(shimron; Codex Vaticanus Sumoon; Codex Alexandrinus Someron and other forms): A town whose king was tributary to Jabin king of Hazor, and who joined in the attempt to resist the invasion under Joshua (Jos 11:1). It was in the territory allotted to Zebulun (Jos 19:15). No sure identification is yet possible. The Septuagint and the Talmud both omit the "r" from the name; and Neubauer would identify it with Simonias (Vita, 24), the Simonia of the Talmud, which is now represented by Semuniyeh, a village about 5 miles West of Nazareth, on the edge of the plain (Geog. du Talm). Beit Lachm, named by Josephus along with it, is a short distance to the Northwest Es-Semeiriyeh, about 3 miles North of Acre, has also been suggested; but it is perhaps too far to the West.
⇒See a list of verses on SHIMRON in the Bible.
W. Ewing