5 Come agō now nyn, you ho rich people plousios, weep klaiō and wail ololyzō over epi the ho miseries talaipōria that ho are coming eperchomai your way hymeis. 2 · ho Your hymeis riches ploutos have rotted sēpō and kai · ho your hymeis clothes himation are ginomai moth-eaten sētobrōtos. 3 · ho Your hymeis gold chrysos and kai your ho silver argyros have rusted katioō and kai · ho their autos rust ios will be eimi a witness martyrion against you hymeis, and kai it will consume esthiō · ho your hymeis flesh sarx like hōs fire pyr. You have stored up treasure thēsaurizō for en the last eschatos days hēmera. 4 Look idou, the ho wages misthos you have held back apostereō from the ho workers ergatēs who ho mowed amaō · ho your hymeis fields chōra · ho are crying out krazō against apo you hymeis, and kai the ho cries boē of the ho harvesters therizō have reached eiserchomai the ho ears ous of the Lord kyrios of Hosts Sabaōth. 5 You have lived tryphaō on epi the ho earth gē in self-indulgence and kai luxury spatalaō. You have fattened trephō · ho your hymeis hearts kardia for en a day hēmera of slaughter sphagē. 6 You condemn katadikazō the ho innocent dikaios and put him to death phoneuō; he does not ou resist antitassō you hymeis.
7 Be patient makrothumeō, therefore oun, dear friends adelphos, until heōs the ho coming parousia of the ho Lord kyrios. Note idou how the ho farmer geōrgos waits for ekdechomai the ho precious timios harvest karpos of the ho earth gē, being patient makrothumeō for epi it autos until heōs it receives lambanō the early proimos and kai latter opsimos rains . 8 You hymeis too kai must be patient makrothumeō; strengthen stērizō · ho your hymeis hearts kardia, for hoti the ho coming parousia of the ho Lord kyrios is near engizō. 9 Do not mē complain stenazō against kata one another allēlōn, my brothers adelphos, lest hina mē you be judged krinō. Look idou, the ho judge kritēs is standing histēmi at pro the ho doors thura. 10 As an example hypodeigma of ho suffering kakopatheia and kai patience makrothumia, brothers adelphos, take lambanō · ho the ho prophets prophētēs who hos spoke laleō in en the ho name onoma of the Lord kyrios. 11 For sure idou, we regard as blessed makarizō those ho who persevered hypomenō. You have heard of akouō the ho perseverance hypomonē of Job Iōb and kai have seen the ho result telos of the Lord' s kyrios activity, that hoti the ho Lord kyrios is eimi exceedingly compassionate polysplanchnos and kai merciful oiktirmōn. 12 Above pro all pas, · de my egō brothers adelphos, do not mē swear omnyō, either mēte by ho heaven ouranos or mēte by ho earth gē or mēte by any tis other allos oath horkos. Rather de let your hymeis “ Yes nai” be eimi · ho yes nai and kai your ho “ No ou,” no ou, so that hina you may piptō not mē fall piptō under hypo judgment krisis.
13 Is anyone tis among en you hymeis suffering kakopatheō? He should pray proseuchomai. Is anyone tis cheerful euthumeō? He should sing praises psallō. 14 Is anyone tis among en you hymeis sick astheneō? He should call for proskaleō the ho elders presbyteros of the ho church ekklēsia and kai have them pray proseuchomai over epi him autos, anointing aleiphō him autos with oil elaion in en the ho name onoma of the ho Lord kyrios; 15 and kai the ho prayer euchē offered in ho faith pistis will restore sōzō the ho one who is sick kamnō and kai the ho Lord kyrios will raise egeirō him autos up . And if kan he has eimi committed poieō sins hamartia, he autos will be forgiven aphiēmi. 16 Therefore oun confess exomologeomai your ho sins hamartia to one another allēlōn and kai pray euchomai for hyper one another allēlōn so that hopōs you may be healed iaomai. The active energeō prayer deēsis of dikaios a righteous person dikaios has great polys power ischuō. 17 Elijah ēlias was eimi a man anthrōpos exactly homoiopathēs like us hēmeis, and kai he prayed earnestly proseuchē that it would not mē rain brechō, and kai for eniautos three treis years eniautos and kai six hex months mēn no ou rain fell brechō on epi the ho earth gē. 18 Then kai he prayed proseuchomai again palin, and kai the ho heavens ouranos poured down didōmi rain hyetos and kai the ho earth gē produced blastanō · ho its autos harvest karpos.
19 My egō brothers adelphos, if ean anyone tis among en you hymeis strays planaō from apo the ho truth alētheia and kai someone tis brings him autos back epistrephō, 20 he should know ginōskō that hoti the ho one who brings epistrephō a sinner hamartōlos back from ek the error planē of his autos way hodos will save sōzō that person’ s autos soul psychē from ek death thanatos and kai cover kalyptō a multitude plēthos of sins hamartia.