
ik'-a-bod, i'-ka-bod (i-kha-bhodh, "inglorious"; Codex Vaticanus, ouai barchaboth; Codex Alexandrinus, ouai chaboth, Atimos): Son of Phinehas, Eli's son, slain at the battle of Aphek when the ark was taken. Ichabod was born after his father's death. His mother gave him this name on her death-bed to indicate that the "glory (had) departed from Israel" (1Sa 4:19 ff). He was thus important as a symbol, though little is recorded of him as an individual. His nephew Ahijah was one of those who tarried with Saul and the six hundred at Gibeah just before Jonathan's brave attack upon the Philistines (1Sa 14:2 f).

See a list of verses on I-CHABOD in the Bible.

Henry Wallace

See also the McClintock and Strong Biblical Cyclopedia.

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