17 My spirit is broken.
The days of my life are almost gone.
The grave is waiting for me.
2 Those who laugh at me surround me.
I watch them insult me.
3 “God, make me a promise.
No one else will make a promise for me.
4 You have closed the minds of my friends so they do not understand.
So you will not let them win over me.
5 A man might speak against his friends for money.
But if he does, the eyes of his children go blind.
6 “God has caused people to use my name as a curse word.
People spit in my face.
7 My sight has grown weak because of my sadness.
My body is so thin it’s like a shadow.
8 Honest people are upset about this.
Innocent people are upset with people who do wrong.
9 But people who do right will continue to do right.
And those whose hands are not dirty with sin will grow stronger.
10 “But, all of you, come and try again!
I do not find a wise man among you!
11 My days are gone, and my plans have been destroyed.
The desires of my heart are also destroyed.
12 These men think night is day.
When it is dark, they say, ‘Light is near.’
13 It might be that the only home I hope for is where the dead are.
I might spread out my bed in darkness.
14 I might say to the grave, ‘You are my father.’
And I might say to the worm, ‘You are my mother’ or ‘You are my sister.’
15 If these things are true, I have no hope.
No one can see any hope for me.
16 Hope will go down to the gates of death.
We will go down together into the dust.”