Search Results for "Israeli culture"

Your search for "Israeli culture" return 50 results

What do biblical archaeologists say about hieroglyphics? tag image
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What do biblical archaeologists say about hieroglyphics?

Map of Ancient Jerusalem

The Sacred Legitimation Of Kings

Social Ethics in the Prophets

Assyrian Dominance (750-605 BC)

The Persian Period and Return from Exile (538-323 BC)

Time Line of Sumer

Mythology tag image
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Ba‘al Worship in the Old Testament

Torah tag image
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A Chronology of Persian History

Historical Books

Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage

Why The Bible Cannot Be Legend

The Jewish Religious System

Judea: from Alexander to Herod the Great

Black Theology, Black Power, and the Black Experience

Historical and Cultural Context of Scripture

Historical Timeline of Israel

Surrounding Nations

Ancient Israel tag image
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Ancient Israel

Why Isn't the Evidence Clearer?