Chapter 8
1 At that time, says the Lord, the bones of the kings and officials of Judah, the bones of its priests and prophets, and the bones of the inhabitants of Jerusalem will be exhumed from their graves. 2 They will be spread out before the sun and the moon and all the host of heaven which they loved and served, and which they followed, consulted, and worshiped. Their bones will not be gathered up and buried but will be left upon the ground like dung. 3 And death will be preferred to life by the survivors of the wicked race in any of the places to which I have banished them, says the Lord of hosts.
Israel’s Infidelity
4 [a]Then you are to say to them,
Thus says the Lord:
When someone falls, does he not stand up again?
If people go astray, do they not turn back?
5 Why then do these people continue to rebel
and persist in their obstinate infidelity?
Why do they continue in their treachery
and refuse to turn back?
6 I have listened to them attentively
but they never utter a truthful word.
Not a single one repents of his wickedness,
saying, “What have I done?”
All of them continue to follow the same course
like a horse charging into battle.
7 Even the stork in the sky
knows its appointed seasons;
turtledoves, swallows, and cranes
are aware when it is time to migrate.
But my people do not know
the ordinances of the Lord.
8 How can you say, “We are wise,
for we have the law of the Lord,”
when that law has been falsified
by the lying pen of the scribes?
9 The wise will be put to shame;
they will be dismayed and caught in errors.
Since they have rejected the word of the Lord,
of what value is their wisdom?
Unrepentant for Their Sins
10 Therefore, I will give their wives to other men
and their fields to new owners.
From the least to the greatest,
everyone is greedy for ill-gotten gain.
All of them practice fraud,
including prophets and priests.
11 They bandage the wound of my people
as though it were a minor injury.
“Peace! Peace!” they say,
when there is no peace.
12 They should be embarrassed at their loathsome deeds,
yet they are not the least bit ashamed;
they do not even know how to blush.
Therefore, they will join the others who have fallen;
when the day of punishment arrives,
they will be thrown down, says the Lord.
A Prophet’s Lament
13 I will gather them all in,
the Lord has promised;
there will be no grapes on the vine,
no figs on the fig trees.
Even the leaves will be withered;
what I have given them
will be taken away from them.
14 Why are we just sitting idly here?
It is time to mobilize.
Let us march into the fortified cities
and perish there.
For the Lord, our God, has doomed us for destruction
and given us poisoned water to drink
because we have sinned against him.
15 We are praying for peace, but to no avail;
for a time of healing,
only to be confronted with terror.
16 The snorting of horses is heard from Dan;
the neighing of his stallions
causes the entire land to quake.
The enemy is advancing to devour the land
and all that it contains,
the city and those who dwell there.
17 Behold, I will send against you
venomous snakes that cannot be charmed,
and they will bite you, says the Lord.
18 There is no cure for my grief,
and my heart is faint within me.
19 Listen to the cry of distress
from my people in a distant land.
“Is the Lord no longer in Zion?
Is her king no longer in their midst?”
(Why do they provoke me with their idols
and with their foreign gods?)
20 “The time of harvest is past,
the summer is at an end,
and we are not saved.”
21 The suffering of my people causes me to suffer too.
I mourn, overcome with terror.
22 Is there no more balm in Gilead?[b]
Can no physician be found there?
Why has there not been any progress
to restore the health of my people?
- Jeremiah 8:4 Among the rebukes and threats in this part of the Book is inserted a sorrowful lament: the people do not know the Lord! To know God and heed his word is true wisdom. Because it has preferred its own wisdom, the nation is plunging into ruin.
- Jeremiah 8:22 Gilead: in the Transjordan area, famous for its medicinal spices.