Treasure; Treasurer; Treasury

1. Gaza:

There are two words translated "treasure": Gaza is of Persian origin, meaning "treasure." Found only once in Ac 8:27 concerning the Ethiopian "who was over all her (Queen Candace's) treasure." In the compound gazophulakion, "guarding of gaza," the same word appears and the compound is translated "treasury" in Mr 12:41,43 parallel Lu 21:1; Joh 8:20.


2. Thesauros:

The word thesauros means literally, a "deposit," so wealth and treasure. Evidently throughout the New Testament it has a twofold usage as describing (1) material treasure, either money or other valuable material possession, and (2) spiritual treasure, e.g. "like unto treasure hid in a field" (Mt 13:44); "good treasure of the heart" (Mt 12:35). Other references to material treasure are Mt 6:21; 13:52; Lu 12:21,34, etc. References to spiritual treasure are Mt 19:21; Mr 10:21; Lu 6:45; 12:33; 18:22; plural Mt 6:20; Col 2:3.

In Mt 27:6 the word for "treasury" is korbanas; compare the Revised Version margin.


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