Numbers 29 - Amplified Bible (AMP)

Offerings of the Seventh Month

29 ‘On the [a]first day of the seventh month, you shall have a holy [summoned] assembly; you shall do no laborious work. It will be for you a day of blowing the trumpets (the shophar, ram’s horn). 2 You shall offer a burnt offering as a sweet and soothing aroma to the Lord: one bull, one ram, and seven male lambs one year old without blemish; 3 also their grain offering, fine flour mixed with oil, three-tenths [of an ephah] for the bull, two-tenths for the ram, 4 and one-tenth [of an ephah] for each of the seven lambs, 5 and one male goat as a sin offering to make atonement for you. 6 These are in addition to the burnt offering of the New Moon and its grain offering, and the continual burnt offering and its grain offering, and their drink offerings, according to the ordinance for them, as a sweet and soothing aroma, an offering by fire to the Lord.

7 ‘Then on the tenth day of this seventh month you shall have a holy [summoned] assembly [for the Day of Atonement]; and you shall [b]humble yourselves; you shall not do any work. 8 You shall present a burnt offering to the Lord as a sweet and soothing aroma: one bull, one ram, and seven male lambs one year old, which are without blemish; 9 and their grain offering, fine flour mixed with oil, three-tenths [of an ephah] for the bull, two-tenths for the one ram, 10 a tenth [of an ephah] for each of the seven lambs, 11 one male goat as a sin offering, in addition to the sin offering of atonement, and the continual burnt offering and its grain offering, and their drink offerings.

12 ‘Then on the fifteenth day of the seventh month you shall have a holy [summoned] assembly; you shall do no laborious work, and you shall observe a Feast [of Booths] to the Lord for seven days. 13 You shall present a burnt offering, an offering by fire as a sweet and soothing aroma to the Lord: thirteen bulls, two rams, and fourteen male lambs one year old, which are without blemish; 14 and their grain offering, fine flour mixed with oil, three-tenths [of an ephah] for each of the thirteen bulls, two-tenths for each of the two rams, 15 and a tenth [of an ephah] for each of the fourteen lambs; 16 also one male goat as a sin offering, in addition to the continual burnt offering, its grain offering and its drink offering.

17 ‘Then on the second day [of the Feast of Booths]: twelve bulls, two rams, fourteen male lambs one year old without blemish, 18 with their grain offering and their drink offerings for the bulls, the rams, and the lambs, by their number according to the ordinance, 19 also one male goat as a sin offering, in addition to the continual burnt offering, its grain offering, and their drink offerings.

20 ‘Then on the third day [of the Feast of Booths]: eleven bulls, two rams, fourteen male lambs one year old without blemish, 21 with their grain offering and drink offerings for the bulls, the rams, and the lambs, by their number according to the ordinance, 22 and one male goat as a sin offering, in addition to the continual burnt offering, its grain offering, and its drink offering.

23 ‘Then on the fourth day [of the Feast of Booths]: ten bulls, two rams, and fourteen male lambs one year old without blemish; 24 their grain offering and their drink offerings for the bulls, the rams, and the lambs, by their number according to the ordinance, 25 and one male goat as a sin offering, besides the continual burnt offering, its grain offering, and its drink offering.

26 ‘Then on the fifth day [of the Feast of Booths]: nine bulls, two rams, and fourteen male lambs one year old without blemish, 27 and their grain offering and drink offerings for the bulls, the rams, and the lambs, by their number according to the ordinance; 28 and one male goat as a sin offering, in addition to the continual burnt offering, and its grain offering, and its drink offering.

29 ‘Then on the sixth day [of the Feast of Booths]: eight bulls, two rams, and fourteen male lambs one year old without blemish; 30 and their grain offering and their drink offerings for the bulls, the rams, and the lambs, by their number according to the ordinance, 31 and one male goat as a sin offering, in addition to the continual burnt offering, its grain offering, and its drink offerings.

32 ‘Then on the seventh day [of the Feast of Booths]: seven bulls, two rams, and fourteen male lambs one year old without blemish, 33 and their grain offering and drink offerings for the bulls, the rams, and the lambs, by their number according to the ordinance; 34 and one male goat as a sin offering, in addition to the continual burnt offering, and its grain offering, and its drink offering.

35 ‘On the eighth day you shall have a solemn assembly [to mark the end of the feast]; you shall do no laborious work. 36 You shall present a burnt offering, an offering by fire, as a sweet and soothing aroma to the Lord: one bull, one ram, seven male lambs one year old without blemish; 37 their grain offering and drink offerings for the bull, the ram, and the lambs, by their number according to the ordinance, 38 and one male goat as a sin offering, in addition to the continual burnt offering, and its grain offering, and its drink offering.

39 ‘You shall present these to the Lord at your appointed times, in addition the offerings you have vowed and your freewill offerings, as your burnt offerings, grain offerings, drink offerings, and as your peace offerings.’” 40 [c]So Moses spoke to the Israelites in accordance with everything that the Lord had commanded him.


  1. Numbers 29:1 Later in Jewish culture this became Rosh Hashanah (New Year’s Day).
  2. Numbers 29:7 This probably included fasting and other kinds of abstention (see note Lev 16:29).
  3. Numbers 29:40 In the Hebrew text this is v 1 of ch 30.

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