sha'-ul, sha'-ul-its (sha'ul; Saoul):
(1) A king of Edom (Ge 36:37 ff = 1Ch 1:48 ff).
(2) A son of Simeon (Ge 46:10; Ex 6:15; Nu 26:13; 1Ch 4:24). The clan was of notoriously impure stock, and, therefore, Shaul is called "the son of a Canaanitish woman" (Ge 46:10; Ex 6:15); the clan was of mixed Israelite and Canaanitish descent. The patronymic Shaulites is found in Nu 26:13.
(3) An ancestor of Samuel (1Ch 6:24 (Heb 9:1-28)); in 1Ch 6:36 he is called "Joel."