Job 29 - American Standard Version (ASV)

29 And Job again took up his parable, and said,

2 Oh that I were as in the months of old,
As in the days when God watched over me;
3 When his lamp shined [a]upon my head,
And by his light I walked through darkness;
4 As I was in [b]the ripeness of my days,
When the [c]friendship of God was upon my tent;
5 When the Almighty was yet with me,
And my children were about me;
6 When my steps were washed with butter,
And the rock poured me out streams of oil!
7 When I went forth to the gate unto the city,
When I prepared my seat in the [d]street,
8 The young men saw me and hid themselves,
And the aged rose up and stood;
9 The princes refrained from talking,
And laid their hand on their mouth;
10 The voice of the nobles was [e]hushed,
And their tongue cleaved to the roof of their mouth.
11 For when the ear heard me, then it blessed me;
And when the eye saw me, it gave witness unto me:
12 Because I delivered the poor that cried,
The fatherless also, [f]that had none to help him.
13 The blessing of him that was ready to perish came upon me;
And I caused the widow’s heart to sing for joy.
14 I put on righteousness, and it [g]clothed me:
My justice was as a robe and a [h]diadem.
15 I was eyes to the blind,
And feet was I to the lame.
16 I was a father to the needy:
And [i]the cause of him that I knew not I searched out.
17 And I brake the [j]jaws of the unrighteous,
And plucked the prey out of his teeth.
18 Then I said, I shall die [k]in my nest,
And I shall multiply my days as the sand:
19 My root is [l]spread out [m]to the waters,
And the dew lieth all night upon my branch:
20 My glory is fresh in me,
And my bow is renewed in my hand.
21 Unto me men gave ear, and waited,
And kept silence for my counsel.
22 After my words they spake not again;
And my speech distilled upon them.
23 And they waited for me as for the rain;
And they opened their mouth wide as for the latter rain.
24 I smiled on them, when they had no confidence;
And the light of my countenance they cast not down.
25 I chose out their way, and sat as chief,
And dwelt as a king in the army,
As one that comforteth the mourners.


  1. Job 29:3 Or, above
  2. Job 29:4 Hebrew my days of autumn.
  3. Job 29:4 Or, counsel
  4. Job 29:7 Or, broad place
  5. Job 29:10 Hebrew hid.
  6. Job 29:12 Or, and him that had etc.
  7. Job 29:14 Or, clothed itself with me
  8. Job 29:14 Or, turban
  9. Job 29:16 Or, the cause which I knew not
  10. Job 29:17 Hebrew great teeth.
  11. Job 29:18 Or, beside. Hebrew with.
  12. Job 29:19 Hebrew opened.
  13. Job 29:19 Or, by

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