8 · kai When hotan the Lamb opened anoigō the ho seventh hebdomos seal sphragis, · ho there was ginomai silence sigē in en · ho heaven ouranos for about hōs half an hour hēmiōrion. 2 Then kai I saw the ho seven hepta angels angelos who hos stand histēmi before enōpion · ho God theos, and kai to them autos were given didōmi seven hepta trumpets salpinx. 3 And kai another allos angel angelos came erchomai and kai stood histēmi at epi the ho altar thusiastērion, holding echō a golden chrysous censer libanōtos. · kai To him autos was given didōmi a large quantity polys of incense thumiama to hina offer up didōmi, with the ho prayers proseuchē of all pas the ho saints hagios, on epi the ho golden chrysous altar thusiastērion · ho that ho is before enōpion the ho throne thronos. 4 And kai the ho smoke kapnos of the ho incense thumiama, with the ho prayers proseuchē of the ho saints hagios, rose anabainō before enōpion God theos from ek the hand cheir of the ho angel angelos. · ho 5 Then kai the ho angel angelos took lambanō the ho censer libanōtos and kai filled gemizō it autos with ek · ho fire pyr from the ho altar thusiastērion and kai threw ballō it down on eis the ho earth gē, and kai there were ginomai peals of thunder brontē, · kai rumblings phōnē, · kai flashes of lightning astrapē, and kai an earthquake seismos.
6 And kai the ho seven hepta angels angelos who ho had echō the ho seven hepta trumpets salpinx made hetoimazō themselves autos ready to hina blow salpizō them. 7 · kai The ho first prōtos angel blew salpizō his trumpet , and kai there followed ginomai hail chalaza and kai fire pyr, mixed mignymi with en blood haima, and kai it was thrown down ballō on eis the ho earth gē, and kai a ho third tritos of the ho earth gē was burned up katakaiō, and kai a ho third tritos of the ho trees dendron were burned up katakaiō, and kai all pas the green chlōros grass chortos was burned up katakaiō.
8 · kai The ho second deuteros angel angelos blew his trumpet salpizō, and kai something like hōs a great megas mountain oros, burning kaiō with fire pyr, was thrown down ballō into eis the ho sea thalassa, and kai a ho third tritos of the ho sea thalassa turned into ginomai blood haima, 9 · kai a ho third tritos of the ho living echō creatures ktisma · ho in en the ho sea thalassa · ho died apothnēskō, and kai a ho third tritos of the ho ships ploion were destroyed diaphtheirō.
10 · kai The ho third tritos angel angelos blew his trumpet salpizō, and kai there fell piptō from ek · ho heaven ouranos a great megas star astēr, blazing kaiō like hōs a torch lampas, and kai it fell piptō on epi a ho third tritos of the ho rivers potamos and kai on epi the ho springs pēgē of ho water hydōr. 11 · kai The ho name onoma of the ho star astēr is legō · ho Wormwood apsinthos. · kai A ho third tritos of the ho waters hydōr became ginomai wormwood apsinthos, and kai many polys · ho people anthrōpos died apothnēskō from ek the ho waters hydōr because hoti they had been made bitter pikrainō.
12 · kai The ho fourth tetartos angel angelos blew his trumpet salpizō, and kai a ho third tritos of the ho sun hēlios was struck plēssō, and kai a ho third tritos of the ho moon selēnē, and kai a ho third tritos of the ho stars astēr, so that hina a ho third tritos of them autos were darkened; · kai for a ho third tritos of the ho day hēmera there was no mē light phainō, and kai for a third of the ho night nyx as well homoiōs.
13 Then kai I looked, and kai I heard akouō an heis eagle aetos crying legō with phōnē a loud megas voice phōnē as it flew petomai directly en overhead mesouranēma, “ Woe ouai, woe ouai, woe ouai to those ho who live katoikeō on epi the ho earth gē because of ek the ho blasts phōnē of the other loipos · ho trumpets salpinx that the ho three treis angels angelos · ho are about mellō to blow salpizō!”