sub-vurt' (`awath; anatrepo): Occurs 5 t: (1) in the sense of overturning, etc., as the translation of `awath, "to make bent or crooked" (La 3:36), "to subvert a man in his cause"; of anaskeudzo, primarily, "to pack up baggage"; then, "to ravage," etc. (Ac 15:24, "subverting your souls"); of anatrepo, "to turn upside down," "to overturn" (Tit 1:11, "who subvert whole houses," the Revised Version (British and American) "overthrow"); of katastrophe, "overthrow," "destruction" (2Ti 2:14, "to the subverting of them that hear"); (2) in the sense of perverting: ekstrepho, "to turn or twist out" "to turn about" (Tit 3:11, "such is subverted," the Revised Version (British and American) "perverted"). For "overthrown me" (Job 19:6) the Revised Version (British and American) has "subverted me (in my cause)," margin "overthrown me"; for "perverteth" (Pr 19:3), "subverteth."
⇒See the definition of subvert in the KJV Dictionary
W. L. Walker