CHATZNO, shake off the dust of your feet, for an edut to them.
12 And having gone out, they preached that Bnei Adam should make teshuva.
13 And many shedim they were casting out, and they were anointing with shemen many cholim, and they were administering refuah to them.
14 And Herod the king heard of it, for the name of Yehoshua had become bavust (famous), and some were saying, Yochanan of the tevilah of teshuva has been made to stand up alive from [the] mesim, and for this reason the nissim (miracles) are at work in him.
15 But others were saying, It is Eliyahu HaNavi. Still others were saying, He is a navi, like one of the neviim of old. [MALACHI 4:5]
16 But when Herod heard of it, he kept saying, Yochanan whom I beheaded has stood up alive from the mesim!
17 For Herod himself had sent and had Yochanan arrested and bound in the beis hasohar, on account of Herodias, the wife of his brother, Philip, for he had married her.
18 But Yochanan was saying to Herod, It is not mutar according to the Torah for you to have your brother’s wife. [VAYIKRA 18:16, 20:21]
19 And Herodias bore a grudge against Yochanan and desired to kill him. But she could not.
20 For Herod feared Yochanan, knowing him [to be] a tzaddik and kadosh, and Herod was protecting Yochanan. And when Herod heard Yochanan, he was greatly disturbed, and [yet] gladly Herod was listening to Yochanan.
21 And, an opportune day having come, when Herod, on his yom huledet (birthday), gave a mishteh for the court of his nobles, and the military commanders, and those of chashivut (prominence) of the Galil, [ESTHER 1:3, 2:18]
22 And when his daughter entered and danced, she pleased Herod and the ones reclining at the seudah with him. And the king said to the girl, Ask me whatever you wish and I will give [it] to you.
23 And he made a shevuah (oath) to her solemnly, Whatever you ask me, I will give you, up to half of my Malchut. [ESTHER 5:3,6; 7:2]
24 And having gone out, she said to her mother, What should I ask [for]? And her mother said, The rosh Yochanan of the tevilah of teshuva.
25 And having entered, ofen ort, with haste before the king, she made a request, saying, You may give to me upon a platter the rosh Yochanan of the tevilah of teshuva.
26 And having become very sad, the king, on account of his shevuah and on account of the ones reclining at the seudah [with him], was unwilling to refuse her.
27 And, ofen ort, the king sent an executioner and commanded him to bring the rosh Yochanan. And having left, the executioner beheaded Yochanan of the tevilah of teshuva in the beit hasohar.
28 And he brought the rosh Yochanan upon a platter and gave it to the young girl, and the young girl gave it to her mother.
29 And, having heard this, Yochanan’s talmidim came and carried away his geviyah (body) and placed it in a kever (grave).
30 And the Shlichim gathered together with Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach and reported to him everything which they did and the torah which they had taught.
31 And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to them, Come away a while, you yourselves, for a yechidus in a quiet place for a Shabbaton (rest from work). For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time for okhel (food).
32 And they departed in the sirah (boat) to a secluded place for a yechidus.
33 And the people, recognizing them, saw them departing, and from all the shtetlach they ran there and arrived ahead of them.
34 And having gotten out of the sirah (boat), Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach saw a large multitude and he had rachmei shomayim (heavenly mercy) on them, for they were KATSON ASHER AIN LAHEM ROEH (like sheep without a shepherd), and he began with his torah to teach them many things. (BAMIDBAR 27:17; MELACHIM ALEF 22:17; DIVREY HAYAMIM BAIS 18:16; YECHEZKEL 34:8)
35 And when it was already a late hour, his talmidim came up to him and were saying, This place is desolate and already [it is] late.
36 Send them away, that, having departed to the surrounding farms and shtetlach, they may buy for themselves okhel (food) they may eat.
37 But in reply, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, You yourselves give them [something] to eat. And they say to him, Shall we go and spend two hundred denarii for lechem and give to them to eat? [MELACHIM BAIS 4:42-44]
38 And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to them, How much lechem do you have? Go [and] see. And knowing, the talmidim of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach say, Chamesh (five), and dagim, shenayim (two).
39 And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach commanded them to recline at tish, as it were, everyone group by group, on the green grass.
40 And they reclined, group by group, in hundreds and in fifties.
41 And, having taken the chamesh loaves and the shnei hadagim (two fish) and looking up to Shomayim, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said a bracha. And having offered the betziat halechem, Moshiach was giving to his talmidim in order that they might set them before the people. And Moshiach divided the shnei hadagim (two fish) among them all.
42 And everyone ate, and they were satisfied.
43 And they picked up shirayim (Rebbe’s remainders), shneym asar (twelve) baskets full, and from the dagim.
44 And those who had eaten the loaves numbered chamesh elafim (five thousand).
45 And ofen ort Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach compelled his talmidim to embark into the sirah (boat) and to go before [him] to the other side to Beit-Tzaidah, while he dismisses the multitude.
46 And with a Shalom farewell to them, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach departed to the mountain to daven.
47 And erev having come, the sirah (boat) was in [the] middle of the lake, and Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach was alone on shore.
48 And having seen them laboring at the oars, for the wind was against them, about the fourth watch of halailah, he comes to them, walking on the lake. And he wanted to go by them.
49 But having seen him on the lake, they thought that it is a ruach refaim (an apparition). And they cried out;
50 For everyone saw him. And ofen ort he spoke with them, and they were filled with pachad (terror). Moshiach says to them, Chazak! (Be strong!) Ani hu. (I am He) Do not be afraid.
51 And he got into the sirah (boat) with them. And the wind died down. And in themselves they were exceedingly amazed.
52 For they did not have binah concerning the loaves [See 6:43], but their levavot (hearts) had been hardened.
53 And having crossed over onto the land, they came to Gennesaret and anchored.
54 And when they disembark from the sirah (boat), the people ofen ort recognized Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.
55 And the people rushed everywhere in that region, and they began carrying about on their mats cholim where they heard he was.
56 And wherever Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was entering into the shtetlach or into towns or into the countryside, thy laid the cholim in the marketplaces, entreating him that they might just touch Moshiach’s tzitzit. And as many as touched it were receiving refuah (healing). [BAMIDBAR 15:38-41; DEVARIM 22:12]