
sur'-vis: Six Hebrew, two Aramaic and four Greek words are so rendered.

See the definition of service in the KJV Dictionary

1. In the Old Testament:

In the Old Testament the word most used for "service" is (1) `abhodhah, from `abhadh, which is the general word, meaning "to work" and so "to serve," "to till," also "to enslave." The noun means "bondage," "labor," "ministering," "service," "tillage," "work," "use." The word is used in describing work in the fields (Ex 1:14, et al.), work in the tabernacle (Ex 27:19, et al.), sanctuary service (Nu 7:9), service of Yahweh (Nu 8:11), Levitical or priestly service (Nu 8:22), kingly service (1Ch 26:30), etc. Reference is made to instruments, wood vessels, cattle, herbs, shekels for the service in the house of Yahweh. (2) `Abhadh itself is translated "service" in Nu 8:15; 18:23; Jer 22:13. (3) Seradh means "stitching," i.e. piercing with a needle; it occurs only 4 times, and in each case in the Revised Version (British and American) instead of "service" is translated "finely wrought garments" (Ex 31:10; 35:19; 39:1,41). (4) Sharath means primarily "to attend" as a servant or worshipper, and to contribute to or render service, wait on, and thence service; occurs only 3 times (Ex 35:19; 39:1,41 the King James Version) and in the American Standard Revised Version is rendered "for ministering." (5) Tsabha' is found 7 times, used in the same connection each time, and refers to those numbered for service in the tent of meeting. Its primary root meaning refers to service for war, campaign, hardship (Nu 4:30,35,39,43; 8:24). (6) Yadh means literally, an "open hand, indicating direction, power, and so ministry as in 1Ch 6:31, where David appoints certain ones to have direction of the music, translated in 1Ch 29:5, the Revised Version (British and American) not service, but "himself." (7) `Abhidhah means "business," "labor," "affairs"; Ezr 6:18 is the only place where it is found. (8) Polchan, from root meaning "to worship," "minister to," and so in Ezr 7:19 vessels given for service.

See also the McClintock and Strong Biblical Cyclopedia.

2. In the New Testament:

The following are the uses in the New Testament: (1) Diakonia, from root meaning "to run on errands," and so attendance, aid as a servant, ministry, relief, and hence, service; compare English word "deacon"; Paul: "thatI might minister unto you" (2Co 11:8); also found in Ro 15:31 ("ministration") and Re 2:19 ("ministry"). (2) Douleuo, literally, "to be a slave," in bondage, service (Ga 4:8, "bondage"; Eph 6:7, "service"; 1Ti 6:2, "serve"). (3) Latreia, from root meaning "to render religious homage," menial service to God, and so worship (Joh 16:2, "service"; Ro 9:4, "service"; Ro 12:1, "spiritual service"; Heb 9:1, "service"; Heb 9:6, "services"). (4) Leitourgia, from root "to perform religious or charitable functions," worship, relieve, obey, minister, and hence, a public function, priestly or charitable (liturgy) (2Co 9:12, "service"; also in Php 2:17,30).


William Edward Raffety

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