Titus 1 - Mounce Reverse Interlinear New Testament (MOUNCE)

1 Paul Paulos, a servant of God theos and de an apostle apostolos of Jesus Iēsous Christ Christos, for kata the faith pistis of the elect eklektos of God theos and kai the knowledge epignōsis of the truth alētheia that ho produces kata godliness eusebeia, 2 for the sake of epi the hope elpis of eternal aiōnios life zōē, which hos God theos, who ho does not lie apseudēs, promised epangellomai before pro times chronos eternal aiōnios, 3 and de revealed phaneroō his autos word logos at the proper idios time kairos · ho in en the proclamation kērygma, with which hos I egō have been entrusted pisteuō by kata the command epitagē of ho God theos our hēmeis Savior sōtēr, 4 to Titus Titos, a true gnēsios son teknon in kata a common koinos faith pistis: Grace charis and kai peace eirēnē from apo God theos the Father patēr and kai Christ Christos Jesus Iēsous · ho our hēmeis Savior sōtēr.

5 For charin this reason houtos I left apoleipō you sy in en Crete Krētē, so that hina you might put right epidiorthoō the ho remaining things leipō and kai appoint kathistēmi elders presbyteros in every kata town polis, as hōs I egō directed diatassō you sy 6 if ei anyone tis is eimi above reproach anenklētos, a man anēr of one heis woman gynē, having echō believing pistos children teknon, not open to en the charge katēgoria of debauchery asōtia or ē being rebellious anypotaktos. 7 For gar it is necessary dei for an ho overseer episkopos to be eimi above reproach anenklētos as hōs a steward oikonomos of God theos, not arrogant authadēs, not quick-tempered orgilos, not a drunkard paroinos, not violent plēktēs, not greedy aischrokerdēs for gain , 8 but alla hospitable philoxenos, loving what is good philagathos, self-controlled sōphrōn, just dikaios, holy hosios, disciplined enkratēs, 9 holding fast to antechō the ho trustworthy pistos word logos that is in accordance with kata the ho teaching didachē, so that hina he might be eimi able dynatos both kai to exhort parakaleō with en · ho healthy hygiainō doctrine didaskalia · ho and kai to rebuke elenchō those ho who oppose antilegō it.

10 For gar there are eimi many polys rebellious people anypotaktos, senseless babblers mataiologos and kai deceivers phrenapatēs, especially malista those ho of ek the ho circumcision peritomē. 11 It is therefore necessary dei to muzzle epistomizō those hos who hostis are upsetting anatrepō entire holos households oikos by teaching didaskō what hos is not proper dei for charin shameful aischros gain kerdos. 12 One tis of ek them autos, their idios own autos prophet prophētēs, said legō, “ Cretans Krēs are always aei liars pseustēs, evil kakos beasts thērion, lazy argos gluttons gastēr.” 13 · ho This houtos testimony martyria is eimi true alēthēs, for dia which hos reason aitia rebuke elenchō them autos sharply apotomōs, so that hina they may be healthy hygiainō in en the ho faith pistis, 14 not being devoted prosechō to Jewish Ioudaikos myths mythos and kai commandments entolē of people anthrōpos who are turning away from apostrephō the ho truth alētheia. 15 All pas things are clean katharos to the ho clean katharos, but de to the ho defiled miainō and kai unbelieving apistos nothing oudeis is clean katharos, but alla both kai their autos · ho mind nous and kai · ho conscience syneidēsis are defiled miainō. 16 They profess homologeō to know oida God theos, but de by their ho deeds ergon they deny arneomai him, being eimi abominable bdelyktos and kai disobedient apeithēs and kai worthless adokimos for pros any pas good agathos work ergon.

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