5 And I saw on the yad yamin (right hand) of the One sitting on the Kes (Throne) a sefer (book) having been written inside and on the back, having been sealed with sheva chotamot (seven seals). [YECHEZKEL 2:9,10; YESHAYAH 29:11; DANIEL 12:4]
2 And I saw a strong malach (angel), proclaiming in a kol gadol (loud voice), Who is worthy to open the sefer (book) and break its chotamot (seals)?
3 And no one in Shomayim or on ha’aretz or under ha’aretz was being able to open the sefer (book) or to look into it.
4 And I was weeping copiously because no one was found worthy to open the sefer (book) or to look into it.
5 And one of the Zekenim says to me, Do not weep, hinei, HaAryeh (The Lion) from the Shevet Yehudah (Tribe of Judah), the Shoresh Dovid (Root of Dovid), has won the nitzachon (victory) and he is able to open the sefer (book) and its sheva chotamot (seven seals). [BERESHIS 49:9; YESHAYAH 11:1,10]
6 And I saw between the Kes (Throne) and the Arbah Chayyot (four living beings) and among the Zekenim (Elders, SHEMOT 12:21) a SEH (Lamb, YESHAYAH 53:7, Moshiach) having stood as having been slain, having sheva karnayim (horns, omnipotence), sheva eynayim (eyes, omniscience), which are the sheva ruchot (spirits) of Hashem having been sent into kol ha’aretz (all the earth).
7 And the SEH (Lamb, YESHAYAH 53:7) came and has taken the sefer out of the yad yamin (right hand) of the One sitting on the Kes (Throne).
8 And when the SEH (YESHAYAH 53:7) received the sefer, the Arbah Chayyot (four living beings) and the esrim v’arba’ah Zekenim (twenty-four Elders, SHEMOT 12:21) fell down before the SEH, (Lamb, YESHAYAH 53:7) each one having a nevel (harp) and golden ke’arot (bowls) full of ketoret (incense), which are the tefillos (prayers) of the Kadoshim. [TEHILLIM 141:2;16:3]
9 And they are singing a SHIR CHADASH (TEHILLIM 96:1) saying, Worthy art thou to take the sefer (book) and to open the chotamot (seals) of it, because you were slain and with your dahm [kapporah] you paid the price for the Geulah [VAYIKRA 25:50-51] redemption and purchased ones for Hashem from every mishpochah (family) and lashon (tongue) and am (people) and goy (nation), [TEHILLIM 40:3; 98:1; YESHAYAH 42:10]
10 And made them for Eloheinu a Malchut and kohanim, and they will reign on ha’aretz (the earth).
11 And I saw and I heard the kol (voice) of many malachim (angels); they numbered myriads of myriads and v’alfei alafim (thousands of thousands), around the Kes (Throne) and the Chayyot (the living beings) and the Zekenim (Elders, SHEMOT 12:21) [DANIEL 7:10]
12 Saying with a kol gadol, Worthy is the SEH (Lamb, SHEMOT 12:3; YESHAYAH 53:7 Moshiach) having been slain, to receive the oz (power) and the osher (wealth) and the chochmah (wisdom) and the gevurah (strength) and hod (honor) and kavod (glory) and bracha (blessing).
13 And every beriyah (creature) which is in Shomayim and on ha’aretz (the earth) and under ha’aretz and on the yam (sea) and all things in them, I heard saying, To the One sitting on the Kes (Throne) and to the SEH (Lamb, SHEMOT 12:3; YESHAYAH 53:7 Moshiach) be the bracha (blessing) and the hod (honor) and the hadar (glory) and the memshalah (dominion) ad Olemei Olamim (forever and ever). [DIVREY HAYAMIM ALEF 29:11; MALACHI 1:6; 2:2]
14 And the Arbah Chayyot were saying, Omein. And the Zekenim (Elders, SHEMOT 12:21) fell down and worshiped.