sa-lo'-me (Salome):
⇒See a list of verses on SALOME in the Bible.
(1) One of the holy women who companied with Jesus in Galilee, and ministered to Him (Mr 15:40-41). She was present at the crucifixion (Mr 15:40), and was among those who came to the tomb of Jesus on the resurrection morning (Mr 16:1-2). Comparison with Mt 27:56 clearly identifies her with the wife of Zebedee. It is she, therefore, whose ambitious request for her sons James and John is recorded in Mt 20:20-24; Mr 10:35-40. From Joh 19:25 many infer that she was a sister of Mary, the mother of Jesus (thus Meyer, Luthardt, Alford); others (as Godet) dispute the inference.
(2) Salome was the name of the daughter of Herodias who danced before Herod, and obtained as reward the head of John the Baptist (Mt 14:3-11; Mr 6:17-28; compare Josephus, Ant,XVIII , v, Mr 4:1-41). She is not named in the Gospels.
⇒See also the McClintock and Strong Biblical Cyclopedia.
James Orr