A Hymn of Praise from the Lord’s People in His Kingdom
12 At that time you will say,
“I will praise you, O Yahweh.
Although you had been angry with me,
you turned your anger away from me, and you comforted me.
2 Look! El is my Savior.
I am confident and unafraid,
because Yah is my strength and my song.
He is my Savior.”
3 With joy you will draw water from the springs of salvation.
4 At that time you will say,
“Praise Yahweh.
Call on his name.
Make his deeds known among the nations.
Make them remember that his name is highly honored.
5 Make music to praise Yahweh.
He has done wonderful things.
Let this be known throughout the earth.
6 Shout loudly, and sing with joy, people of Zion!
Qedosh Yisrael is great. He is among you.”