14 A wise woman strengthens her family.
But a foolish woman destroys hers by what she does.
2 People who live good lives show respect for the Lord.
But those who live evil lives show no respect for him.
3 A foolish person will be punished for his proud words.
But a wise person’s words will protect him.
4 When there are no oxen, there is no food in the barn.
But with the strength of an ox, much grain can be grown.
5 A truthful witness does not lie.
But a false witness tells nothing but lies.
6 Those who make fun of wisdom look for it but do not find it.
But the person with understanding easily finds knowledge.
7 Stay away from a foolish person.
You won’t learn anything from him.
8 What makes a person wise is understanding what to do.
But what makes a person foolish is dishonesty.
9 Foolish people don’t care if they sin.
But honest people work at being right with others.
10 No one else can know your sadness.
Strangers cannot share your joy.
11 The wicked person’s house will be destroyed.
But a good person’s tent will still be standing.
12 Some people think they are doing what’s right.
But what they are doing will really kill them.
13 When someone is laughing, he may be sad inside.
And when the laughter is over, there is sorrow.
14 Evil people will be paid back for their evil ways.
And good people will be rewarded for their good ones.
15 A foolish person will believe anything.
But a wise person thinks about what he does.
16 A wise person is careful and stays out of trouble.
But a foolish person is quick to act and careless.
17 A person who quickly loses his temper does foolish things.
But a person with understanding remains calm.
18 Foolish people get nothing for their work but more foolishness.
But wise people are rewarded with knowledge.
19 Evil people will have to bow down to good people.
The wicked will bow down at the door of those who do right.
20 The poor are rejected, even by their neighbors.
But rich people have many friends.
21 It is a sin to hate your neighbor.
But being kind to the needy brings happiness.
22 Those who make evil plans will be ruined.
But people love and trust those who plan to do good.
23 Those who work hard make a profit.
But those who only talk will be poor.
24 Wise people are rewarded with wealth.
But foolish people will only be rewarded with more foolishness.
25 A truthful witness saves lives.
But a false witness is a traitor.
26 A person who respects the Lord will have security.
And his children will be protected.
27 Respect for the Lord gives life.
It is like a fountain of water that can save people from death.
28 A king is honored when he has many people to rule.
But a prince is ruined if he has none.
29 A person who does not quickly get angry shows that he has understanding.
But a person who quickly loses his temper shows his foolishness.
30 Peace of mind means a healthy body.
But jealousy will rot your bones.
31 Whoever is cruel to the poor insults their Maker.
But anyone who is kind to the needy honors God.
32 The wicked are ruined by their own evil.
But those who do what is right are protected by their honesty.
33 The person who has understanding has wisdom.
And even fools recognize it.
34 Doing what is right makes a nation great.
But sin will bring disgrace to any people.
35 A king is pleased with a wise servant.
But he will become angry with one who causes him shame.