Controlled appetite
6 I saw a tragedy under the sun, and it weighs heavily upon humanity. 2 God may give some people plenty of wealth, riches, and glory so that they lack nothing they desire. But God doesn’t enable them to enjoy it; instead, a stranger enjoys it. This is pointless and a sickening tragedy. 3 Some people may have one hundred children and live a long life. But no matter how long they live, if they aren’t content with life’s good things, I say that even a stillborn child with no grave is better off than they are.[a] 4 Because that child arrives pointlessly, then passes away in darkness. Darkness covers its name. 5 It hasn’t seen the sun or experienced anything. But it has more peace than those 6 who live a thousand years twice over but don’t enjoy life’s good things. Isn’t everyone heading to the same destination? 7 All the hard work of humans is for the mouth, but the appetite is never full. 8 What advantage do the wise have over the foolish? Or what do the poor gain by knowing how to conduct themselves before the living? 9 It’s better to enjoy what’s at hand than to have an insatiable appetite. This too is pointless, just wind chasing.
10 Whatever happens has already been designated, and human beings are fully known. They can’t contend with the one who is stronger than they are. 11 Because the more words increase, the more everything is pointless. What do people gain by it? 12 Because who knows what’s good for human beings during life, during their brief pointless life, which will pass away like a shadow? Who can say what the future holds for people under the sun?
- Ecclesiastes 6:3 Correction; Heb puts the lack of burial site with those who do not enjoy life's good things.