suk-sed', suk-ses' (yarash, sakhal; euemeria): "To succeed" means, (1) and originally, "to follow after"; (2) mostly in modern English, "to prosper"; in the King James Version, with one exception, the word has a qualifying adjective. (1) In the first sense it is the translation of yarash, "to seize" or "to take possession" (De 2:12; 12:29, the American Standard Revised Version "dispossessest," the English Revised Version "possessest"); of qum, "to rise up" (De 25:6, "shall succeed in the name of his brother"); of diadechomai (Ecclesiasticus 48:8, "prophets to succeed after him"). (2) In the sense of prospering, "success" is the translation of sakhal, "to be wise," "to prosper" (Jos 1:8, "Thou shalt have good success," the King James Version margin "do wisely," the Revised Version margin "deal wisely"; compare the King James Version margin Job 22:2; Ps 111:10; Pr 3:4); "good success" occurs in Tobit 7:12, euodosei ta kallista; The Wisdom of Solomon 13:19, epituchia; Ecclesiasticus 20:9, euodia, the Revised Version (British and American) "prosperity," "There is a prosperity that a man findeth in misfortunes; and there is a gain that turneth to loss"; Ecclesiasticus 38:13, euodia (so Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Ephraemi--this word = "sweet savior," "fragrance"; compare Php 4:18; Eph 5:2; 2Co 2:15). See further EUODIA. the Revised Version (British and American) "the issue for good" 1 Macc 4:55, euodoo; 8:23, kalos, etc. "Success," simply (as "prosperity," euemeria), 2 Macc 10:28, "a pledge of success and victory"; "successor" occurs (Ecclesiasticus 46:1, "Joshua .... was the successor diadochos of Moses"; 2 Macc 9:23; 14:26).
W. L. Walker