
strik: The verbs "to strike" and "to stroke" (latter not in English Versions) have the same derivation, and originally "strike" was the intrans, "stroke" the transitive form. "Strike" however, became used in both senses (always transitive in English Versions of the Bible), while "to stroke" took on the meaning "to, rub gently." But in the King James Version this last force still belonged sometimes to "strike" and is so found in 2Ki 5:11, "strike his hand over the place" (the Revised Version (British and American) "wave"), and perhaps Ex 12:7,22; Tobit 11:11 Otherwise AV's uses of the simple "strike" are modern, including "strike sail" (Ac 27:17; here and in Tobit 11:11 with an archaic preterite "strake," elsewhere "struck"). The Revised Version's "They lowered the gear" is a more precise translation, not a modernizing of the King James Version's English. The combination "to strike through," however, is not modern English, and was used by the King James Version as meaning either "to pierce" (Jg 5:26; Job 20:24; Pr 7:23; La 4:9), or, as an intensive, "to strike violently," "to crush" (Ps 110:5). The Revised Version (British and American) has attempted to distinguish only in Hab 3:14, "pierce," margin "smite." "Striking hands" is a common custom at the conclusion of a bargain (Additions to Esther 14:8), but in Job 17:3; Pr 6:1; 17:18; 22:26; the Revised Version margin 11:15, the ceremony is used technically for an agreement to be surety for another. Striking (the Revised Version margin "firing") stones to produce a fire is mentioned (2 Macc 10:3).

See the definition of strike in the KJV Dictionary

The past participle of "strike" is stricken (modern English "struck") (compare Pr 23:35; Jer 5:3; La 4:9). So Isa 1:5, "Why will ye be still stricken?" is equivalent to "Why should ye receive any more blows?" (compare Isa 16:7; 53:4,8 margin). But in the phrase "stricken in age" (Ge 18:11, etc.) "strike" has an older meaning, "advance."

Striker is found in 1Ti 3:3; Tit 1:7 as a literal translation of plektes. A hot-tempered man, prone to physical outbursts, is meant. A stroke is simply a"blow," but in De 17:8; 21:5, "stroke" is used technically for "assault."

Burton Scott Easton

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